No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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veiled joke that Lars didn’t get. This was normal. He never got

jokes. Most of the time, they were about him.

A sore cavity in his stomach told him this one was, too.

Like the moment before Ashley had hurled Stripes into that

campfire two summers ago: Hey, baby brother. Wanna see a

shooting star?

“Jaybird,” he repeated.

No reaction.

“Jaybird, you’re … ah, you’re gonna get a red card when

Ashley gets back,” he said, glancing back left to the closet

door, pointing his flashlight back at Darby—

She wasn’t there.

Just the door. A trickle of blood. And a mashed little red

piece still wedged in the door, like the juicy inside of a rare

hamburger, and it took a half-second to register in Lars’s thick

mind as what it really was, what it meant, what had just

happened, and what was coming—

* * *

Darby slammed into Rodent Face hard, from the side,

sending the flashlight tumbling into wild shadows. No time for

fear. Screaming with pain and adrenaline, something raw,

black, and feral.

She got under Lars’s right arm, under the pistol, and

knocked it aside, clattering against the brochure rack. She had

one chance now, one racing chance — and she also had her

father’s Swiss Army knife in her left hand (Congratulations on

Graduating College!), its blade dulled from sawing through

the bars of Jay’s dog kennel, but still sharp enough — and with

it, she throat-punched Larson Garver squarely in his Adam’s


The knife slipped right in.

Blood spurted into her face. Into her eyes, her mouth. The

taste of warm nickels. Lars’s hand swiped at her, his sharp

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