No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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8:17 p.m.

She went back inside.

Ashley glanced up. “Any luck?”

She didn’t answer.

He was seated now, at the wood table, playing cards with

Ed. A new woman was here, too — Ed’s wife, apparently —

sitting next to him. She was a fussy little forty-something with

a black bowl cut and a crinkly yellow parka, busily popping

cartoon bubbles on her tablet. She’d been the one in the


As the door clicked shut at Darby’s back, she tallied three

possible suspects: Chatty Ashley, sad-eyed Ed, and Ed’s

frumpy wife. So who did the gray van belong to?

Oh, my God, there’s a kid outside in that van.

Locked in a cage or something.

It hit her again, all at once. She tasted raw oysters in the

back of her mouth. Her legs went mushy. She needed to sit

down, but was afraid to.

One of these three people did it—

“Make sure the door is shut,” Ed said.

Like nothing had happened, the card game resumed.

Ashley checked his hand and glanced sideways at Ed. “Four of


“Go fish. Two of spades?”


Something else was wrong, Darby realized. The math

didn’t add up. There were three cars outside besides her own.

Three suspects in here. But Ed and his wife had almost

certainly traveled together. Right? So there had to be a fourth

person at the rest stop. But where?

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