Hoover House Reading Book Reduced

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“Once that sawdust gets in your system, it’s hard to shake....”

After a long and successful career that has resulted in renewed lives for scores of aging structures, the Hoover’s creative spark is undiminished.”

“We’re as motivated as ever,” confesses Judi. “But age is becoming a factor and so we’re trying to be more careful and selective about the projects we

choose to take on.”

As much a means for anchoring their legacy as to pass it along for the fulfillment of a younger generation, in 202, the Hoovers sold The Crossing to

the long term tenant of several of its businesses. A few years before, they handed over the keys to The Tavern and the restored properties clustered

behind it on Pine Street to a promising young man with extraordinary entrepreneurial and construction talents.

“We sold those properties not to retire – which we can’t yet seem to figure out how to do – but rather to offer opportunities for the businesses

housed in these structures and for the new owner-innovators to grow and continue to succeed into the future,” declares Judi.

“They’re the ones with the ideas and energy who are now creating businesses relevant to our growing and changing community,” asserts Judi as she

stands with her husband and partner surveying The Crossing, its popular restaurant and cluster of brightly restored buildings occupying what had

been a riverside gully.

“We cannot imagine having spent the past four decades doing anything more fun, challenging and rewarding than bringing new life to all of these

amazing old structures.”

“Once that sawdust gets in your system, it’s hard to shake,” she exclaims.


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