No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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Ed knelt to Jay. “When they come, you’re going to get

behind the counter. You’ll close your eyes. And whatever

happens, you won’t come out. Understand?”

The girl nodded. “Okay.”

Over Jay’s head, Darby mouthed to Ed: How do we treat


“We … we get her to a hospital. That’s all we can do,” he

whispered, leaning close. “I’ve only dealt with it in dogs, and

even then I’ve only seen it a few times. I just know she’s in a

shock period right now. Her body isn’t creating adrenaline —

it’s called an Addisonian crisis — so if things get scary or

intense, her body could trigger a seizure, or coma, or worse.

We need to control her stress level. And keep her environment

as calm and peaceful as possible—”

Sandi gasped from the window. “Ashley’s got a … oh

God, is that a nail gun?”

“Yeah,” Darby said, turning back to Ed. “Not happening.”

* * *

Ashley clicked a battery into his Paslode IMCT cordless

nailer and waited for the little green light to blink.

Back in his father’s days (the golden years of Fox

Contracting), to get any sort of power behind a fired nail, you

needed an air compressor and several yards of rubber hose.

Now it was all batteries and fuel cells — stuff you can carry in

your pocket.

Ashley’s model was bright, Sesame Street-orange. Sixteen

pounds. The Paslode decal worn away. Nails fed from a

cylindrical magazine, which had always reminded Ashley of

the drum on John Dillinger’s tommy gun. The nails’ lengths

are measured in pennies, for some ass-backwards medieval

reason, and these ones were 16-pennies, or roughly three-anda-half

inches. Designed to spear into 2x4 lumber. They can

penetrate human flesh up to ten feet away, and at distances

beyond that, they’re still twirling shards of vicious metal,

screaming through the air at nine hundred feet per second.

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