I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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Sony stops chewing altogether, bright eyes dull behind a veil of

something that brings her pain. They draw to her lap much like her

hand draws to her stomach, as if observing a memory.

“Yeah,” she says, but it’s a lie. “Have you ever been hiking?”


“Oh, it’s amazing, Sam. You have to try it.” She pokes me for

emphasis. “I was so close to the top of a mountain, you know. I could

see the ocean from up there and everything.” Her voice gains a

breathy quality, wondrous, like rather than a drearily lit hall and a trio

of steel elevator doors, the sea folds out before us.

“I wish I had wings,” she says, like a kind devil that used to have

them on her back. “I could’ve flown free over the water forever.”

I find this intimate. Listening to someone get lost like that. It’s akin to

reading Neo’s words that he lets too few people see.

Sony grins, chocolate staining her teeth. “You should come hiking

with me one day.”

Sony and I talk most of the night. I discover hiking and chocolate for

the first time. Chocolate, as Sony and my tastebuds teach me, is one

of the greatest things in the world, right up there with Wuthering

Heights. Sony says she doesn’t read much. I tell her about Neo. At

first, she doesn’t believe that he’s a real person. She tells me about

her mother, a temperate woman who raised a beastly thing. Sony

laughs at herself some more. When she grows restless, I show her

around the hospital. By the time dawn stretches through the

windows, Sony returns to her room and presses endless kisses to

her mother’s face.

After that night, Sony is discharged. I don’t see her for some time.

That vending machine misses our nightly conversation. I let myself

trail the scuff marks in her memory. I even show Neo chocolate. He

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