No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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9:39 p.m.

Run or hide?

As Lars approached his van, Darby chose hide. She

scooted all the way inside the vehicle, tucking her knees inside

and gently closing the rear door behind her — but it shut on a


His footsteps crunched closer.


She tugged the towel inside and eased the door shut. It

clicked home. She was now sealed inside the predator’s van,

wedged between the rear door and Jay’s dog kennel. She sunk

as low to the floor as she could, contorting to fit the cramped

space, and covered herself with heaped blankets and scratchy

rugs. Coca Cola bottles jangled underneath her. The musty

odor of dog blankets. Her forehead pressed to the cold metal

door, her right elbow squished crookedly behind her back. She

fought to control her breathing, to keep her panicked gulps of

air silent: Inhale. Count to five. Exhale.

Inhale. Count to five. Exhale.

Inhale. Count to—

Now she heard Rodent Face’s footsteps circle the vehicle’s

right side, past the nail gun-wielding cartoon fox, past the WE

FINISH WHAT WE START motto, passing between his van

and her own Honda. She tasted a seasick mix of fright and

vindication — if she’d chosen run instead of hide, he would

have certainly spotted her. He kept coming, wheezing softly

between his too-small teeth, and she saw his silhouette pass by

the rear window over her head. He paused there, glancing

inside, twelve inches away from her, his breath fogging on the


Darby held hers.

If he opens that door, I’m dead—

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