I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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Memories twist into each other, not like film strips, more like a book’s

flipping pages melting into one another. That’s all a person is in the

end, isn’t it? Bones and blood and beauty spliced to memories.


Coeur does not think of that as he descends into the depths of an

ocean so deep, he cannot see the surface. He does not remember

the things he did or didn’t do.


He remembers Sony cheating at monopoly, Hikari’s jokes and

drawings, Eric flicking him, the long drives with his father, the sports

games on tv he watched with his brothers, his mother chuckling and

bringing him his dinner late at night.


He does not think of loneliness, hollowness, or heart. He thinks of

Neo’s lips and the laughs he breathed against his neck and his cold,

yet gentle hands, and his little smiles, and the tear that rolled down

his cheek the last time he saw him.


Coeur sinks into the dark.

And his love for Neo sinks with him.



don’t know what love is.

Some say it has two forms. It can be roaring and passionate. It

swallows you, consumes you, the other person a source of

breathing. Like a violent flame that burns out in a single night.

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