I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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Nurse Ella dies at the peak of spring. Breast cancer. She was 52

years old.

Flowers surface where she is buried. Her headstone arches from the

ground surrounded by them, as if the buds bloomed to read her


Sam sits against the unchiseled side facing the trees. He twirls stalks

of grass, pulling them out. A single finger digs at the soil.

“Sam,” I say, crouched in front of him.

He opens his eyes, his mask shrouding the bags and ugly color

beneath them. I hold out a newspaper I stole from the dispenser.

“Do you want to read to her?” I ask.

Sam shakes his head, moving aside and patting the ground next to


“You read it,” he says, his throat sore and tired.


I sit against Ella’s headstone, a cold and tough thing. It feels like Ella

holds us this way. A ghost of her. Grunting in displeasure that we’ll

get green stains on our pants and that no sweaters shield our


I open the paper and start reading the first headline about the

recently constructed bridge uniting the river that split the city in two.

Sam drops his head to my shoulder. He listens till he falls asleep,

silent tears streaming down his cheeks.

The coming warmth alleviates Sam’s sorrow as time passes.

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