No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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12/24/17 5:31 p.m.

To: amagicman13@gmail.com

From: Fat_Kenny1964@outlook.com

Sorry for the delay Ashley, we got our own snowmageddon

goin on up here too. The neighbors barn finally caved in and

the horses are going apeshit. You won’t even recognize the


But yah, you wanted it in writing and you bet, let’s do this

thing, 10k upgfront plus 10% of everything I pull after. It’s

been awhile since weve done one of these, but I’ve got the

bunker ready and two interested fellas already one from

Milwaukee, one Portland.

Those meds you’re getting will make her better right, at

least for a while? Sick is OK, barfing is NOT OK.

Hope you did a clean job on the schoolbus lady. You

should be in Bozeman by now so be here the day after Xmas

then? Stay safe, keep Lars’s nose clean and keep off the big


Talk soon, I’ve got someone knocking at the front doo__

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