No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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The scrawny kid who’d worn an Army surplus helmet and

combat boots to junior high school, who loved ranch sauce on

his Famous Star cheeseburgers, who’d re-watched Starship

Troopers until his VHS copy strangled the VCR with black

ribbons — he was gone now. Gone forever. He’d never play

the new Gears of War on Xbox One. All because he got

sucked into a school bus driver’s ill-fated little ransom

scheme. Because between the changed locks, the cops, and the

blizzard, this entire week had careened wildly off the rails.

And it all would’ve been manageable, still, were it not for


Darbs. Darbo. That fiery little redhead from CU-Boulder

who broke into their car with a shoelace, of all things, who

handed Jaybird a knife and tipped an already volatile night

irreversibly off-course. He suspected his entire life had been

building to this confrontation. Hers, too. She was his destiny,

and he was hers.

In a better universe, perhaps he’d marry her. But in this

one, he’d have to kill her. And, unfortunately, he’d have to

make it hurt.

Oh, Lars, Lars, Lars.

I’ll make this right.

I promise, I’ll—

He heard a whoosh to his right and he whirled, aiming the

cordless nailer, expecting to see Darby and Jaybird cowering

behind the coffee stand. But Espresso Peak was empty. Pierced

with nails, dripping with gasoline, messy with tipped cups and

plastic fragments, but empty. They weren’t here.

He noticed the toaster was crammed with brown napkins.

The noise he’d heard?

A cloud of gray smoke, curling from the toaster’s glowing

coils. A sizzle as the napkins ignited. Ashley ran his tongue

along his upper lip, tasting gasoline vapor, and then it all made


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