I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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He is a boat, writing manically, without pause, pen dancing across

the waves. A book rests in his lap. It ties the room together, a splash

of color. The title, bold lettered, atop a cover withered at the edges,

reads Great Expectations.

Neo doesn’t notice me gawking at first. He only glances in my

direction, then, realizing I don’t have the look of a staff member, he

glances a second time.

Suspicion laces his tone. “What are you doing?”

“Eric told me to bring your tray.”

Neo thins his eyes, flicking them to the tray and then back to me.

“Did my parents send you?”

Ah. For a moment I thought he was worried I had plans to poison


From his tone, I gather being sent by his parents would be much


“No, Eric did.” I motion to the food, offering it. “Your tray.”

Neo doesn’t say anything to me after that. He just puts the tray on

the bedside table and returns to his ocean. Before I leave, I catch a

sliver of a line at the top of the page.

Humans have a knack for self-destruction. Only those of us who love

broken things will ever know why.

Neo quickly shuffles the piece of paper beneath the others and

shoots me a look. My curiosity isn’t welcome. I bow my head in

apology and turn around, leaving Neo to his words and his books.

Despite his attitude, I leave pleased.

Because Neo isn’t quiet at all.

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