I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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Walking out into the street, I blend into the crowd of new strangers

and see the possibilities in each and every one of their faces. They

do not know your names, my friends, and despite the world’s

greatest efforts, it will not remember you.

But I will.

I do not leave you behind. I take you with me into this new chapter of

life beyond the pages. I will tell all my loves of you. I will tell my

children of you. I will die and before I do, I will read this story once

more and remember that your names and your stories are immortal.

And to my love, to my Sam, before my last breath, I will look up at

the stars and remember your letter.

To my eternal sun,

My love for you did not begin.

It did not end.

What we share is not a chronological feat.

It is a promise of its own.

It is the basest form of trust.

It can be broken and rebuilt.

It can fade and reignite.

But it cannot be stolen.

Not even by Death.

We were an eclipse.

A moment the sun and moon met.

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