No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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into the guts of Chink’s Drop, he’d been rescued by the

blindest, dumbest chance, and the bones in his thumb had

knitted perfectly, against the doctor’s prediction — yes sir,

he’d grown up to be quite a magic man, indeed, and there

could be no doubt, he was destined for big things.

How big?

Hell, maybe he’d be president someday.

He couldn’t resist; he laughed — but oddly, he didn’t hear

it. Only the tinnitus-ring in his ears. Come to think of it, he

wasn’t even sure if his face was moving.

“Nice shooting, Jaybird,” he tried to say.

No sound.

Jay lowered the Beretta. Now she appeared strangely

calm, still watching him, studying him with those little blue

eyes. Not with terror — no, not anymore — but curiosity


What the hell?

Ashley tried to speak again, this time slower, his tongue

carefully enunciating: “Nice shooting, Jaybird,” and he heard

it come out as a single groaned syllable, slurred by Novocain

lips. It was his voice — yes, it came from his own lungs and

airway — but it was spoken by a drooling retard he didn’t

recognize. This was the single most terrifying sensation he’d

ever felt.

Then his eyes slipped out of focus.

Jay blurred, then doubled. Now there were two Jaybirds

staring back at him, and both of them set down their twin

copies of the pistol that killed him.

A warm wetness slithered down his face, tickling his

cheek. A strange odor touched the floor of his brain, dense and

sour, like burnt feathers. He was furious now, trembling with

rage, and he tried to say something else, to curse at Jay, to

threaten a red card, to raise the officer’s sidearm and shut her

up forever, but it had already fallen from his fingers. To his

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