I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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“Bleh.” Sony’s mother rolls her eyes, wrapping an arm around her

daughter. Sony melts into the touch. “I’ve gotta do boring crap now.

But I’ll find you afterward. Let’s have fun!” She unfolds my palm with

force, writing her room number with a pen from the bottomless

backpack. Her tongue sticks out between her teeth, her handwriting

crooked, unsteady like a toddler’s.

My neck cranes to read it, Sony’s fingers smoothing over the


“Don’t leave, okay?” she whispers. An oxygen therapy tube sits

around her neck, and her voice is frailer than it was the night we met.

But Sony’s joy doesn’t falter even when her breathing hollows.

As she goes to follow her mother, I squeeze her hand and watch her

disappear down the hall.

Two nights later, Sony has surgery. It takes six hours, so for six

hours, I sit outside Sony’s room with her mother. She asks if I’m

Sony’s friend. I nod and tell her Sony gives me chocolate. A pleased

expression takes her, the one mothers wear when they remember

their children’s idiosyncrasies. The memories soothe her for a

moment, but the thought of those memories being

all she has makes her foot tap, quickens her heartbeat, and chews

her lip. I ask Sony’s mother if she’d like to walk with me. She nods. I

take her to Sony and I’s vending machine.

Six hours later, Sony wakes in her bed, silly from the anesthetics.

Her mother doesn’t wait for doctors’ approvals. She goes to her

daughter’s side, pressing endless kisses to her face. She tells her

she’s proud of her and that she can have all the chocolate she

wants. Sony hums, hooked up to so many machines, her body

exhausts from merely being awake.

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