I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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“I understand why you do what you do,” I say. He wants control, and

when it slips away, he uses violence to get it back. The pattern is

common. A rule that men have turned the other cheek to for

centuries. Because none of them can get their heads around the fact

that, “Control doesn’t exist, sir. Only uncertainty does.” It dawns on

me that he doesn’t realize how serious I’m being. That none of this is

mockery, and all of it is truth. “And unless you leave right now, I’m

not certain you’ll leave this room without an escort.”

I hold up the nurse call button connected to the wall. It blinks red.

Neo’s dad looks out of the corner of his eye. The blinds are barely

drawn, but even through the thin lines, you can see Eric at his

station, noting a chart and checking his pager.

Neo’s father lets me go. He rubs his hand over his face, much like he

did when he entered. He straightens his jacket, looking down at Neo,

who’s staring at the ground, squeezing his wrist so hard his hand

could fall dead from the joint.

“It was my mistake letting your doctors keep you here this long,” he

says. “I should’ve handled your tantrums myself.” He leaves with a

threat of his own, the kind that drives a final prick of fear through

Neo’s chest. “I’ll be back with your mother.”

The moment the door shuts, we all exhale audibly, like a tense

muscle finally released from flexion.

“Are you okay?” Hikari wraps her arms around me.

Neo shudders in his chair, his hand curled into a fist against his

mouth. He pushes the bile back down his throat, a white, petrified

sea hiding the pupils in his eyes.

The only reason his father didn’t drag Neo out of here by his hair is

because he needs his mom. She’s the one who signed everything

when Neo was admitted for his anorexia, and his doctors will only

recommend he can go home when his weight is over a certain point,

and he’s eating regularly.

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