I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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Looking at her bandages and the otherwise healthy nature of her

being, I want to ask her the same, but–

“You’re not supposed to ask that,” I lie. And rather than nod or say

she understands, another easy fit of laughter shakes Hikari’s chest.

Three beats again. As if her heart is laughing with her.

“What, like prison? What are you in for, Sam?”

“Apparently, I’m an accomplice to petty larceny.”

“Good,” she says, the word paired with flirtatious endnotes. “Then

this won’t be your first time.”

The elevator doors open, but neither Hikari nor I make a move.

I told you I like to watch people, but sometimes I struggle talking to


When you’ve lived in the same place as long as I have, you find that


don’t know what to say to someone they think is dying. People feel

awkward around the sick, so they pretend the sickness is invisible.

They avoid the elephant in the room so blatantly that you can tell it’s

all they’re thinking about. They create distance without even

meaning to because distance is comfortable.

But not everyone gets stuck in that pattern. Hikari thinks I’m dying. I

know she is. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be here needing a tour guide

who’s been convinced to help her commit a crime instead. Yet

somehow, whatever distance I create, Hikari wants to close it—with

her curiosity, her teasing tone, her pretty looks, and her even prettier


“You’re not very skilled at conversation, are you, Sam?”

Crap. I was staring again.

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