I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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console to make room for C. He reaches behind the middle

compartment, grasping for Sony’s hand or knee or anything he can

hold on to, not bothering with his seatbelt.

“Sa–mmy,” Sony tries to speak. Her vocal cords are submerged. Her

body is weak and cold, yet still laboring. Even with consciousness, a

body has automated responses set in an attempt to keep itself alive.

Sony’s one lung will keep rising and falling till it doesn’t have the

means no matter what ravages it.

“Squeeze our hands, Sony, take deep breaths,” I say, holding her

neck straight, keeping the pathway for her lung as open as I can.

It’s the middle of the night and the roads are empty. C slams his foot

on the gas, remembering the fastest route to the hospital.

Sony spits up more blood and puss. She doesn’t have the strength

to tilt her head, so it ends up in her lap. Hikari tries to clean her up

the best she can with her sweater. Panic trembles through her hands

and her voice alike.

“Hikari?” Sony rasps.

“I’m here, Sony. Just hold on, okay?”

Sony smiles deliriously, her body going completely limp in my arms.

“You’re always so warm,” she says.

“Sony? Sony, stay awake! Sony!” Hikari yells, but Sony’s eyes have

already slipped back into her head.


Reality isn’t kind to those who deny it. It thrusts itself back upon you,

not with a knife in the back, but through the lung, staring down at you

distastefully for leaving it behind.

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