I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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she keeps is the black stone I gave her. She traces the white band

with her finger.

“Is it always like this?” she asks. “It just happens, and we get no say

in it?”

Laughter sounds in the far distance. Hikari catches the silhouettes of

those strangers playing on the shore. They run into the water,

shrieking from the temperature. One hugs the other, splashing and

spinning. Their laughter fades in its travel, like a song playing too far

away, a story too far to read.

“I didn’t even know her very long,” Hikari says, tucking the stone

back into her pocket. “It feels like I started to love her and never got

to finish.”

Love isn’t a thing that’s ever finished, I want to tell her. It’s not a

chronological feat. Her love for Sony is based in gentle affections,


adventures, and the little pieces of friendship people tend to

overlook. It does not end simply because we had to say goodbye.

Hikari sighs. When she does, she feels lighter somehow, not quite as

full as before.

Grief can be destructive, a parasite that needs expulsion, water

rising till you become an overflowing dam, but like most terrible,

necessary things, it can be shared. Time is kind with grief. It takes it

from you, piece by piece, till the sorrow is a song you remember the

beat of but no longer hear.

I take Hikari by the wrist, coaxing it from her pocket. The stone is still

in her palm. I snake my hand down her arm and intertwine our

fingers so that the gem can be cradled rather than clutched.

“Look Sam,” she breathes. With our joined hands, she points at the

evening turning to night. The sky kisses our angry sea with gold and

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