No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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outwitted him for the third or fourth time tonight. She hoped

he was keeping score. She hoped the self-proclaimed magic

man was getting pissed off.

Sandi squinted through the glass. “I can’t … I can’t tell

what they’re doing—”

“They’re guarding the cars,” Darby said.

Ashley’s words echoed in her mind, like half-remembered

strands of a nightmare: We’re going to catch you. And when

we do, you little bitch, I’ll make you beg for that Ziploc bag—

At the window, Ed tugged Sandi’s shoulder. “Stay down.”

“I see them. They’re moving—”

“Stay away from the goddamn window, Sandi. They’re

going to shoot you.”

Darby chewed her lip, knowing Ed was right — the glass

was a major structural weakness. A bullet, or even a big rock,

and the two brothers could climb the snowdrift and slide


She stood in the center of the room, spotlighted under

fluorescent lights, running her fingertips along the table’s

scratched surface. She turned a wobbly three hundred and

sixty degrees, scanning from east, to north, to west, to south.

Four walls on a cement foundation. A front door with a

deadbolt. One large window. And two smaller ones, in each


We have the building.

But they have the cars.

“It’s a stalemate,” she whispered.

Sandi looked at her. “Then what happens next?”

“They’ll make their move,” Ed said grimly. “Then we’ll

make ours.”

Each move would be a calculated risk. If they stepped

outside they’d be shot. If the brothers attacked the building,

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