No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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Roofing Service, that her father “Mr Pete” had given them

permission to enter the house.

Jay said no.

Lars had asked her a few more times, in a few different

ways. He seemed to think “Mr Pete” was at the grocery store,

which was false (her father had called from the office to tell

her the babysitter had the flu and that there was leftover

Mongolian Grill in the fridge). Even then, Jay got the

impression that Lars wasn’t like other adults in her life. She

suspected that even at her age, she was already smarter than he

might ever be.

Lars asked less politely. Leaning in. His teeth smelled like

dead leaves.

Jay shut the door.

When she turned around, the one she now knew as Ashley

was sitting at the oval kitchen table. His boots had left muddy

prints on the parquet. He’d looked up at her casually,

munching a handful of banana chips from the ceramic bowl.

She still didn’t know how he got inside the house — a

window, maybe? The garage?

She ran for the living room. She didn’t make it.

Here and now, Jamie Nissen — or Jay, as she’d gone by

since first grade — crawled out of the dog kennel on her

palms, over the itchy blankets and towels her rescuer had

hidden beneath two hours ago. The metal bars chattered and

twanged around her; she hoped Ashley and Lars weren’t

nearby to hear. She reached the rear door of the van, expecting

it to be locked. Lars had always been careful to re-lock the

van’s doors, every time he—

The handle clicked in her bloody fingers.

The door swung open.

Jay froze there on her hands and knees, looking out into

the darkness. Thousands of swirling snowflakes. A shivery

gust of night air. A parking lot of smooth, undisturbed white,

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