No Exit by Taylor Adams 2

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“Turn around,” Lars huffed behind her. “Let’s … ah, let’s


She needed to decide. If she stopped now, she’d have a

few seconds to catch her breath before the fight. But if she

kept running and he tackled her, she’d be winded, and her

odds would be even worse—

Or …

The layout of the Wanapani visitor center flashed through

her mind again. Walls, corners, blind spots. Although the front

door was still blocked by Ashley, there was another way into

the building. The little triangular windows in the restrooms.

She’d seen it in the men’s restroom, no larger than a doggiedoor.

She could see it from here, leaking a whisper of orange

light through hanging icicles, above the stacked picnic tables.

Her purse was inside that restroom. With her keys and her



I’ll climb those tables, break that window, and get inside.

She changed direction.

Lars noticed. “Where … where are you going?”

She didn’t have a plan for when she got inside. She just

went for it. Because, as Sandi said, inside was a hell of a lot

better than out. Ed and Sandi were in there, and Ashley and

Lars wouldn’t dare murder her in view of two witnesses.

Would they?

No time to think on it.

The picnic tables were stored in a heap below that

window, crusted with snow, so she climbed them, like giantsized

stairs. One, two, three tables up, wobbling under her

weight. But she made it, and she hit the building’s triangular

window with outstretched hands. Frosted glass, glowing with

interior light, bumpy with ice. Too thick too shatter with an

elbow. But it was a casement window, opening outward on a

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