I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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“I don’t know,” I say, because it is the only truth I have. “We will look

for a reason till even the sun and moon are gone because we

believe that an answer will balance the tragedy.” Hikari stares up at

me with desperation like glimmers in her tears. I wipe them away as

mine fall with hers.

“There is no reason for tragedy,” I say. “One day, the universe will

collapse, death will have no one left to claim, disease will have no

one to infect, and time will come to an end, but even then, it will not

have been for nothing. Because if we chose to only love what we

wouldn’t lose, then we would never love at all.”

I take her face in both my hands and even if it hurts, I remember

each and every moment I held her this way. I remember every

moment I held Sam too.

“Love is not a choice,” I say, smiling with all the gratitude in the world

that I am the pitiful creature she chose. “And even if it were, I would

choose you every time.”



Every memory I locked away on this bridge breaks from its confines.

They fly from their glass caskets and I let them all live within me as

they deserve to.

The snow continues in a haze around them. Hikari’s arms wrap

around me, her head tucked to my chest to shield her from the

brewing storm until she finally lets the snowflakes kiss her face.

“The stars are falling,” she whispers.

“My love,” I cry. “They already fell.”

The thing about hope is that it is a fearful reaction. We are hopeful

because we are afraid. Because we think on some level we are

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