No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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No one did.

On the long drive from Boulder, she’d hated the quiet

stretches between songs, because that’s when her mind went

into overdrive. Remembering things she’d called her mother.

New pains. New regrets. And now she rethought Ed’s answer

to her question, when she’d asked how serious Jay’s four

missed injections were. He hadn’t mouthed later.

No, she realized with a sinking heart. He’d said something


He’d said fatal.

Jay would die if she remained under the care of Ashley

and Lars tonight. Even if they hadn’t planned to murder her,

they were still clueless about how to handle her adrenal

condition. And her time was running out.

But really, it made perfect sense that the Garver brothers

would turn out to be tragically inept kidnappers. Ashley may

have had a cruel streak a mile wide, but he clearly wasn’t

methodical enough to quarterback a ransom operation. He

improvised too much, and he toyed with his victims. And

Lars? Just a whiskered man-child, a soft and undeveloped

psyche Ashley had molded into his own morbid image. These

two overgrown kids were unprepared for the complexity and

scale of what they were attempting. They weren’t remotely

qualified for it. They were something far worse.

In a dark Walmart parking lot a few years back, watching

a crackhead with a buzz-cut break into their Subaru from the

safe lights of the Home and Garden section, she remembered

her mother holding her shoulder and telling her: Don’t fear the

pros, Darby. The pros know what they’re doing, and do it


Fear the amateurs.

“They’re …” Sandi cupped her hands against the window.

“Okay. Ashley just carried something out of his van. An …

orange box.”

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