No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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“We could’ve gone to Idaho. Together.” Ashley kicked the

table again, scooting it forward another scraping inch,

shedding splinters. His voice boomed in the pressurized air:

“Don’t you get it? We could’ve gone to Rathdrum. Rented the

loft over my uncle’s garage. I’d do jobs with Fox Contracting.

You’d be my girl, and we’d leave our cities behind, you and

me, and I’d show you the river I grew up on, and the trestle—”

“Is he telling the truth?” Jay asked.

Darby sighed. “I don’t even think he knows.”

Ashley Garver — a piteous creature that wore so many

masks, he didn’t even know what he looked like beneath them.

Maybe his heart was breaking, even as he discovered he had

one. Or maybe it was all just words.

“You could’ve been my girl,” he wailed, “but you fuckin’

ruined it—”

Darby aimed the Beretta as the table shifted again. But she

couldn’t fire yet. She would have to wait. She’d have to wait

until Ashley Garver was visible, until he scraped the table

aside and vaulted in through the broken window. Then, and

only then, could she—


She froze, the trigger half-pulled. The hammer cocked

back, a heartbeat away from dropping. Something else,

something terrible, had just occurred to her.

No, no, no …

The pungent taste of gasoline, sharp on her tongue. The

tipped fuel jug had now drained itself empty, a half-inch

spreading to coat the entire floor. Fumes crowded the air,

sweating beads on the walls.

If I fire Lars’s handgun, she realized with dawning horror,

the muzzle blast could ignite the vapor in the air. The chain

reaction would incinerate the entire room. There were five

gallons spilled in here. The floor would become a sea of

rolling fire, like dropping the world’s biggest Molotov

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