I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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C’s parents wait on shore. With Neo and Hikari’s help on either side,


walks into the water. It’s cold, icy stones and shells in the silt.

Eric asks us if we’d like to say a few words. We do, each of us

saying a little something to the empty expanse. Logically, we know

Sony can’t hear us, but this isn’t really for Sony at all.

Eric caresses the surface of the box. He presses his forehead to it

and closes his eyes. A moment passes and I remember those days

Sony fell asleep hooked up to a ventilator. I remember how he used

to cry and choke it all down so she wouldn’t wake. I remember the

whispers I could never make out that he spoke

every night after tucking her in. It’s only now, as I hear it up close,

that I realize they weren’t renditions of goodnights or little reminders

to stay alive or anything so confined to a nurse-patient relationship.

They were a father’s I love yous.

Eric opens the box.

“Goodnight, Sony,” he whispers. “I hope you find your everything.”

Her ashes spring free in the shape of wings. Wind carries the sheer

gray cloud into the sky, dusted rain settling on the waves that give it

passage to other worlds.

I take ahold of Eric’s hand as he lets the box sink into the water. He

wipes his face and looks out as far as the horizon stretches,

watching Sony take the shape of water.

When the cold begins numbing his limbs, Eric retires to the beach.

He sits in the sand, Neo and C retiring with him.

Hikari lingers a little longer in the shallows. I stay with her, helping

her return the seashells in her pockets to their home. The only one

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