I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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Neo attempts to keep his composure. He swallows hard, his exhales

shaky and frail. His palm presses to the center of Coeur’s chest over

the gown. The thunder and lightning rumble just beneath.

Neo drags his fingertips over Coeur’s face. He leans down and

presses his lips to his. It is slow and gentle. Coeur kisses him back,

as much as he can, the two of them parting with flushed smiles.

“You better kiss me like that when I wake up,” Coeur whispers.

Neo laughs a breath, a tear rolling down his cheek.

“I will.”

The nurse gently tells Neo that she needs to take Coeur to the

operating room now. Neo nods in agreement, holding Coeur’s hand

until he is taken down the hall.

“Neo? Are you coming?” Coeur calls, although the calling fades into

babbling whispers. “Neo, Neo, my Neo,”

Hikari holds Neo’s hand. He doesn’t wipe the tear. He lets it hang

from his jaw and watches as Coeur disappears into limbo.

I’ve told you before that I am not tied to my body. Similarly, my body

is not tied to common perceptions. Normal people aren’t allowed in

operating rooms, but you’ve probably gathered by now that I am

neither normal nor person.


“Yes, Coeur,” I say, standing at the head of the operating table.

Around me, nurses and techs gather their supplies. Two surgeons

get ready to scrub in.

One nurse places each tool that shall soon be used to tinker with

Coeur’s organs on a tray while the anesthesiologist prepares.

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