I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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if she could crawl into time’s body and tear it apart from the inside if

only to emerge where her friends are still alive.

So she feels her pain, her loneliness, the excruciating feeling that

she is dying, but at once not dying soon enough. She grapples with

her guilt and her fear and her love for me. They torture her until she

can no longer bear it and must feel the pain with blood. When I stop

her, she resents me. She resents me for keeping her alive. Then, it

begins again, till all that’s left of her to torture is her mind thinning

away with her body.

“It can wait,” I say, laying under the covers with her.

As Hikari falls into sleep, a selfish fantasy of mine rears its head. I

dream that Hikari and I become one person. I dream of being so

utterly close that we melt into each other. That way, I could take all

this pain she has, every drop of this misery, and nurse on it. I could

rid her of the shadows. I could bear every single suffering note till her

smiles and her mischief and her curiosity and all the things that are

hers return.

I beg the possible to gift me this one impossibility. I beg as I once

begged the dead to haunt and wallow in the silence. Because if she

and I were one, then I could never lose her.

“I know you’re hurting, my Hamlet,” I whisper, trembling, I hold her so

tight. “But please, hold on. Just hold on for me.” I kiss her again. I

kiss her till I realize she has already become as empty as I used to

be. I kiss her till it feels like my fantasy could come true and even if

she dies tonight, I will pretend I have died with her. I will crawl

beneath the ground as soil is spread onto our bodies and the dark

submerges us. I will hold her as she decays to bone and then to ash

and I will love her till time takes the world away and my curse is

vanquished by its end.

“Please, Hikari.” I kiss her like it’s the last time. “Please, don’t leave

me yet.”

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