No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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“It’s okay.”

She hadn’t yet looked at her right hand. She’d been

dreading it. She did now — for a split-second — and then she

ripped her eyes away, gasping—

Oh God.

She dared to look at the damage again, her vision clouding

with tears. Her thumb, index, and middle fingers were all

okay. But her ring finger was skinned raw. The fingernail was

slivered, half-detached, jutting upright like a cornflake. And

her pinkie finger was gone. Everything from the first knuckle

up. Gone, missing, severed, not a part of Darby Thorne’s body

anymore. Still inside that door hinge across the room, crushed

and unrecognizable—

Oh God, oh God, oh God—

Strangely, the actual act of ripping her hand out of it

hadn’t hurt at all. She’d freed herself in two sharp, clockwise

twists. Just a fuzzy sort of discomfort, blunted by adrenaline.

But she was rapidly losing blood now, spurting a ceaseless

trickle that ran warmly down her wrist and blotted circles on

the floor. She covered it with her other hand. She couldn’t look

at it anymore.

Like Ed had said, hours ago: When you’re facing a lunch

date with the Reaper, what’re a few little bones and tendons?

And more half-remembered voices, warped and tinny,

coming at her in a nauseous swirl: Can you cut a girl in half?

I’m a magic man, Lars, my brother.

My toast always lands jelly-side up, you could say—

Dizzy now, she checked the first-aid box on the floor,

leaving sticky red handprints, pawing through the syringes and

Band-Aid boxes. Searching for that thick gauze — but it was

gone. Sandi had used it all.

“Can they …” Jay hesitated.

“Can they what?”

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