I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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“Do you remember the night in the garden that we stole a race? You

asked me what I thought of life.” I want to tell her that what I have

has never felt like a life. But I also want to tell her that if this is living,

then a life with her is all I want.

“I have to tell you something, Hikari,” I say. “About myself.”

Hikari blinks, waiting for me to speak, but somehow my words lose

their shape before I can find them. I stare at her, longingly. Her

affection is measured in teasing glances, little smirks, gifts only we

know the meaning of, and nights peering over books. I cannot find

the strength to squander all that.

Not yet.

“There’s a dream in your eyes, my Yorick,” she says, and I decide I

will tell her the truth later. The now does not need renditions of the

past and the future does not need foretelling.

We have time.

I take the hand always so keen on exploring and kiss Hikari’s

knuckles, the heel of her palm, her wrist, and all the little scars

healing above.

“I dream of this life,” I whisper. “Us. Together. For all tomorrows to


Hikari kisses me, pulling me down to the bed of the truck. I kiss her

back, my arms on either side of her head. As her promise went on

that little piece of

torn paper, she says, between our affections, “Then all my

tomorrows are yours.”

I don’t wake to the sun.

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