I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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Coeur had a choice. He could walk into the overtly suspicious scene

and grab Neo by the arm. He could tear him away from the danger

his classmates posed or even just ask his friends what they were

doing. He could’ve done any number of things. But Coeur always

had an affinity for ignoring decisions.

“Don’t let it shake you up,” his teacher said, but Coeur was already

lost replaying the scene over and over again as if thinking of the past


somehow change it. “Why don’t you go visit him? I’m sure he’d

appreciate seeing a friend.”

Coeur nodded and left, the guilt spreading through his body like a

virus. It ate at him for the following weeks until the hollowness Neo

had filled became a cave with raw, wounded walls.

Coeur cried silently the first night. He felt bad, yes, but more so, he

missed Neo. Although that wasn’t entirely correct either.

In French, you do not say you miss someone. You say they are

missing from you.

Tu me manques, Coeur said, inside his head, mouthing it, as if Neo

could hear.

Every night Coeur wrote Neo letters till he was surrounded by

thousands of them. Everynight, Coeur repeated the same line over

and over again, Tu me manques tellement que même mon coeur

souffre, until little by little, his heart adopted the words as its own.

Waking up in the hospital was a stroke of fate. Coeur was sure of it.

His parents were up to their necks in worry not knowing what was

wrong with their child.

Coeur didn’t care.

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