I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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They have no claim to this day.

In Hikari’s arms, I forget what I am and where I am from. The idea of

home no longer has gravity. I have flown off my orbit, chosen to

follow meteors with no aim but to roam.

I am not afraid of what constitutes life or mere existence. I watch and

yet I smile, hug, kiss, run, speak, sing, shout, swim, play, create, and

love all the same.

This place–this exact spot where land and sea meet is where the

world was born. It is where Time ceases, Disease festers, and Death


Because the world was built for kids who dreamt of life and were

raptured by loss. It is theirs and it is mine. It is ours to claim, and it is

ours to reap. In this place, freedom takes us by the hand and we

dance to its rhythm in coarse, cool sand and wild, welcoming waters.

In the book of our lives, upon a single page dedicated to its creation,

we name it Heaven.

When night falls, we retire to C’s dad’s pick-up. The clouds dissipate

with the dark, revealing a sky rendered black by a layer of stars.

Fortunately for us, C’s limited thieving capacities grant us yellow

blankets to warm our soaked skin.

We lie in the truck’s bed like poorly laid out sardines. We are tangled

together, masses of bodies huddled, shivering, and laughing. Sony is

at the center, Hikari and Neo clinging to her like babies while C and I

make the outsides.

Our stories flow between us. Some are old humorous tales that get

interrupted by cackling because we already know how they end. It’s

like a joke that doesn’t need a punch line. A communal store of

memories that make way to new stories.

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