I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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close my fists, try to take up less room, hide away.

I don’t want to exist here. We’re about to pass the bridge, walk right

past its glaring eyes, but I can’t. I stop before we get close enough

for me to look.

I refuse to look. Everything starts to hurt. I refuse to see him, but no

matter how tight I shut my eyes, he’s there. He puts his coat on my


The air is tight-knit, cold. White blankets the ground, a street lamp

spotlighting dancing snowflakes, the rest of the world dark and

alone. He kisses me hard. Then, he fades. I try to go after him, but

the dark rejects me.

My tears take the rhythm of the water. My sobs choke. Everything

hurts. My memories crawl out of the ground like monsters swimming

back up the river.

“Sam?” I look up. Hikari stands in front of me, face paled, worried

paint strokes in her eyes. Neo, Sony, and C are ahead of us, closer

to the bridge, walking still. “Sam, are you okay?”

“I can’t do this,” I whisper.

“What do you mean? What’s wrong?”

“I can’t come with you,” I say, shaking my head. I feel exposed,


“I can’t–” The words get lodged in my throat, afraid to be spoken into


“It’s okay,” Hikari says. She comes closer, putting her hand up. She

doesn’t touch me with it. She doesn’t tug me aside for the next

school of fish passing.

Her palm rests in the air, waiting for mine to mirror it.

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