No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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The cameras, too. The fuzzy microphones. The

investigators, clutching their notepads and tablets, trading

gentle questions and sideways glances. The phone interviews

with journalists whose accents she could barely understand.

The news truck parked outside with an antenna that looked

like a ship’s mast. The reverent, almost fearful way people

hushed their voices when speaking about the dead, like poor

Edward Schaeffer. And Corporal Ron Hill, the highway

patrolman who made a tragic, split-second error that cost him

his life.

And Darby Thorne.

The one who started it all. The restless, red-eyed art

student from an obscure state college in Boulder, racing a

beater Honda Civic across the Rockies, who’d first stumbled

across a child locked in a stranger’s van and took heroic action

to save her.

And, against all odds, succeeded.

Darby came to that rest stop for a reason, Jay’s mother

had said back at Saint Joseph. Sometimes God puts people

exactly where they need to be.

Even when they don’t know it.

A gust slipped through the cemetery, breathing among the

taller gravestones, making Jay shiver, and now her mother

caught up to the group, flipping up her sunglasses to read the

letter as they coalesced on paper, clearer with every stroke of

black crayon. “She … she had a pretty name.”

“Yeah. She did.”

Sunlight pierced the clouds and for a few seconds, Jay felt

warmth on her skin. A curtain of light swept over the graves,

shimmering over granite and frozen grass blades. Then it was

gone, snuffed by a biting cold, and Jay’s father slipped his

hands into his coat pockets. For a long moment the three of

them were silent, listening to the last scratchy rubs of crayon

as the headstone transferred to paper.

“Take as long as you need,” he said.

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