I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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Then, I sprint.

I slam the door open. Neo isn’t in his bed. The room is bare in

darkness, sheets undone, cast aside. There are no torn books or

pages. Only the tray I’ve come to memorize the weight of sits upside

down on the tiles, discarded, like the day Neo flipped it over in his

anger. Only now, it’s empty.

Retching breaths and light peek under the bathroom door. I go to it,

dread in my throat. On the other side, a boy sits, a fraction of


Neo’s back slams against the wall, vomit staining the edge of his


Tears fall from bloodshot eyes, the realization dropping in his chest,

sending spasms through his chest.

It was never supposed to go this far.

He pulls at his hair. The heels of his palms cover his eyes. He bangs

his head and pushes himself into the wall like he wants to become a

part of it. Like he wants to disappear.

Vulnerability craves isolation. Desperation weeps in it.

He fights at first. When I kneel to his level, he pushes me away with

clenched fists, whining. I don’t say anything. I give him my arms and

my quiet and hope that’s enough to coax his fear away. I hope it’s

enough as he collapses and cries into my shoulder.

“I hate him. I hate him so much,” he says, heaving for air. My palm

drags over his spine, drawing slow rhythms to guide his breaths.

“He loves me because he has to,” Neo cries. “That’s worse than

hating someone. He knows I’ll never be who he wants me to be. He

knows I’d rather die here than be who he wants me to be. I’m no one

in that house. I have nothing there!”

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