I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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My kindness, what fickle pieces of it were left standing, was pulled

out by the roots. For years after, I plunged into a streak of cynicism

and meanness and

the general belief that life was a sort of sick joke and not worth the

ablutions of compassion.

I kept him a secret from everyone, save my mother. Somehow, that

made it feel like I was preserving him. I tended to lie to people who

asked about my past because that’s what children do when they’re

hogging something. He was my first true experience with the kind of

death, and he was my first experience with love, and I wanted him to

remain something of mine. With my adolescence, that compulsion

faded, as grief tends to. My aggressiveness and pessimism were

replaced by a general coldness which I find is just an inherent part of

me that I must accept. I retain my ability to laugh, my ability to

empathize, and more importantly, I learned how to be kind.

Our real story–the thousands of emails we shared, the phone calls,

the moments of laughter, and the stories we wrote one another–do

remain mine.

He and I inspired this story, but ours will always belong to the past,

and to my memory of it as it should.

To the boy who smiled and encouraged me to write, not for the

world, but for myself, you will forever be a part of me. This story and

the characters I described to you over the sound of a heart monitor

and distant workings of the hospital all those years ago have finally

found life. My heart beats with thunder and lightning, and even if it is

weak, it is the one I gave you. It and this story are forever yours as

much as they are mine.

To the reader who trudged through these sometimes tedious,

sometimes heavy pages, my gratitude is not empty. Whatever you

take with you, even if it is a

single line, just know I appreciate the gift you’ve given me.

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