I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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don’t know if the stars will shine or if the sun will be here tomorrow,

but I trust the stars. I trust the sun too.”

“I don’t understand,” I breathe.

Sam’s heart beats against mine. The rush of blood coursing through

his neck, the pulse I can feel calms me. His aliveness, his heat–it all

feels so uncertain, but his heart, even if I fear it will stop, keeps


“I hoped for you, once,” Sam says after a while. “I dreamt, with all my

heart, for someone, anyone in the world to be mine.” He holds me

tighter. His hand snakes through my hair, and a tear rolls down his

face to mimic.

I can only think as he touches me that his hands are mine, as he

kisses my cheek that his lips are mine, as he talks that his words are

mine. That he is mine. My light, my reason. I wonder if my wish for

answers came true. I wonder if we were each other’s wishes.

“I don’t understand.”

“That’s okay,” Sam whispers. “It doesn’t have to make sense.”

We don’t talk anymore after that.

He just kisses my face till the sun rises.


Autumn descends upon our city. Jaded greens fade into tan oranges

and sulky reds, tinges of yellow blooming in the cold.

I wrap my arms around Hikari’s waist. Melodies like piano notes

escape her in mumbles, a loose fabric dress fanning her bare legs.

She folds Neo’s freshly washed shirts and hoodies (most of which

aren’t his), dropping each item onto the windowsill.

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