I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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The following pages were the results of our execution. What we

wanted and what we robbed. Things, yes, but also feelings, desires,

chances- anything our three enemies run away with.

However, we were never doing this just for a thrill. That’s why, in the

end, we will escape with all we took.

Our Escape is a collection of yet-to-be-filled pages. They lay at the

latter end of the Hit List, waiting for the day we summon the courage

to leave—a place where we will be unbound to our lives, happy and

together and unafraid.

We call it Heaven.

By the time we were done writing, our seat bones ached. Dawn hit

the skyline and illuminated the notebook now given a soul. Sony held

her ankles,

rocking back and forth, throwing out every idea in her head. C laid

down, listening to me read aloud Neo’s words.

It’s a part of our lives.

The hospital has plenty of boredom to go around. Wake up, eat, take

medications, undergo treatments, the ministrations that don’t belong

to us.

They belong to Time, Disease, and Death.

But the Hit List moments?

They’re ours.


Neo is in a state between conscious and unconscious. C and I sit at

his bedside, waiting for him to re-enter the world of the waking. It’s

been over twenty four hours since we saw him, and no one is more

worried about Neo than C.

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