I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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me down from the sidewalk into the road. A honk amplifies, getting

closer. People start screaming.

The last thing I hear is my name as the sun curves over the hood of

a car.


Years ago, I fell into the road.

Friction turned my legs to ruinous scrapes, dirt soaking my blood like

cotton. Tears stung. The soil mingled with open wounds. I hovered

my fingers over the tear in my pants.

That whole day was a tumble. My stomach twisted up. The desire to

vomit, to claw at myself was overwhelming.

I had to watch someone die.

I had to listen to her mother scream. I had to see the life fade from

her eyes with the person behind their color. She had yet to take her

first steps. She was in an era of her life without language. She held

her mother’s fingers in fists and became enamored with anything

that caught the light.

She was the first baby I ever held, and I had to watch her die.

The sadness was sudden. It was forceful, a propulsion. I wanted to

open myself up and let it escape like steam.

I ran away from the hospital grounds. I ran away, and I fell. The cuts

hurt, but they alleviated some of the inner pain. It was as if my body

felt the damage my heart took and wanted to share some of the


“Sam!” I heard my name as I sat defeated on the road. The sun

gleamed off the hood of a car. “Sam!”

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