I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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A metronome is all reality leaves behind with its blade scraping the

ground. It pulses in the form of a heart monitor, drawing a steady

string of green mountains on the screen.

We cling to it, to the beat that slows with each passing hour, afraid

that if we let go, it will become lax, and the beat will turn into an

infernal, constant ring.

I sit up in my chair, careful not to make noise. The ICU is loud

outside this room, but with the door shut, you could hear a feather

drop. Neo, C, and Hikari sleep in three chairs on the wall facing the

bed. They fell asleep when the doctors left.

The harsh acceleration of the truck, the horror-stricken yelling,

Sony’s choking–it’s all there–in their dreams, haunting them. We

arrived at the hospital with Sony fading in and out of consciousness.

They rolled out a stretcher and took her from C’s arms.

Despite Hikari’s inability to handle the fear and the panic, she

managed to calm down enough to call Eric in the truck. He was

waiting in the ER, and when they wheeled in Sony, he did something

I’d never seen him do.

He froze.

He saw the blood and heard Sony’s struggles, and he just stopped


A mass of people surrounded her. They stuck a hole in her chest, a

geyser of liquid spurting out. Then they took her away, yelling one

code after another, sticking her with needles, and disappearing with

our Sony still unable to breathe.

We shook. Hikari buried her face in my chest, hands fisting my shirt

as I held her against me.

Eric tried to run to where they treated her, yelling over nurses and

doctors that didn’t know Sony, about her history, her treatments,

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