No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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Darby scooted her chair out and stood up on quivering

knees. Ed and Ashley glanced up at her. This was her chance,

her thirty-second window to sneak outside and confirm the

unthinkable. Her phone in her hand, she moved to the front

door, her lungs swelling with held breath — but on the way

she surprised herself. She did something utterly illogical.

She approached the second carafe, labeled COCO, and

quickly refilled her eight-ounce Styrofoam cup. She didn’t

even like hot chocolate.

But kids do. Right?

She heard a urinal flush. Lars was coming back.

Hurrying now, she sipped the warm drink while she

crossed back to the front doorway, and tugged the door open,

aware that Ashley was still watching her. “Yo, Darbs, where

are you going?”

Darbs. She hadn’t been called that since fifth grade.

“Trying again to get a cell signal. My mom’s got

pancreatic cancer and she’s in a hospital in Provo.” Without

giving Ashley time to respond, she stepped outside into the

howling storm, flinching against a wall of bone-chilling air,

and recalled an offhand little saying she’d heard once from her

mother: The easiest lies to tell are the true ones.

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