I Fell in Love with Hope - Lancali

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“Is she okay?” he asks. “I know you were with her yesterday.”

Yesterday, I got on my knees the way Neo would have if he were

submerged in Sony’s blue. I held Sony once the doctor left. She

didn’t cry, but she needed to be held. She needed to not be alone.

Eric came in at the end of his shift and took her for ice cream. She

accidentally let it slip that there was a cat in her room. It had bladder

control problems. Eric pinched the bridge of his nose and told her

that if she cleaned after it, he would just pretend it didn’t exist. He

bought her a litter box and a food and water bowl. Later, when Sony

had little strength left, he took her back to her room and spoke to her

for hours, telling her about all the kids she hasn’t been able to play

tag with lately.

The mask didn’t hide her smiles. The ventilator was nowhere near as

loud as her snorty laughs and teasing. When she fell asleep, Eric ran

his hands through his hair. He cried. Silently. So that he wouldn’t

wake her. His sobs were all breath. He covered his mouth till the

dread he couldn’t carry left his body in tears. Then, he wiped his

face, stood, and checked every vital sign, screen, and machine

connected to Sony. Before he left, he kissed her forehead and

whispered something I couldn’t hear.

It’s unfair. That those you take care of usually end up being the ones

you care about. I should know. It’s what Eric and I have in common.

We aren’t supposed to love them. Narrators and nurses mustn’t get

attached. We are tied to this place, and they are tied to a pendulum

swinging to either side of the ledge.

“Don’t tell me, actually,” Neo says, wiping his nose. “It’s better if I

don’t know.” He scatters his papers above the sheets, recreating his

sea so that there’s

noise to fill the quiet. “Why are you still standing there? Go see

Hikari or something.”

When he says her name, my eyes don’t wander. They unfocus. All

my senses rush to my hands, the ones that mirror hers. I reach into

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