No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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To his right, Lars took a diligent firing stance with the

Beretta Cougar, just the way Ashley had once taught him. Two

knuckled hands, thumbs high, index finger curling around the

trigger. But Ashley knew he wouldn’t fire. Not without

permission. He was waiting, oh-so-obediently, for a cue to

execute Ed, which could come in many forms — including a

baseball reference.

A drop of sweat hit the floor.

“I promise we won’t hurt you,” Ashley restated. “You

have my word.”

“Eddie, please.” Sandi’s voice softened. “You’re drunk.

Just put it down, and I’ll explain everything.”

But to his credit, he didn’t give in. He stood firm, not even

acknowledging Lars’s gun, staring back at Ashley, only

Ashley, like he was the only person in the world. Rock-hard

eyes, daring him to do it. The lug wrench rattled with

adrenaline. When he finally spoke, it was a low growl: “I

knew I hated you.”

“Really?” Ashley said. “I liked you.”

“The moment I first met you tonight, when I shook your

hand, I just … I somehow knew.” The old animal doctor

smiled a strange, sad smile. “I caught a flash, I think, of

exactly who you are. Behind the circle time, behind the bad

jokes and the card games. You’re the sum of every trait I’ve

ever hated in a human being. You’re smug, you’re irritating,

you talk too much, you’re not half as clever as you think you

are, and under it all? You’re pure evil.”

And you’re batting a thousand, Ashley almost said.

But then Ed sighed, and something broke behind his eyes,

like he was finally recognizing the futility of this little

standoff. He raised both hands and opened his right in

grudging surrender. The lug wrench dropped and banged off

the tile floor. The echo rang in the air, and Ashley grinned.

Lars lowered his Beretta.

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