January 2023 Blues Vol 39 No. 1




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The BLUES is published monthly by Kress-Barr, LLC, PO Box 2733, League City Texas 77574. The opinions<br />

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yrs.<br />

One is One Too Many<br />

It is estimated that in 2022, between<br />

125 and 300 police officers<br />

will have taken their own lives. In<br />

Chicago, three officers committed<br />

suicide in a single week in December.<br />

While there are no official records on<br />

officer suicides, we know the numbers<br />

are staggering and to be honest,<br />

one is too many. We must find a way<br />

to reduce these numbers and save<br />

these officer’s lives. But how?<br />

There are resources available in<br />

nearly every city and state in the US at<br />

no cost. So why don’t they reach out<br />

and use them?<br />

I reached out to an officer that<br />

recently attempted to end his life.<br />

The who and how isn’t important.<br />

The WHY is the key to understanding<br />

what goes on in the mind of someone<br />

determined to end it all regardless of<br />

who it hurts after they’re gone.<br />

His reply:<br />

Once you reach a point in your life<br />

that you can no longer process the<br />

ongoing struggle to survive, and you<br />

feel that nothing you do will change<br />

what’s occurred in the past and you<br />

see nothing but darkness in the road<br />

ahead, you take the path of least<br />

resistance and end your pain and<br />

suffering once and for all.<br />

Unless you’ve been in the situation,<br />

you can’t imagine what it’s like to<br />

have zero options. Oh sure, I could<br />

have reached out to any one of a<br />

hundred groups that offer help. I’m<br />

sure they want to know they can help<br />

turn our lives around, but they can’t.<br />

Let me explain a few reasons why.<br />

When you hear about a first responder,<br />

mostly cops, that take their<br />

own life, you assume it’s PTSD that’s<br />

caused their world to come crashing<br />

down and they just took the fastest<br />

way out. Sometimes that’s not it at<br />

all. I once attended a group session<br />


of first responders, some of which<br />

were cops, all seeking help. Here’s<br />

just some of the reasons they shared<br />

as to why they wanted to end their<br />

lives.<br />

The first to speak admitted he had a<br />

gambling addiction that had resulted<br />

in him owing over $75,000 to a local<br />

bookie that increased the interest<br />

to almost $1000 a day for every day<br />

he didn’t pay. If anyone found out he<br />

would be fired and probably go to<br />

jail. <strong>No</strong> one would loan him that kind<br />

of money. He could try and take out<br />

the guys he owned money to, but he<br />

wasn’t one to “kill” anyone, so that<br />

wasn’t an option. And he knew that<br />

even if he paid the money he owed,<br />

he’d just do it all over again and be<br />

right back where he was. So, for everyone’s<br />

sake it was best he just not<br />

be around to hurt anyone else.<br />

Another admitted he had had sex<br />

with a minor, although at the time, he<br />

did not know she was only 17. He ended<br />

the relationship immediately but<br />

admitted that he resumed it after she<br />

turned 19. He feared the thought of<br />

going to jail, loosing his job, his wife,<br />

his family and worst of becoming a<br />

sex offender. All not options for him.<br />

The only way out was suicide.<br />

Third person was addicted to drugs<br />

and was not only using but using his<br />

job as a way to score more drugs<br />

and money by ripping off dealers.<br />

The more he did it, the deeper he got.<br />

He was an addict and a thief, and he<br />

knew his career was over. Jail was<br />

not an option so again, what choice<br />

did he have.<br />

Still another female cop said she<br />

could not sleep at night without having<br />

horrific nightmares. Despite endless<br />

sessions of therapy, she turned to<br />

drugs to help her sleep and became<br />

addicted. <strong>No</strong>w she faces termination<br />

if she fails another random drug<br />

test at work. If she was honest and<br />

sought help, her department would<br />

fire her. She’s lost her family and her<br />

husband and has no one left to fight<br />

for.<br />

I could go on and on, but you get<br />

the idea. These people, myself included,<br />

feel they are out of options. <strong>No</strong><br />

support group is going to solve their<br />

problems. So, if you think you have<br />

options for these people, I think you<br />

should share it with your readers.<br />

Cause I guarantee there are more out<br />

there just like these folks that truly<br />

want help.<br />

So, I reached out to three of our editors<br />

that do this for a living. Dr. Tina<br />

Jaeckle, Samantha Horwitz, and John<br />

Salerno all have addressed possible<br />

solutions in their columns this month<br />

on Pages 104 and 112.<br />

As for the effect a suicide has on a<br />

family. I invite you to read our Aftermath<br />

Column on page 102 that<br />

describes one spouses feelings after<br />

losing her husband to suicide. “While<br />

your pain may have ended, mine has<br />

just begun,” she says.<br />

The pain is real. The problems are<br />

unimaginable. The result is unacceptable.<br />

We must do better and find a<br />

way to help our brothers and sisters<br />

in BLUE. The loss of one is one too<br />

many!<br />



yrs.<br />

We Have to do Something<br />

As we enter the year <strong>2023</strong>, I<br />

cannot help but reflect a moment<br />

on 2022. What a year that<br />

was. We could probably all<br />

have some mighty long talks<br />

about politics, economy, social<br />

unrest, war, inflation, and the<br />

list goes on and on.<br />

One thing you don’t hear people<br />

talk openly about is, Law<br />

Enforcement Officer Suicides.<br />

In our profession, most don’t<br />

talk about it because it’s seen<br />

as weakness or disrespectful to<br />

speak of our brother and Sisters<br />

who’ve tragically taken their<br />

own lives. I’d argue it’s quite the<br />

opposite. It’s disrespectful that<br />

we don’t.<br />

Outside of our profession,<br />

people, could care less. Quite a<br />

few people look at an Officer’s<br />

Suicides as “Good, one less cop<br />

in the world.” Which is tragic.<br />

But with good old Mainstream<br />

Media attacking Law Enforcement<br />

all day, every day…Well,<br />

why are surprised?<br />

Did you know, we lost 228<br />

Law Enforcement Officers in the<br />

course of 2022? According to<br />

records kept of Officer Suicides,<br />

the number of officers lost by<br />

their own hand is the average<br />

of double the number lost in<br />

the Line of Duty, annually.<br />

I’m not a mathematical genius<br />

but that comes to 456<br />

Officers lost by suicide in 2022.<br />

An extremely tragic number<br />

because those aren’t just numbers.<br />

These are men and women<br />

who work the same way<br />

we work. They wear the same<br />

uniforms and badges. They see<br />

and struggle to survive everything<br />

we do. And somehow, we<br />

lost them along the way.<br />

I propose let’s take the science<br />

and college studies out<br />

of it for a moment and just get<br />

down to brass tacks.<br />

How many Law Enforcement<br />

Officers have you personally<br />

known who’ve died in the<br />

Line of Duty? How may have<br />

you personally seen seriously<br />

injured and forced to medically<br />

retire on minimal benefits,<br />

through no fault of their own.<br />

And they lose everything. Their<br />

Wife. Their Husband. Their<br />

home. Kids. All of it. How many<br />

officers have you known who<br />

did everything right. They followed<br />

policy. They followed all<br />

applicable Federal, State and<br />

Local Laws, to the proverbial<br />

“T” and yet, they had to endure<br />

the humiliation and grueling<br />

process of an extensive, public<br />

Internal Affairs Investigation?<br />

How many cops have you<br />

personally known who’ve had<br />

human waste thrown on them?<br />

Beaten, run over, spit on and<br />

anything else you can think of<br />

and that officer has to just suck<br />

it up and live with it. Because if<br />

they had acted in response like<br />


ALL other human beings, but<br />

being law enforcement officers<br />

they would lose their job.<br />

How about this? How many<br />

child death scenes have you<br />

responded to? Parents fault.<br />

<strong>No</strong>t the parents’ fault. <strong>No</strong>body’s<br />

fault. Maybe it was SIDS. Maybe<br />

it wasn’t. Maybe it was an<br />

accidental drowning. Maybe<br />

not. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. <strong>No</strong>ne<br />

of those “maybe’s” mean shit<br />

when that child and the memories<br />

of the tragic scene come<br />

calling upon you deep in the<br />

night. I can guarantee you those<br />

ghosts exist. Believe me, I’ve<br />

lived with them for years.<br />

Do you remember every parent<br />

you’ve had to tell their child<br />

was deceased? Do you remember<br />

the screams, the yelling,<br />

pleading? The tears? Them<br />

begging you to say its not so? I<br />

do. I remember every damn one<br />

of them. There’re some things<br />

in this profession that unless<br />

you’ve just been riding a desk<br />

your entire career, you’re going<br />

to wonder how am I still even<br />

alive?<br />

I point to the Elephant in the<br />

room because well, there’s<br />

they an Elephant in the room.<br />

It doesn’t take million-dollar<br />

studies or years of research<br />

from people who have absolutely<br />

no idea what this job is<br />

like to know this. We are losing<br />

thousands of our brother and<br />

sister officers annually and we<br />

need to do something about it.<br />

We also know this crisis crosses<br />

everything. Ranks. Assignments.<br />

Race. Gender. Religion.<br />

Social Status and Financial<br />

Status.<br />

Why? Because we all deal on<br />

a day-to-day basis with everything,<br />

I mean everything society<br />

as a whole, doesn’t or cannot<br />

deal with. We’re expected to do<br />

it with no emotion, no nothing.<br />

It’s as if society and the Mainstream<br />

Media want robots for<br />

cops. <strong>No</strong> matter how cool we<br />

all thought Officer Murphy of<br />

the Detroit Police Department<br />

was, in the end it wasn’t the<br />

best laid out plan. And he too<br />

struggled with the memories of<br />

his darkest days.<br />

In <strong>January</strong> of 2022, the Law<br />

Enforcement Suicide Data<br />

Collection Act was passed. The<br />

Federal Bureau of Investigation<br />

is the central gathering point<br />

of this data. Of course, it only<br />

works if Departments send<br />

them the information. And yet,<br />

many department heads don’t<br />

even know this program exists.<br />

Because no one wants to talk<br />

about it.<br />

Well, with over thirty years’<br />

experience in Law Enforcement<br />

and over half of that as a Supervisor<br />

and Chief, I am LOUDLY<br />

saying, WE’VE GOT TO START<br />



don’t, we’re just as complicit as<br />

whatever and whomever it was<br />

that drove them to no other alternative<br />

but to take their own<br />

life.<br />

Instead of pouring money<br />

into studies and such, let’s pour<br />

monies into programs that<br />

work. Like the Post Critical Incident<br />

Stress Program at LEMIT<br />

through the Sam Houston State<br />

University. Does this program<br />

save every Officer? <strong>No</strong>, it does<br />

not. But it’s damn sure trying to<br />

make a difference and that my<br />

friends is a lot more than most<br />

are doing.<br />

How many more will it take?<br />

Does it have to be triple the<br />

number of in the Line of Duty<br />

Deaths? Quadruple? You tell<br />

me? I know we can do better.<br />

Because I also happen to know<br />

we are better than this. It is not<br />

in our nature to just stand by<br />

and watch people die. Especially<br />

those who stand by our<br />

side.<br />



10 The BLUES The BLUES 11


yrs.<br />

Congress Should Investigate<br />

“Gain of Function” Research<br />

I fear that the investigations<br />

Republicans have promised in<br />

the House next year will be little<br />

more than another round of toxic<br />

partisan gamesmanship. But<br />

there is one investigation Congress<br />

should undertake, and that<br />

is into so-called “gain-of-function”<br />

research.<br />

Before the pandemic, I suspect<br />

that most of you, like me, had<br />

never heard of gain-of-function<br />

research. What we learned<br />

during the pandemic is that<br />

scientists around the world routinely<br />

tinker with the genome of<br />

viruses to see how the induced<br />

changes will affect replication<br />

of the virus (contagiousness)<br />

and the effects it has on its host<br />

(lethality). Such research has<br />

apparently been going on for decades<br />

and is routinely funded by<br />

governments, including ours.<br />

Within weeks of the COVID-19<br />

virus emerging in China near<br />

the Wuhan Institute of Virology<br />

(WIV), many began to question<br />

whether the virus had been<br />

created by gain-of-function<br />

research and somehow escaped<br />

from WIV’s labs. Chinese documents<br />

that surfaced early in<br />

the pandemic seem to suggest<br />

the virus might have come from<br />

WIV. To many, the proposition<br />

that the novel coronavirus just<br />

happened to naturally occur a<br />

few hundred yards from the WIV<br />

facility seemed too much of a<br />

coincidence.<br />

But in February 2020, barely<br />

three months after the virus’s<br />

genome had been sequenced, 27<br />

scientists signed a statement in<br />

the medical journal The Lancet,<br />

unequivocally declaring that the<br />

virus had occurred naturally and<br />

that any suggestion to the contrary<br />

was quackery and a conspiracy<br />

theory. Their statement<br />

quickly became the accepted orthodoxy<br />

for much of the world’s<br />

scientific community and virtually<br />

all the mainstream media.<br />

However, as time wore on,<br />

circumstances regarding the<br />

origin of that statement came<br />

under scrutiny. In a 2021 Vanity<br />

Fair article, investigative journalist<br />

Katherine Eban revealed that<br />

the statement was organized by<br />

a scientist named Peter Daszak.<br />

That statement concluded with<br />

a declaration from the scientists<br />

who signed it that “we have no<br />

competing interests.” However,<br />

Eban reported in a follow-up article<br />

that Daszak was the director<br />

of EcoHealth Alliance, which<br />

in 2014 had received a $3.7<br />

million grant from the NIH for<br />

gain-of-function research and<br />

made a sub-grant for $600,000<br />

– to the WIV.<br />

I wrote to the email address<br />

reserved for the statement in the<br />

Lancet post, posing a number of<br />


questions about the circumstances<br />

around the creation of the letter<br />

and the “competing interests”<br />

statement. I also reached out to<br />

two of the scientists who signed<br />

the letter asking for an interview<br />

regarding the statement. I received<br />

no responses.<br />

Questions about gain-of-function<br />

research predate COVID. In<br />

fact, there has been a robust<br />

debate over the potential risks<br />

and benefits that dates to, at<br />

least, 2011. In 2014, a group of<br />

300 prominent scientists, led by<br />

Harvard’s highly regarded epidemiologist<br />

Peter Lipsitch, signed a<br />

statement raising alarms about<br />

risks associated with gain-offunction<br />

research.<br />

The academic controversy<br />

caused the Obama administration<br />

to issue a moratorium on<br />

gain-of-function research, but<br />

it included a general exception<br />

for studies “urgently necessary<br />

to protect the public health or<br />

national security.” According to<br />

Eban’s reporting, the exception<br />

quickly became a glaring loophole<br />

that essentially rendered the<br />

rule useless and the controversial<br />

research mostly continued<br />

unabated.<br />

The Trump administration<br />

scrapped the moratorium in favor<br />

of a complex review process.<br />

But that process was mostly<br />

conducted outside of the public’s<br />

view or even significant peer review,<br />

leaving many of the critics,<br />

including Lipsitch, still wary.<br />

The debate over the origins<br />

of COVID still rages today and<br />

unfortunately has become politicized,<br />

with Democrats and<br />

Republicans generally lining up<br />

behind the natural and lab-leak<br />

theories, respectively. In August<br />

2021, the National Intelligence<br />

Council issued an unclassified<br />

report in response to an order<br />

from President Biden to review<br />

the origin of the virus. The report<br />

stated that the intelligence<br />

community had not been able<br />

to reach a conclusion and that<br />

the origin would likely never be<br />

known without more cooperation<br />

from the Chinese government.<br />

Of course, the more time<br />

that passes the less likely it is<br />

that the mystery will ever be<br />

solved.<br />

While we would all like to<br />

know how the pandemic started,<br />

the mere fact that it might have<br />

originated from gain-of-function<br />

research gone awry makes it<br />

imperative to conduct a detailed<br />

investigation of the risks and<br />

potential benefits of this kind of<br />

research. Of all the things we<br />

regulate, surely tinkering with viruses<br />

to make them more contagious<br />

and more lethal should be<br />

right at the top of the list. Congress<br />

needs to pass laws closely<br />

regulating what Rutgers professor<br />

Richard Ebright described to<br />

Katherine Eban as “looking for a<br />

gas leak with a lighted match”<br />

and not leave this up to the shifting<br />

tides of executive orders.<br />

Congress should also investigate<br />

what appears to have<br />

been a coordinated attempt<br />

to squelch any inquiry into<br />

the legitimate questions over<br />

COVID’s origins in the early days<br />

of the pandemic. For example,<br />

the signers of the Lancet statement<br />

should be subpoenaed<br />

and questioned about what<br />

was almost certainly a false<br />

certification of “no competing<br />

interests” by at least one of the<br />

signers. (The criticism regarding<br />

potential conflicts of interest is<br />

not just coming from the right:<br />

The uber-progressive Columbia<br />

professor Jeffery Saks disbanded<br />

a group he had established<br />

to study the origins of COVID,<br />

citing conflicts of interest. Interestingly,<br />

Daszak was part of the<br />

group Saks disbanded.)<br />

I don’t know whether House<br />

Republicans can conduct such<br />

hearings without turning them<br />

into a carnival sideshow. But<br />

hopefully they will rise above<br />

partisan instincts and deliver<br />

much-needed answers for the<br />

American people.<br />

12 The BLUES The BLUES 13


yrs.<br />


Deputy José Angel DeLeon dies in crash while responding<br />

to a domestic call in <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina.<br />

By Simone Jasper<br />

The Charlotte Observer<br />


deputy died in a fiery crash the<br />

day after his department lost a<br />

beloved detention officer, <strong>No</strong>rth<br />

Carolina officials said.<br />

José Angel DeLeon was responding<br />

to a call when his<br />

patrol car crashed and went<br />

up in flames. Deleon, who had<br />

been a Warren County deputy<br />

for almost two years, died at the<br />

scene, according to the sheriff’s<br />

office.<br />

His patrol car left the roadway,<br />

struck a tree, and caught fire.<br />

Other deputies responding to the<br />

same call came across the crash<br />

and attempted to pull him from<br />

the wreckage. He succumbed to<br />

his injuries at the scene.<br />

Deputy DeLeon had served with<br />

the Warren County Sheriff’s Office<br />

for two years. He is survived<br />

by his son.<br />

Words fall short of expressing<br />

our grief for your loss, as we<br />

mourn with family and friends<br />

for this great loss.<br />

“Our hearts are with the loved<br />

ones of Warren County Sheriff’s<br />

Deputy José DeLeon who was<br />

killed in a car crash while in the<br />

line of duty over the weekend,”<br />

Gov. Roy Cooper wrote on Twitter.<br />

“We’re grateful for his life<br />

and for officers who risk their<br />

lives everyday to keep us safe.”<br />

Officials were called to the<br />

crash at about 6 p.m. on Sunday,<br />

Dec. 4. It happened on U.S.<br />

Highway 401, near the town of<br />

Warrenton and roughly 55 miles<br />

northeast of Raleigh.<br />

The crash was reported the<br />

day after the death of another<br />

Warren County Sheriff’s Office<br />

employee.<br />

Roy Carter Jr. had worked as a<br />

detention officer with the department<br />

since 2011. On <strong>No</strong>v. 28,<br />

officials said he experienced a<br />


medical emergency at a Food<br />

Lion supermarket in <strong>No</strong>rlina,<br />

near Warrenton.<br />

Carter was rushed to a hospital,<br />

but he was taken off life<br />

support on Dec. 3. He died just<br />

after 7 p.m., Warren County deputies<br />

wrote in a news release.<br />

14 The BLUES The BLUES 15


yrs.<br />

MISSION, TX.<br />

US Border Patrol Agent Raul Humberto Gonzalez was killed in a ATV<br />

accident while chasing illegal immigrants near the US Border.<br />

Mission, TX – United States<br />

Department of Homeland<br />

Security Customs and Border<br />

Protection Border Patrol Agent<br />

Raul Humberto Gonzalez died<br />

in the line of duty on Dec. 7<br />

while chasing a group of illegal<br />

immigrants near the U.S. border<br />

with Mexico.<br />

The fatal incident occurred<br />

at approximately 1 a.m. on<br />

Wednesday, U.S. Border Patrol<br />

(USBP) Chief Raul Ortiz said in<br />

a press release.<br />

Agent Gonzalez, 38, was traveling<br />

on an all-terrain vehicle<br />

at a high rate of speed while<br />

pursuing a group of suspects<br />

who illegally crossed into the<br />

United States from Mexico<br />

when he slammed into a large<br />

metal gate on Schuerbach<br />

Road, KURV reported.<br />

“He was found unresponsive<br />

by his fellow agents who immediately<br />

initiated life-saving<br />

efforts and requested [emergency<br />

medical services],” Chief<br />

Ortiz said.<br />

Agent Gonzalez was rushed to<br />

a local hospital by ambulance,<br />

where he succumbed to his<br />

injuries.<br />

<strong>No</strong> details regarding the individuals<br />

he was pursuing were<br />

immediately released, and it<br />

is unclear if they were apprehended.<br />

“The death of an agent who<br />

dies while securing our nation’s<br />

border is a tremendous loss<br />

for our organization and our<br />

nation,” Chief Ortiz said. “Our<br />

prayers are with his family and<br />

co-workers during this difficult<br />

time.”<br />

Agent Gonzalez was the sixth<br />

USBP agent to die in the line of<br />


duty this year, according to the<br />

New York Post.<br />

He was assigned to the Rio<br />

Grande Valley Sector McAllen<br />

Station at the time of his death.<br />

“His love of the country made<br />

him a stellar agent proudly<br />

serving 10+ years, ultimately resulting<br />

in his tragic death,” the<br />

fallen hero’s obituary read.<br />

Agent Gonzalez leaves behind<br />

his girlfriend, Yvonne, and his<br />

children, Sebastian and Camila.<br />

He is also survived by his<br />

father, brother, grandmother,<br />

aunts and uncles.<br />

Agent Gonzalez was laid to<br />

rest on Dec. 12.<br />

16 The BLUES The BLUES 17


yrs.<br />


Deputy Brad Miller, a 19-year veteran of the Maury County Sheriff’s<br />

Office, died a hero protecting workers on a construction site.<br />

By Dave Campbell<br />

Long-serving reserve deputy<br />

for Maury County Sheriff’s Department,<br />

Brad Miller died on<br />

duty Monday night after his unit<br />

was struck by another vehicle,<br />

while he was on duty patrolling<br />

a work zone near Williamsport<br />

Pike, Sheriff Bucky Rowland said<br />

during a press conference on<br />

Tuesday.<br />

Rowland said Miller served the<br />

department for 19 years “with a<br />

smile and joy in his heart.”<br />

According to onsite worker<br />

accounts shared with the department,<br />

Miller placed himself<br />

in a position to take the impact,<br />

saving the nearby workers at the<br />

site.<br />

“Hero is a word used loosely,”<br />

Rowland said at the conference.<br />

“It was in [Miller’s] DNA to put<br />

himself in the position to fill that<br />

gap. By doing so, others went<br />

home that night. He became<br />

someone’s hero, and they may<br />

never know it.”<br />

Miller, a Michigan native who<br />

had lived in Tennessee for 33<br />

years, was near celebration of<br />

his 50th wedding anniversary,<br />

Sheriff Rowland said during the<br />

conference.<br />

Former Maury County Sheriff<br />

Enoch George who brought<br />

Miller onto his staff and Maury<br />

County Constable Sam Barnes<br />

both spoke with The Herald on<br />

Tuesday, sharing fond words of<br />

tribute to Miller.<br />

“Brad was a phenomenal deputy,<br />

and one of the best reserve<br />

officers I’ve ever had the chance<br />

to work with,” George said. “He<br />

was always laughing and smiling,<br />

and he loved the other guys<br />

he worked with.<br />

“This really breaks my heart.”<br />

Constable Barnes who ran<br />

for sheriff a couple of election<br />

cycles ago, also said it was a<br />

privilege to know “such a fantastic<br />

man.”<br />

“His courage was amazing,”<br />

Barnes said. “The courage it<br />

takes to lay down one’s life<br />

during volunteer service, is not<br />

so easily found.”<br />

Barnes shared that while it<br />

was not required of reserve officers,<br />

Miller paid from his own<br />

pocket to attend a police academy<br />

that gave him the equivalent<br />

training of other sworn officers,<br />

but without the pay.<br />

“He was the only person that I<br />

ever heard of to devote his time<br />

[as a volunteer] to that training,”<br />

Barnes said.<br />

George said that Miller cared<br />

about people, about life and doing<br />

the right thing.<br />

“And he encouraged others to<br />

do right,” George said. “I want<br />


the family to know that my heart<br />

breaks for them and that we will<br />

all be praying that the good Lord<br />

takes care of them during this<br />

time.”<br />

According to information released<br />

at the press conference,<br />

Tennessee Highway Patrol is<br />

investigating the accident, and<br />

while charges are not currently<br />

forthcoming, they are not yet<br />

ruled out.<br />

The driver of the other vehicle<br />

that struck Miller’s patrol unit<br />

was injured in the crash, though<br />

no further details are being released<br />

at this time.<br />

“He took pride in how he represented<br />

himself, his department<br />

and others, especially his coworkers<br />

from General Motors,” Rowland<br />

added at the conference.<br />

18 The BLUES The BLUES 19


yrs.<br />


Deputy Scott Riner was shot and killed outside the<br />

Gwinnett Correctional Center as he arrived for work.<br />

GWINNETT COUNTY, GA. — Police<br />

in Gwinnett County announced the<br />

arrest of a man in the killing of a<br />

59-year-old corrections officer.<br />

The department said their SWAT<br />

team arrested Yahya Abdulkadir,<br />

22, around 1:30 p.m. on Friday in<br />

Lithonia. He faces felony murder and<br />

aggravated assault charges concerning<br />

the officer’s death.<br />

Abdulkadir was taken back to<br />

Gwinnett County Police headquarters<br />

and booked into the detention<br />

center, according to Gwinnett<br />

Police.<br />

In a news conference, Gwinnett<br />

Police said they worked with ATF,<br />

U.S. Marshals and the Gwinnett<br />

County Sheriff’s Office.<br />

Scott Riner, who had worked with<br />

the corrections department for 10<br />

years, was shot and killed outside<br />

the Gwinnett Correctional Center on<br />

Dec. 13.<br />

It happened just before 6:20 a.m.<br />

as he was on his way to work. The<br />

suspect, who police say is Abdulkadir,<br />

ran away.<br />

Initially, investigators believed<br />

Riner had been in some sort of<br />

confrontation with Abdulkadir, but<br />

in a media update on Friday, investigators<br />

said a dispute may have<br />

not happened and they continue to<br />

look into the circumstances of the<br />

shooting.<br />

Police have not since detailed any<br />

kind of motive.<br />

“Any time that we lose one of<br />

our own, it is extremely difficult,<br />

extremely emotional, but what the<br />

police department is going to do to<br />

help him and honor his memory and<br />

his family is to work this case as<br />

hard as we can and catch the person<br />

who did this,” Gwinnett Police Sgt.<br />

Jennifer Richter said.<br />

Riner’s family also issued a statement,<br />

thanking the community for<br />

its support and prayers.<br />

“Today, Scott’s alleged killer was<br />

arrested and we fully believe that<br />

justice will be rightfully served,”<br />

the statement reads. “While we are<br />

all still grappling with the loss of<br />

someone we loved so dearly, we<br />

can now begin to properly grieve<br />

knowing that Scott’s alleged killer is<br />

behind bars.”<br />

The family also thanked the police<br />

department for its efforts.<br />

The corrections center, located on<br />

Hi Hope Road near Swanson Drive in<br />

Lawrenceville, is for people serving<br />

a sentence as opposed to people at<br />

a jail who are generally waiting to<br />

be sentenced. The Gwinnett County<br />

Department of Corrections is a<br />

separate agency, not part of either<br />

the Gwinnett County Sheriff’s Office<br />

or the Gwinnett County PD.<br />

Here is the Riner family’s complete<br />

statement, from Friday night,<br />

December 16:<br />

“On behalf of the entire family<br />

of Senior Corrections Officer Scott<br />

Riner, thank you to everyone who<br />

has sent their love, well wishes, and<br />


prayers to our family during this<br />

horrific time. Today, Scott’s alleged<br />

killer was arrested and we fully<br />

believe that justice will be rightfully<br />

served. While we are all still<br />

grappling with the lost of someone<br />

we loved so dearly, we can now begin<br />

to properly grieve knowing that<br />

Scott’s alleged killer is behind bars.<br />

“Also, a very big thank you to the<br />

Gwinnett County Police Department<br />

for their tireless efforts in bringing<br />

this case to a close. We also want<br />

to thank the media for their diligent<br />

coverage in getting the message<br />

out to find his killer along with their<br />

compassionate stories of his work.<br />

We were, and still are, so very<br />

proud of the pride he put into his<br />

job to make every day a little better<br />

for everyone.”<br />

20 The BLUES The BLUES 21


yrs.<br />


Bay St. Louis Police Sgt. Steven Robin and Officer Branden Estorffe<br />

were gunned down by a woman they encountered on a welfare check.<br />

By Holly Matkin<br />

Bay St. Louis, MS – Bay St. Louis<br />

Police Department (BSLPD) Sergeant<br />

Steven Robin and Officer<br />

Branden Estorffe were murdered<br />

in the line of duty while responding<br />

to welfare check early<br />

Wednesday morning, according<br />

to investigators.<br />

The incident occurred at a<br />

Motel 6 on Highway 90 at about<br />

4:30 a.m. on Dec. 14, WLOX reported.<br />

When they arrived at the<br />

scene, Sgt. Robin, 34, and Officer<br />

Estorffe, 23, made contact<br />

with a woman who was sitting<br />

in a parked vehicle with a juvenile<br />

female inside, according to<br />

WLOX.<br />

The woman was later identified<br />

as 43-year-old Amy Anderson,<br />

police said.<br />

After speaking with Anderson<br />

for about a half-hour, Sgt. Robin<br />

and Officer Estorffe determined<br />

that Child Protection Services<br />

(CPS) should be contacted,<br />

WLOX reported.<br />

Details regarding what led the<br />

officers to make that determination<br />

were not immediately<br />

released.<br />

Investigators said Anderson<br />

was still sitting inside the vehicle<br />

when she opened fire on the<br />


officers, mortally wounding them<br />

both, WLOX reported.<br />

Sgt. Robin was pronounced<br />

dead at the scene.<br />

Officer Estorffe was rushed<br />

to Memorial Hospital in Gulfport,<br />

where he succumbed to<br />

his wounds a short while later,<br />

WLOX reported.<br />

“Two of our finest officers’ lives<br />

were taken,” BSLPD Chief Toby<br />

Schwartz confirmed, calling the<br />

incident a “tragedy.”<br />

Police initially said the suspect<br />

fatally shot herself after shooting<br />

the officers, WLOX reported.<br />

She was pronounced dead at<br />

the scene from a gunshot wound<br />

to the chest.<br />

Investigators said it is still<br />


possible Anderson shot herself,<br />

but that further investigation<br />

has revealed one of the officers<br />

was able to return fire during the<br />

confrontation, WLOX reported.<br />

It is unclear whether the officer’s<br />

bullet struck her.<br />

An autopsy will determine<br />

her exact cause of death, WLOX<br />

reported.<br />

The current whereabouts of<br />

the juvenile who was inside the<br />

Anderson’s vehicle when police<br />

first arrived at the scene has not<br />

been released.<br />

The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation<br />

is handling the ongoing<br />

investigation, WLOX reported.<br />

“The Bay St. Louis Police Department,<br />

as an agency in<br />

mourning, sadly reports the<br />

death of Sergeant Steven Robin<br />

and Officer Branden Estorffe,<br />

both killed in the line of duty<br />

during the morning of December<br />

14, 2022,” the BSLPD said in a<br />

press release on Wednesday afternoon.<br />

“This tragic loss is a sad<br />

day for the Bay St. Louis Community<br />

and law enforcement. We<br />

would like to thank everyone for<br />

their patience and understanding<br />

during this trying time.”<br />

Mississippi Governor Tate<br />

Reeves said in a statement that<br />

he is “heartbroken” over the<br />

“terrible loss of two brave law<br />

enforcement officers.”<br />

“I am praying for their family,<br />

friends, their fellow officers, and<br />

the entire Bay St. Louis community,”<br />

Reeves wrote.<br />

“Every single day across Mississippi,<br />

our law enforcement<br />

members place their lives on the<br />

line in constant and repeated<br />

acts of selfless sacrifice for their<br />

community,” the governor continued.<br />

“They are a key reason<br />

that the rest of us are safely and<br />

freely able to live our lives. They<br />

ARE the thin blue line.”<br />

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22 The BLUES The BLUES 23



Stuttgart Police Sergeant Donald Scoby and a Arkansas State Trooper<br />

were both shot during a pursuit. Sgt. Scoby succumbed to his wounds.<br />

STUTTGART, Ark. — Arkansas<br />

State Police have now confirmed<br />

that an officer in Stuttgart and<br />

the suspect have died following a<br />

fatal overnight shooting that left<br />

one other law enforcement official<br />

injured.<br />

According to reports, the incident<br />

happened after two Stuttgart<br />

officers pursued a suspect around<br />

11 p.m. on Wednesday.<br />

During the pursuit, 31-year-old<br />

Jacob Barnes, shot at the two<br />

responding officers, striking and<br />

killing one of the two officers.<br />

After shooting the officer, Barnes<br />

entered a nearby building and<br />

took a person hostage.<br />

Arkansas State Police provided<br />

backup to Stuttgart police, with<br />

Barnes firing at officers and injuring<br />

a trooper from Arkansas State<br />

Police.<br />

The woman held hostage was<br />

rescued around 7:00 a.m. on<br />

Thursday. Barnes and police then<br />

shot at each other where Barnes<br />

was fatally wounded.<br />

The injured trooper was taken to<br />

the hospital where he’s described<br />

as having non-life-threatening<br />

injuries.<br />

Following the incident, the Arkansas<br />

Department of Corrections<br />

posted their regards to the family<br />

of Sergeant Donald Scoby, the<br />

Stuttgart officer that was fatally<br />

shot during the pursuit.<br />

He was a four-year veteran of<br />

the police force.<br />

Stuttgart Mayor <strong>No</strong>rma King<br />

Strabala also put out a statement<br />

online, praising the officer for his<br />

dedication to his family, friends,<br />

community, and fellow officers at<br />

the department.<br />

“Donald was a dedicated officer,<br />

fierce advocate for this community,<br />

and a dear personal friend.<br />

His love for Stuttgart, his brothers<br />

and sisters on the force, and his<br />

family and friends will endure and<br />

outlast this grief,” the mayor said<br />

in the statement.<br />

Community members in Stuttgart,<br />

as well as many officials,<br />

have been reacting as well.<br />

Bill Jackson, who knew Sergeant<br />

Scoby personally, says he called<br />

him “Scooby.”<br />

“Yeah he’s just a really special<br />

guy. He’s just funny, he was just<br />

funny, he had a good way about<br />

him and he was just personable,<br />

and I just liked him a lot,” Jackson<br />

said. “Like I said, it’s just a sad<br />

situation.”<br />

In response to the tragic incident,<br />

Governor Asa Hutchinson<br />

released a statement which in<br />

part read, “our hearts and prayers<br />

go out to his family, the family of<br />

yrs.<br />


the injured Stuttgart police officer,<br />

and the Stuttgart Police Department<br />

during this difficult time.”<br />

The Little Rock FBI released<br />

a statement that read, “We are<br />

shocked and heartbroken by the<br />

death of Sgt. Donald Scoby. We<br />

mourn alongside our Stuttgart<br />

#police partners, and we offer our<br />

prayers for Sgt. Scoby’s family and<br />

friends. Rest in peace, Sgt. Scoby.<br />

Thank you for your brave service<br />

to our community.”<br />

Arkansas Attorney General, Leslie<br />

Rutledge also had a message<br />

to share about the passing of Sergeant<br />

Donald Scoby, and added,<br />

“The death of a law enforcement<br />

officer is devastating to not only<br />

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the family and community but the<br />

entire State of Arkansas. I pray for<br />

healing and peace for Sergeant<br />

Scoby’s family, his brothers and<br />

sisters in blue, as well as the entire<br />

community as they mourn the<br />

loss of this public servant,” said<br />

Attorney General Leslie Rutledge.<br />

“Our first responders are the last<br />

line of defense, and I could not<br />

be more grateful for their service<br />

and protection. Please keep the<br />

family, the Stuttgart Police Department,<br />

and the community in<br />

your prayers during this time.”<br />

Sheriff Lafayette Woods, Jr.<br />

with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s<br />

Office expressed his sentiments<br />

for the fallen officer and<br />

stated in part, “As Sheriff of<br />

Jefferson County, it is with the<br />

heaviest heart that I extend condolences<br />

on behalf of the Jefferson<br />

County Sheriff’s Office to the<br />

family, friends, and fellow officers<br />

of Stuttgart Police Department<br />

Sergeant Donald Scoby.”<br />

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24 The BLUES The BLUES 25



Wyandot County Sheriff’s Deputy Daniel Kin died<br />

Thursday Dec. 15th after a crash in Pickaway County.<br />

Be sure and check out<br />

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on Page 124.<br />

COLUMBUS, OH — He was a<br />

father, a son, a husband and a<br />

hero. Wyandot County Sheriff<br />

Deputy Daniel Kin meant so<br />

much to so many people.<br />

He started with the department<br />

last October. In tributes<br />

shared to social media, many<br />

people called him a hero. Nathan<br />

Frasure calls him a friend.<br />

“I think you run out of words<br />

to describe somebody that good<br />

that has moved on at an early<br />

age in life,” Frasure said. “Very<br />

fortunate to have somebody to<br />

cross paths with like that in my<br />

life.”<br />

Deputy Kin and Frasure met<br />

in 2008 at the police academy.<br />

They’d later go on to work at the<br />

Seneca County Sheriff’s Department.<br />

Frasure told 10TV, Kin was<br />

someone you could count on and<br />

was always level-headed in any<br />

situation.<br />

“Just an easy-going country<br />

guy. Just an easy personality,<br />

never overwhelmed by the moment,”<br />

said Frasure.<br />

Kin died on Thursday from his<br />

injuries after a crash in Pickaway<br />

County.<br />

The Pickaway County Sheriff’s<br />

Department said the crash happened<br />

just after 11 a.m.<br />

A man driving a 2010 Dodge<br />

Ram was traveling eastbound<br />

on Route 56. At the same time,<br />

Deputy Kin was driving north on<br />

Route 104 with an inmate in the<br />

vehicle.<br />

The two vehicles collided at<br />

the intersection of Routes 56 and<br />

104, just west of Circleville.<br />

Deputy Kin was flown to Grant<br />

Medical Center in Columbus<br />

where he died from his injuries.<br />

The man driving the Dodge<br />

Ram was also taken to Grant<br />

Medical Center and he is expected<br />

to be OK. A 4-year-old girl,<br />

a passenger in the truck, was<br />

taken to Nationwide Children’s<br />

Hospital. The sheriff’s office did<br />

not say what her condition was.<br />

The inmate in the deputy’s van<br />

was taken to OhioHealth Berger<br />

yrs.<br />

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Hospital and is still in custody.<br />

Hours later, dozens of police<br />

officers, deputies, EMS and<br />

healthcare workers gathered in<br />

downtown Columbus to escort<br />

Deputy Kin home.<br />

“In the darkest moments, you<br />

have to understand that sometimes<br />

God needs warriors and<br />

heroes...God got a good one<br />

today,” Frasure said.<br />

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Cumberland County Deputy Oscar Yovani Bolanos-Anavisca Jr, was<br />

killed when his vehicle was struck by a drunk driver.<br />

While friends, family and law<br />

enforcement officers grieved<br />

the loss of deputy Oscar Yovani<br />

Bolanos-Anavisca Jr. on Friday,<br />

they also remembered his smile<br />

as they celebrated his life.<br />

Bolanos-Anavisca Jr. was<br />

killed shortly after 2:45 a.m. Dec.<br />

16, while investigating a robbery<br />

at the Circle K at 2990 Gillespie<br />

St.<br />

During the investigation, Bolanos-Anavisca<br />

Jr. was “struck by<br />

a vehicle that was operated by a<br />

drunk driver that ultimately took<br />

his life,” said Detective Cindy<br />

Anavisca-Orrego, who is Bolanos-Anavisca<br />

Jr.’s cousin.<br />

Flanked by fellow deputies,<br />

detectives, canine handlers,<br />

crime scene investigators and<br />

dispatchers at Friday’s service,<br />

Anavisca-Orrego asked for<br />

prayers for the family and the<br />

men and women “who witnessed<br />

their brother being taken<br />

from them.”<br />

She told the crowd that Bolanos-Anavisca<br />

Jr. was more than<br />

her cousin.<br />

“You are my brother — the<br />

best backup I could ask for at<br />

any call,” Anavisca-Orrego said<br />

through tears. “I admire your<br />

beautiful heart and your smile,<br />

yrs.<br />


your passion and your strength.<br />

Continue to watch over us as we<br />

continue to push on. Don’t worry,<br />

brother. We’ve got it from here.”<br />

Law enforcement officers from<br />

across the state filled the Rivers<br />

of Living Water church Friday<br />

where Bolanos-Anavisca Jr. had<br />

been a member and his memorial<br />

service was held, as flags<br />

remained at half-staff.<br />

Standing feet away from<br />

Bolanos-Anavisca Jr.’s flagdraped<br />

coffin, his fiancee, Elena<br />

Schmidt, said she’d rather be<br />

picking out where she’d eat with<br />

Bolanos-Anavisca Jr. for a date<br />

night or watching a marathon of<br />

“The Office” with him.<br />

Schmidt said she’s been blessed<br />

to be part of Bolanos-Anavisca’s<br />

family since 2015.<br />

“You were more than a deputy<br />

to me,” Schmidt was as her<br />

voice quivered. “You were my<br />

person, my best friend, the love<br />

of my life and my soulmate. My<br />

heart is broken knowing that our<br />

time together has been cut so<br />

short.”<br />

Schmidt said she knows that<br />

Bolanos-Anavisca Jr.’s memory<br />

will go on and that he will continue<br />

to impact lives.<br />

“Throughout our years together,<br />

I watched you not only grow<br />

in age but in wisdom, respect,<br />

kindness and your faith. I can say<br />

that I know that you are with the<br />

Lord now talking to him just like<br />

you were the best of friends.”<br />

She said though she knew<br />

Bolanos-Anavisca Jr.’s dream<br />

was to become a law enforcement<br />

officer, it scared her until<br />

he started his career with the<br />

Sheriff’s Office.<br />

“Dec. 16 might have been your<br />

end of watch, but it was just<br />

your beginning of your time<br />

smiling down on us from heaven<br />

with Jesus,” Schmidt said.<br />

Bolanos-Anavisca Jr.’s cousin<br />

Byron Bolanos said Bolanos-Anavisca<br />

Jr. was a role<br />

model who would brighten<br />

people’s days with his smile.<br />

Bolanos said he will miss his<br />

cousin clearing his schedule for<br />

three-hour haircuts because the<br />

pair would spend hours talking.<br />

“I ask God for strength, because<br />

the moment you passed,<br />

you took a piece of me with<br />

you,” Bolanos said.<br />

“It honors me to know that he<br />

was able to serve and to help<br />

promote peace in the area,” the<br />

senior Bolanos said.<br />

Sheriff Ennis Wright said Bolanos-Anavisca<br />

Jr. started his career<br />

as a school resource officer,<br />

before wanting to be a patrol<br />

deputy.<br />

He began his career in the<br />

Sheriff’s Office in <strong>No</strong>vember 2020<br />

and transitioned to road patrol<br />

as a C-12 with “C” platoon.<br />

Cumberland County Schools<br />

officials said Bolanos-Anavisca<br />

Jr. also was a volunteer assistant<br />

football coach at Hope Mills<br />

Middle School.<br />

His obituary states he previously<br />

played soccer and football<br />

at South View High School.<br />

Bolanos-Anavisca Jr., Wright<br />

said, responded to a calling in<br />

which he ran toward danger.<br />

“This young man set examples<br />

for our young people,” Wright<br />

said Friday. “He set examples<br />

for a lot of these older deputies<br />

that’s in that sheriff’s office because<br />

he kept a positive attitude.<br />

He’s going to be missed. I miss<br />

him.”<br />

Arrests<br />

Antonio Craig Bradley, <strong>39</strong>, of<br />

Fayetteville, was arrested Sunday<br />

in the robbery, authorities<br />

said in a news release Monday.<br />

Bradley was also charged with<br />

resisting, delaying and obstructing<br />

officers for allegedly leading<br />

deputies in a foot chase Sunday.<br />

He was charged with breaking<br />

and entering, larceny after<br />

breaking and entering and possession<br />

of stolen goods from a<br />

<strong>No</strong>v. 17 theft at the same Circle K<br />

on Gillespie Street.<br />

Nicholas Terlizzi, 24, of Coronation<br />

Drive in Linden, is charged<br />

with impaired driving and felony<br />

death by vehicle in Bolanos-Anavisca<br />

Jr.’s hit-and-run<br />

death.<br />

Terlizzi also faces charges of<br />

reckless driving to endanger,<br />

driving on a restricted license,<br />

driving without insurance and<br />

driving without registration,<br />

according to the <strong>No</strong>rth Carolina<br />

State Highway Patrol charging<br />

document.<br />

He was also cited with a red<br />

light infraction.<br />

The driver left the scene, but<br />

was located a short distance<br />

away, officials said. Terlizzi’s<br />

vehicle, identified as a BMW by<br />

Wright, was displaying a revoked<br />

license plate, the charging<br />

document states.<br />

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28 The BLUES The BLUES 29


BRODNAX, VA.<br />

Brodnax Chief of Police Joe Carey, was struck and killed by a vehicle as<br />

he was attempting to remove the remains of a dog from the roadway.<br />

In Mecklenburg, Brunswick and<br />

Charlotte counties and elsewhere,<br />

countless people are<br />

mourning the death of Brodnax<br />

Police Chief Joseph “Joe”<br />

Edward Carey Sr. after he was<br />

killed in the line of duty during a<br />

roadside incident around 7 p.m.<br />

Friday.<br />

Virginia State Police are investigating<br />

the pedestrian fatality,<br />

which happened as Carey was<br />

attempting to recover the remains<br />

of a dog that had been<br />

struck in the roadway. Carey had<br />

pulled off to the right side of the<br />

road in the 200 block of Piney<br />

Pond Road and U.S. 58; as he was<br />

returning to the side of the highway,<br />

an eastbound Ford F-150<br />

pickup was unable to avoid a<br />

collision with Carey, according<br />

to State Police.<br />

Carey, 66, was transported to<br />

VCU Health Community Memorial<br />

Hospital in South Hill where he<br />

died from his injuries.<br />

The lights of Carey’s police<br />

cruiser were activated as the<br />

vehicle was parked on the side<br />

of the highway.<br />

The adult male driver of the<br />

pickup truck was not injured.<br />

Alcohol was not a factor in the<br />

crash, which remains under investigation,<br />

according to Virginia<br />

State Police Sgt. Michelle Anaya.<br />

The incident caused all lanes<br />

of U.S. 58 to be shut down as<br />

first responders worked to clear<br />

the scene.<br />

Carey’s career in law enforcement<br />

spanned more than 40<br />

years. He was with the Brodnax<br />

Police Department for over<br />

20 years, serving citizens in<br />

Mecklenburg and Brunswick as<br />

police chief for the town straddling<br />

both counties. A resident<br />

of Wylliesburg, Carey was also<br />

an active member of the Charlotte<br />

County Rescue Squad and<br />

Bacon District Fire Department.<br />

He served for eight years on the<br />

Charlotte County Board of Supervisors<br />

and ran for sheriff in<br />

Charlotte County.<br />

“Beloved in the communities in<br />

which he worked and lived, Joe<br />

never met a stranger and quickly<br />

befriended anyone with whom<br />

he crossed paths,” reads the<br />

fallen officer’s obituary. Those<br />

words have been affirmed by the<br />

outpouring of support across the<br />

area since his death.<br />

Matthew Carey, Joe Carey’s<br />

son, expressed the family’s<br />

appreciation for the kindness<br />

shown to them in the wake of<br />

the chief’s death. “The family<br />

would like to thank everyone for<br />

yrs.<br />


the outpouring of calls, texts,<br />

visits and other expressions of<br />

support over the last few days.<br />

Though we haven’t been able to<br />

respond to everyone individually,<br />

know that we greatly appreciate<br />

all of the love and support<br />

during this difficult time.<br />

“Though his absence leaves a<br />

significant hole in our lives, we<br />

will forever be grateful for the<br />

life he lived,” Matthew told The<br />

Sun.<br />

Members of the community<br />

joined emergency responders<br />

and gathered in areas along the<br />

route on Monday evening as Carey’s<br />

casket was transported to<br />

Wood Funeral Service in Chase<br />

City. The South Hill <strong>Vol</strong>unteer<br />

Fire Department suspended a<br />

large American flag from their<br />

ladder truck over the roadway as<br />

the procession that included dozens<br />

of law enforcement vehicles<br />

made its way through the town.<br />

“Our hearts and prayers go out<br />

to the Carey family and our law<br />

enforcement family and friends,”<br />

South Hill Fire Chief Michael<br />

Vaughan said on behalf of the<br />

department. “May he shine a<br />

light for us all to follow.”<br />

Carey’s police cruiser has sat<br />

parked for days in Brodnax, becoming<br />

a memorial to the fallen<br />

chief — covered with balloons,<br />

ribbons, flowers and other items<br />

placed by people in honor and<br />

remembrance of his life and<br />

service.<br />

Visitation services for Carey<br />

were held at the Wood Funeral<br />

Service, Chase City, Wednesday,<br />

December 21 and the funeral<br />

was held the following day at<br />




the Mecklenburg County High<br />

School auditorium, in Baskerville.<br />

Carey resided in the Wylliesburg<br />

community of Charlotte<br />

County where he also operated<br />

a cattle farm. His influence was<br />

felt far and wide; in neighboring<br />

Halifax County, law enforcement<br />

officers expressed grief over<br />

his death, noting that Carey had<br />

made his presence felt days before<br />

his death in South Boston by<br />

showing up at WalMart to support<br />

a South Boston Police Department<br />

kids’ shopping event.<br />

Carey also visited the Halifax<br />

County dispatch center to pass<br />

out cupcakes and treats to the<br />

staff. “Had never met him before<br />

but he seemed like a really<br />

nice guy,” wrote one dispatcher,<br />

Samantha Lynn Vest, on social<br />

media. “Carried on a good conversation.<br />

Praying for his family<br />

and friends. Rest in Peace Chief<br />

Carey.<br />

“My heart is breaking for my<br />

blue line family,” Vest added.<br />

Joseph Edward Carey Sr. is<br />

survived by his wife of 40 years,<br />

three sons, two grandchildren, a<br />

brother, other family and many<br />

friends.<br />

In the wake of Chief Carey’s<br />

death, Brodnax Mayor Don Dugger<br />

made the following statement:<br />

“This evening the Town of<br />

Brodnax lost a dedicated member<br />

of our community. It is with<br />

a heavy heart that I must announce<br />

the tragic death of Police<br />

Chief Joe Carey to a traffic crash<br />

on Route 58. Highly regarded for<br />

his public safety professionalism<br />

and experience, Joe was a<br />

genuine friend to so many of us.<br />

He truly loved his job and worked<br />

hard to make a difference while<br />

protecting and serving our town<br />

“I ask that you keep his family<br />

and colleagues with the Mecklenburg<br />

County Sheriff’s Office in<br />

your thoughts and prayers during<br />

this difficult time.”<br />

30 The BLUES The BLUES 31


yrs.<br />


Benton County Detective Paul Newell died in a motorcycle<br />

crash while escorting the Wreaths Across America Procession.<br />

BENTONVILLE, AR – Benton<br />

County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO)<br />

Detective Paul Newell died in<br />

the line of duty on Dec. 17 after<br />

he lost control of his motorcycle<br />

while participating in the<br />

Wreaths Across America event.<br />

Wreaths Across America is a<br />

nonprofit organization that distributes<br />

wreaths to be placed on<br />

the gravesites of military members.<br />

The 51-year-old detective was<br />

escorting the Wreaths Across<br />

America procession through<br />

Bentonville when the crash occurred,<br />

KFSM reported.<br />

As he was traveling eastbound<br />

on Highway 71B in the center<br />

turning lane, Det. Newell hit a<br />

curb, lost control of his motorcycle,<br />

and crashed into a semitruck<br />

that was park of the procession,<br />

according to the news<br />

outlet.<br />

The 24-year law enforcement<br />

veteran succumbed to his injuries<br />

at the scene, according to<br />

the Officer Down Memorial Page.<br />

In addition to his service as a<br />

deputy, Det. Newell was also a<br />

U.S. Army veteran.<br />

“It is with profound sadness<br />

that Benton County Sheriff<br />

Shawn Holloway announces the<br />

on-duty tragic death of Detective<br />

Paul Daniel Newell,” the BCSO<br />

said in a press release later that<br />

morning.<br />

Det. Newell started out in the<br />

BCSO’s Detention Division before<br />

his graduation from the Arkansas<br />

Law Enforcement Training Academy.<br />

In the decades that followed,<br />

he served as a patrol deputy,<br />

patrol sergeant, training sergeant,<br />

and as a lieutenant in the<br />

administration section, the BCSO<br />

said.<br />

He was assigned as a Criminal<br />

Investigation Division detective at<br />

the time of his death.<br />

Det. Newell also helped establish<br />

the sheriff’s office’s Motor<br />

Division after he graduated from<br />

the Police Motorcycle Operator’s<br />

Course in 2006, according to his<br />

obituary.<br />

He graduated from the Motor<br />

Officer’s Instructor School in<br />

Daytona, Florida in 2018, and became<br />

a certified Harley-Davidson<br />

technician in 2021 after completing<br />

training at the company’s<br />

headquarters in Milwaukee,<br />


Wisconsin.<br />

“He was instrumental in the<br />

maintenance and operation of<br />

the motorcycles and in teaching<br />

other deputies and officers from<br />

surrounding agencies,” the tribute<br />

read.<br />

Det. Newell leaves behind his<br />

wife, Charlene, and his daughters,<br />

Tara and Tonya.<br />

He is also survived by his parents,<br />

siblings, three granddaughters,<br />

nieces, and nephews.<br />

Det. Newell was laid to rest on<br />

Dec. 28.<br />

32 The BLUES The BLUES 33


yrs.<br />


Deputy Corey McElroy with the Garrett County Sheriff’s Office was killed<br />

in a vehicle crash when his SUV struck the back of a tractor-trailer.<br />

Frostburg, MD – Garrett County<br />

Sheriff’s Office (GCSO) Deputy<br />

Corey McElroy died in the line of<br />

duty on Dec. 21 after a three-vehicle<br />

crash.<br />

The 31-year-old deputy was<br />

driving his unmarked patrol SUV<br />

in the westbound lanes of Interstate<br />

68 near Maryland Route 36<br />

shortly before 7:30 p.m. on Dec.<br />

20 when he collided with the<br />

back of a tractor-trailer, according<br />

to the Maryland State Police<br />

(MSP).<br />

Investigators said the force of<br />

the impact sent Deputy McElroy’s<br />

vehicle into another traffic lane,<br />

where it was hit by a Ford F-350<br />

pickup truck, WDTV reported.<br />

Deputy McElroy was airlifted to<br />

Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown,<br />

West Virginia, where<br />

he succumbed to his injuries in<br />

the early-morning hours of Dec.<br />

21, Garrett County Sheriff Bryson<br />

Meyers said in a press release.<br />

The Maryland State Police<br />

Crash Team is handling the ongoing<br />

investigation into the fatal<br />

collision.<br />

The roadway was shut down<br />

until shortly before 11 p.m. as<br />

police investigated the scene,<br />

WBAL reported.<br />

Sheriff Meyers said Deputy<br />

McElroy, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran,<br />

was traveling home from<br />

the police academy to attend<br />

a family member’s graduation<br />

ceremony when the fatal crash<br />

occurred.<br />

He leaves behind his two young<br />

children.<br />

“We ask that you respect the<br />


privacy of Deputy McElroy’s family<br />

at this most difficult time,”<br />

Sheriff Meyers said.<br />

34 The BLUES The BLUES 35


yrs.<br />


Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Corporal Ray Hamilton was<br />

killed on Christmas after a suspect opened fire on him.<br />


tragedy took place on Christmas<br />

Eve after a Florida deputy<br />

was killed when a man shot him<br />

from inside his home.<br />

The Okaloosa County Sheriff’s<br />

Office said Corporal Ray Hamilton<br />

and other deputies were<br />

at 710 <strong>No</strong>rth Park Boulevard at<br />

around 9 a.m., preparing to serve<br />

an arrest warrant for a domestic<br />

battery charge to 43-year old<br />

Timothy Price-Williams.<br />

The victim said on Saturday<br />

morning, Price-Williams had<br />

slapped her in the face and<br />

shoved her during an argument<br />

the night before, taking away her<br />

phone so she could not call 911.<br />

The response team said it surrounded<br />

the townhouse and tried<br />

to negotiate with Price-Williams<br />

to give himself up peacefully.<br />

Several deputies, including Cpl.<br />

Hamilton, entered an area behind<br />

the backyard fence of the<br />

premises to help establish a safe<br />

perimeter.<br />

However, the sheriff’s office<br />

said once the teams got into<br />

position, Price-Williams opened<br />

fire from his window at around<br />

12:40 p.m., Cpl. Hamilton was<br />

struck.<br />

Price-Williams eventually<br />

stepped out of his home. The<br />

sheriff’s office said the way<br />

Price-Williams stepped out of<br />

his home, caused another deputy<br />

to fire at him, hitting him in the<br />

arm.<br />

The sheriff’s office said<br />

Price-Williams medical attention<br />

at the hospital and was<br />

then transported to the jail. Cpl.<br />

Hamilton was rushed to HCA Fort<br />

Walton Beach - Destin Hospital<br />

where he died from his injury<br />

shortly after 3 p.m.<br />

Prince-Williams faces charges<br />

of first-degree premeditated<br />

murder.<br />

Cpl. Hamilton was a five-year<br />

veteran with the Okaloosa County<br />

Sheriff’s Office.<br />

“We are devastated by the<br />

grief of losing Corporal Hamilton,<br />

a deputy who was a ray of<br />

sunshine in the OCSO, dedicated<br />

to protecting others,” said Sheriff<br />

Eric Aden. “We appreciate<br />


the endless stream of words of<br />

support that have come in for his<br />

family and his co-workers as we<br />

face this heartbreaking loss of a<br />

profoundly loved and respected<br />

friend, public servant, and hero .”<br />

36 The BLUES The BLUES 37


yrs.<br />


Riverside County Deputy Isiah Cordero was shot and killed<br />

while making a traffic stop in the Jurupa Valley Area.<br />

RIVERSIDE, CA. – At 32, Isaiah<br />

Cordero had just become a<br />

motorcycle deputy, a significant<br />

accomplishment in what was<br />

already developing into a distinguished<br />

law enforcement career.<br />

Cordero joined the Riverside<br />

County Sheriff’s Department<br />

in May 2014. He worked in the<br />

county’s jail system before becoming<br />

a sworn deputy in 2018.<br />

He completed motor school to<br />

become a motorcycle deputy in<br />

September, achieving one of his<br />

dreams.<br />

On Thursday Dec. 29, that<br />

dream turned into a nightmare<br />

during a traffic stop.<br />

Cordero had pulled over a<br />

pickup just before 2 p.m. in the<br />

city of Jurupa Valley, east of<br />

Los Angeles. As he approached<br />

the pickup, the driver pulled out<br />

a gun and opened fire, killing<br />

Cordero, Sheriff Chad Bianco<br />

said.<br />

The slaying, which led to a<br />

deadly two-county manhunt for<br />

the 44-year-old shooter, left<br />

colleagues devastated.<br />

“He was a jokester around the<br />

station, and all of our deputies<br />

considered him their little brother,”<br />

said Sheriff Chad Bianco.<br />

“Deputy Cordero learned from<br />

his mother the value of serving<br />

and helping others.<br />

“He was naturally drawn to<br />

law enforcement and certainly<br />

embodied our motto of service<br />

above self.”<br />

Mourners left flowers and other<br />

items at a memorial as word<br />

of the deputy’s death spread<br />

through the community he<br />

served. Several hours after the<br />

shooting, dozens of motorcycle<br />

officers and patrol cars escorted<br />

a hearse with the deputy’s flagdraped<br />

casket from the hospital<br />

to the county coroner’s office.<br />

Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered<br />

state flags to be flown at halfstaff<br />

in Cordero’s honor.<br />

“Jennifer and I extend our<br />

deepest sympathies to Deputy<br />

Isaiah Cordero’s family, friends<br />

and colleagues during this difficult<br />

time,” Newsom said. “He<br />

served his community selflessly,<br />

and with dedication and courage.<br />

We owe him our respect,<br />

gratitude, and will remember his<br />

sacrifice.”<br />

The Riverside Sheriff’s Association<br />

also shared its condolences.<br />

“We are devastated by the grief<br />

of losing Deputy Isaiah Cordero,<br />

a deputy who was a ray of<br />

sunshine in the Riverside Sheriff’s<br />

Department, a person who was<br />

dedicated to protecting others,”<br />


the statement said. “Once again,<br />

we face a tragic reminder of<br />

the selflessness and unwavering<br />

courage required of peace officers<br />

and their families.”<br />

In the hours after the shooting,<br />

the search for the gunman led to<br />

a pursuit on freeways in Riverside<br />

County and neighboring San<br />

Bernardino County. The tires on<br />

the gunman’s pickup were damaged<br />

when it ran over a spike<br />

strip, but the driver continued<br />

with rows of law enforcement<br />

vehicles behind him.<br />

On the 15 Freeway in <strong>No</strong>rco,<br />

about 10 miles southwest of<br />

A view of the scene after a pursuit and deadly shootout Thursday Dec. 29, 2022.<br />

Jurupa Valley, the truck finally<br />

broke down and crashed.<br />

“At the conclusion of the pursuit,<br />

the suspect fired rounds at<br />

deputies,” Bianco said.<br />

Deputies returned fire, killing<br />

44-year-old William Shae McKay.<br />

<strong>No</strong> deputies were injured in<br />

the shootout.<br />

The San Bernardino County<br />

resident had a long and violent<br />

criminal history stretching back<br />

to before 2000 that included<br />

kidnapping, robbery and multiple<br />

Be sure and check out<br />

our new<br />


on Page 124.<br />

arrests for assault with a deadly<br />

weapon, including the stabbing<br />

of a California Highway Patrol<br />

dog, the sheriff said.<br />

Details about what led to<br />

Thursday’s shooting during the<br />

traffic stop were not immediately<br />

available. It was not clear<br />

why the driver was pulled over,<br />

but authorities said the traffic<br />

stop was under investigation and<br />

possibly related to irregularities<br />

with the black pickup he was<br />

driving.<br />

Sponsored by<br />

Witnesses called 911 and tried<br />

to help the deputy until paramedics<br />

arrived, Bianco said.<br />

Cordero was taken to Riverside<br />

Community Hospital, but Bianco<br />

said the deputy died at the scene<br />

of the traffic stop.<br />

Cordero is survived by his<br />

mother, father and stepbrother.<br />

The deputy was not married but<br />

was in a relationship, the sheriff<br />

said.<br />

Funeral arrangements for<br />

Cordero were pending.<br />

38 The BLUES The BLUES <strong>39</strong>


yrs.<br />

GILBERT, AZ.<br />

Funeral service held for Sheriff Mark Lamb’s family following<br />

deadly crash that claimed his son, his son’s fiancée<br />

and his 1-year old granddaughter.<br />

EDITOR: As many of you<br />

know, Sheriff Mark Lamb is a<br />

good friend of The BLUES and<br />

was just featured on our cover<br />

a couple of months ago.<br />

We reached out to Mark and<br />

his wife Janel to let them<br />

know that their family is in<br />

our prayers and the entire Blue<br />

nation stands with them during<br />

this tragic time. Please pray for<br />

Mark and his family and support<br />

them if you can, by donating<br />

to one of the following<br />

fundraisers setup for the family.<br />

FundtheFirst and GoFundMe.<br />

GILBERT, AZ. – A funeral service<br />

was held two weeks after a<br />

crash in Arizona that claimed the<br />

lives of Pinal County Sheriff Mark<br />

Lamb’s son, his son’s fiancée, and<br />

granddaughter.<br />

On Dec. 16, shortly after 3:45<br />

p.m. first responders were dispatched<br />

to a two-vehicle collision<br />

west of Elliot and Recker<br />

Roads in the city of Gilbert, Law<br />

Officer reported.<br />

“A truck was traveling westbound<br />

when it struck a red passenger<br />

car traveling eastbound<br />

as it made a left-hand turn to<br />

Cooper Lamb with his fiancée Caroline and their daughter.<br />

go north on Cole,” according to<br />

police.<br />

A man and an infant were<br />

passengers inside the red car,<br />

according to officials. Both were<br />

declared dead at the scene.<br />

“It is with heartfelt sadness<br />

to report the identity of the<br />

22-year-old male in yesterday’s<br />

fatal collision on Elliot and Cole<br />

to be that of Cooper Lamb, Pinal<br />

County Sheriff Mark Lamb’s son,<br />

and his infant grandchild— both<br />

passengers of the vehicle,” law<br />

enforcement authorities said at<br />

the time.<br />

The female driver of the car –<br />

Cooper’s fiancée and mother of<br />

the child, Caroline Patton – was<br />

hospitalized in critical condition.<br />

Sadly, she passed away Dec. 24,<br />

Sheriff Lamb announced, according<br />

to FOX Los Angeles.<br />

A funeral service for Cooper,<br />

Caroline and their child was held<br />

on Dec. 30 at the LDS Stake Center<br />

in San Tan Valley.<br />

“We are just grateful for all<br />

Sheriff Mark Lamb and his wife Janel have demonstrated courage in the face of darkness.<br />

the outpouring of love and support,”<br />

Sheriff Lamb remarked.<br />

“Obviously this is a tough tragic<br />

situation … loss of your son,<br />

grandchild. Caroline was like a<br />

daughter to us as<br />

well, so it’s tough.”<br />

The sheriff said<br />

they do not harbor<br />

bitterness in the aftermath<br />

of the horrific<br />

tragedy as they<br />

offered forgiveness<br />

to the other driver,<br />

FOX Los Angeles reported.<br />

“We are not angry.<br />

This is an accident.<br />

Our son went<br />

through something<br />

similar. We don’t feel any anger<br />

or resentment. We want to let<br />

you know we forgive you, and<br />

we know that our kids are in a<br />

better place.”<br />

Naturally, the past few weeks<br />

have been difficult, but Sheriff<br />

Lamb and his wife Janel are<br />

pushing forward for the sake of<br />

their other four children.<br />

Janel Lamb also expressed her<br />

gratitude to the community’s first<br />

responders.<br />

“I would also like to send my<br />

deepest thanks and gratitude to<br />

the community in Gilbert that<br />

worked on our kids<br />

and helped them and<br />

were there with them<br />

when they had their<br />

accident. That means<br />

more to me as a mom<br />

to know that you were<br />

there for them,” Janel<br />

Lamb said.<br />

Brian Torres, 21, was<br />

identified as the driver<br />

of the truck. He was<br />

not hurt in the collision<br />

and was subsequently<br />

arrested for<br />

suspicion of DUI. The investigation<br />

into the triple-fatality remains<br />

ongoing.<br />

40 The BLUES The BLUES 41


yrs.<br />


Latest law enforcement news from across the country.<br />





By Ashley Silver, Police1<br />

SAN MARCOS, TX — A former<br />

Texas officer was fatally shot<br />

on Christmas Day after pulling a<br />

gun on police at an apartment<br />

complex.<br />

According to KXAN News, San<br />

Marcos police received a call<br />

regarding an assault at an apartment<br />

complex. The caller said<br />

the man allegedly responsible,<br />

36-year-old Kyle Lobo, was<br />

drinking and had a gun.<br />

When police responded, they<br />

noticed Lobo was holding a child<br />

in his arms. He handed the child<br />

to the woman who had called<br />

the police and then pulled a firearm,<br />

prompting police to shoot<br />

the former San Marcos officer.<br />

He was pronounced dead at a<br />

local hospital.<br />

KXAN reported that Lobo resigned<br />

from the San Marcos Police<br />

Department earlier this year<br />

amid family violence charges.<br />

Lobo’s wife told officers in previous<br />

police records that he’d assaulted<br />

her five or six times since<br />

the start of 2022, including times<br />

when he allegedly assaulted the<br />

woman’s 11-year-old son.<br />

The Texas Rangers are investigating<br />

the shooting.<br />




By Dan Sullivan Tampa Bay<br />

Times<br />

TAMPA, FL. — The Tampa Police<br />

Department fired one of its<br />

officers Tuesday after he was<br />

recorded dragging a handcuffed<br />

woman across the ground toward<br />

a Hillsborough County jail<br />

booking room.<br />

An investigation found that<br />

Officer Gregory Damon violated<br />

several department policies<br />

during the <strong>No</strong>v. 17 incident.<br />

It happened after he and other<br />

officers were called early that<br />

morning to the Tampa Family<br />

Health Centers at 4620 N 22nd<br />

St. in the Belmont Heights area.<br />

People at the medical office<br />

reported that a woman was<br />

sleeping outside the building and<br />

refusing their requests to leave<br />

the property.<br />

The same woman had previously<br />

been told to stay away<br />

from the property, police said.<br />

She was arrested on a trespassing<br />

charge.<br />

When Damon arrived with<br />

her at the Orient Road Jail, the<br />

woman refused to step out of<br />

the back of his patrol SUV, police<br />

said.<br />

Body-worn camera video that<br />

police released Tuesday captured<br />

his interaction with the<br />

woman.<br />

“I’m going to drag you out of<br />

this car,” he told her.<br />

“I want you to drag me,” she<br />

said.<br />

The video shows the officer<br />

taking her by the arm, pulling her<br />

out of the vehicle, then moving<br />

her across a long concrete floor<br />

toward a sign reading “search<br />

your arrestee” over the doorway<br />

to the central booking room. The<br />

woman speaks defiantly, berating<br />

the officer throughout.<br />

As he drags her, the officer<br />

stops and tells the woman to<br />

stand up. She remains on the<br />

ground.<br />

Damon continued to drag her<br />

toward the doorway. He pressed<br />

a call button, summoning two<br />

Hillsborough County jail deputies<br />

to come outside to help<br />

bring the woman into the room.<br />

Tampa police did not name the<br />

woman in a news release about<br />

the incident. But jail booking<br />

records indicate that she is 46<br />

years old. She was booked in jail<br />

at 10:19 a.m. that day on a trespassing<br />

charge. Booking notes<br />

indicate that she was released<br />

a few days later to a mental<br />

health facility. The criminal case<br />

against her continues to be prosecuted.<br />

Supervisors at the jail, which<br />

42 The BLUES The BLUES 43


yrs.<br />

Investigators reviewed the officer’s<br />

body camera footage and<br />

surveillance video from the jail<br />

and interviewed Damon, finding<br />

no clear justification for the policy<br />

violations.<br />




NEW ORLEANS, LA – A New<br />

Orleans police officer was<br />

wounded Wednesday when he<br />

accidentally shot himself in the<br />

leg at the department’s training<br />

academy firing range, the department<br />

reports.<br />

“In this incident, a NOPD officer<br />

sustained a self-inflicted gunshot<br />

wound to the leg. The injury<br />

is not believed to be life-threatening.<br />

The officer was transported<br />

via EMS to a local hospital.<br />

<strong>No</strong> additional information<br />

is currently available,” a police<br />

department statement says, according<br />

to 4WWL.<br />

A police department spokesman<br />

tells FOX8 the officer is<br />

retired with more than 30 years<br />

of service to the department and<br />

is a reserve sergeant currently<br />

assigned to the training academy<br />

as an instructor.<br />




BRYAN, TX – A Bryan Texas police<br />

officer was shot late Thursday<br />

night after a traffic stop.<br />

The officer survived the shooting<br />

but the suspect has not yet been<br />

captured, according to KWTZ.<br />

Bryan police said the driver<br />

didn’t immediately stop and continued<br />

to drive for a short time<br />

before exiting the vehicle and<br />

running away. The officer began<br />

chasing the driver on foot when<br />

the suspect fired multiple shots<br />

at the officer who was struck<br />

but did not return fire.<br />

The officer was rushed to a<br />

local hospital and condition is<br />

described as being “stable.”<br />

The suspect drove away from<br />

the area after stealing the police<br />

officer’s patrol car. It was later<br />

located in the 2000 block of<br />

Fountain Avenue in Bryan.<br />

Multiple agencies are attempting<br />

to locate the suspect.<br />

A pickup truck that is likely the<br />

suspect’s vehicle was seen being<br />

towed away near the area of<br />

Carter Creek Parkway and Avondale.<br />

The officer’s name has not<br />

been released by the police department.<br />




By Ashley Silver, Police1<br />

CHICAGO, IL – Three Chicago<br />

police officers died by suicide in<br />

the past week, bringing the total<br />

number of suicides this year<br />

within the Chicago Police Department<br />

to seven, according to<br />

WTTW News.<br />

Police union representatives<br />

believe heavy workloads, canceled<br />

days off and an anti-police<br />

climate are contributing factors<br />

to officers’ mental health concerns.<br />

Robert Sobo, director of the<br />

Professional Counseling Division<br />

and Employee Assistance<br />

Program for the Chicago Police<br />

Department, and Alisha Warren,<br />

assistant commissioner of mental<br />

health for the Chicago Department<br />

of Public Health, spoke<br />

on “Chicago Tonight” to detail<br />

the challenges police officers are<br />

facing, which can weigh substantially<br />

on their mental health<br />

and available resources to help.<br />

Suicide is always preventable.<br />

If you are having thoughts of<br />

suicide or feeling suicidal, please<br />

call the National Suicide Prevention<br />

Hotline immediately at 800-<br />

273-8255. Counselors are also<br />

available to chat at www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org.<br />

Remember:<br />

You deserve to be supported,<br />

and it is never too late to seek<br />

help. Speak with someone today.<br />




By Alexandra Kukulka<br />

The Daily Southtown<br />

OAK FOREST, Ill. — Oak Forest<br />

police officers will work 12-hour<br />

shifts in the new year, allowing<br />

officers to have a three-day<br />

weekend every other week, as<br />

a trial period to determine if<br />

the schedule change works and<br />

helps with officer retention and<br />

recruitment, officials said.<br />

The Oak Forest patrol division<br />

will shift from working 8.5- to<br />

12-hour shifts: from 6 a.m. to 6<br />

p.m. and 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., said<br />

union President Sgt. Michael<br />

Lynch Jr.<br />

Oak Forest police officers will<br />

44 The BLUES The BLUES 45


work 12-hour shifts in the new<br />

year, allowing officers to have a<br />

three-day weekend every other<br />

week. (Photo/Facebook via Oak<br />

Forest PD)<br />

The shift was agreed to by the<br />

Oak Forest Police Department<br />

administration and the union<br />

after over a year of discussion,<br />

Lynch said.<br />

“We brought the schedule<br />

change up. We wanted to make<br />

sure it was a mutual thing with<br />

the administration and the union<br />

so it benefited everyone,” he<br />

said.<br />

When talking with the patrol<br />

officers, Lynch said a lot of the<br />

newer police officers stated they<br />

worked for other departments<br />

that did 12-hour shifts, which<br />

gave them more time to spend<br />

with family.<br />

“It had a lot to do with recruitment<br />

and retention,” Lynch said.<br />

“It seems they want 12 hours and<br />

family time.”<br />

Oak Forest police Chief Jason<br />

Reid said the shift is a big<br />

change, but after discussion with<br />

union leaders and patrol officers<br />

the administration decided to try<br />

it for a year and make potential<br />

adjustments if needed.<br />

Reid said new officers asked<br />

for 12-hour shifts to maintain the<br />

schedule they’re used to working<br />

at other departments. But some<br />

officers, who have had more experience<br />

on the force, expressed<br />

concern about reducing their<br />

personal time on days they work,<br />

he said.<br />

“The majority of the new officers<br />

wanted it,” Reid said. “We<br />

will not sacrifice the quality of a<br />

candidate to bolster numbers.”<br />

Oak Forest police officers now<br />

work the 8.5-hour shifts four<br />

days in a row and then have two<br />

days off, Reid said. Under the 12-<br />

hour schedule, officers will have<br />

rotating three-day weekends.<br />

Officers now have a full weekend<br />

off every six weeks, Reid<br />

said, with the department having<br />

three shifts with three squads<br />

per shift, which translates to<br />

about four to five officers on patrol<br />

at a time.<br />

The schedule for 12-hour shifts<br />

changes to two squads per shift,<br />

which translates to eight officers<br />

on patrol during each shift when<br />

accounting for those who will<br />

have days off, he said.<br />




FOR DUI<br />

LOS ANGELES — After seven<br />

officers with the Los Angeles<br />

Police Department were recently<br />

arrested on suspicion of DUI, the<br />

agency warned its personnel to<br />

“celebrate responsibly.”<br />

LAPD brass wrote a bulletin to<br />

staff members informing them<br />

that half of the officers arrested<br />

had a blood-alcohol content<br />

level that was more than twice<br />

the legal limit. Moreover, several<br />

were involved in injury collisions,<br />

according to the Los Angeles<br />

Times.<br />

The admonition comes amid<br />

serious concerns regarding<br />

heavy drinking by employees<br />

within the department.<br />

yrs.<br />

According to FOX 11 Los Angeles,<br />

LAPD released the following<br />

statement in response:<br />

“Over a short period of time<br />

leading up to the Holidays, the<br />

Los Angeles Police Department<br />

has seen an increase in alcohol<br />

related incidents resulting in<br />

arrest. The past weekend an all<br />

hands operation took place to<br />

craft messaging warning officers<br />

of the trend of Driving Under the<br />

Influence arrests and resources<br />

available to them. Our Behavioral<br />

Sciences clinicians have created<br />

additional training and employee<br />

meetings to prevent future<br />

incidents. Although alcohol<br />

resources and training are available<br />

to LAPD personnel, this does<br />

not take the place of criminal<br />

and administrative accountability<br />

processes that have been initiated<br />

and will be carried out.”<br />




By Ashley Silver, Police1<br />

NEW ORLEANS, LA.— Michelle<br />

Woodfork is set to take the reins<br />

of the New Orleans Police Department<br />

as interim police chief,<br />

guided by a rich family legacy in<br />

law enforcement.<br />

According to NOLA.com, the<br />

31-year police veteran was promoted<br />

to captain last year and<br />

currently serves in the NOPD’s<br />

Management Services Bureau.<br />

Woodfork was introduced as<br />

the new interim police chief<br />

during a news conference earlier<br />

this week. Woodfork is the first<br />

woman to lead the NOPD and<br />

will be following in the footsteps<br />

of her father, who served<br />

in the same department from<br />

1968 to 1974. Her uncle, Warren<br />

Woodfork, was the NOPD’s first<br />

Black superintendent.<br />

“I am their legacy,” Woodfork<br />

said at Tuesday’s announcement.<br />

“As I watched them, the seed to<br />

serve and protect was planted.”<br />

Woodfork’s dream of rising in<br />

the ranks of law enforcement<br />

was nearly thwarted in 2017 as a<br />

drunk driver plowed into her and<br />

dozens of others while she was<br />

working parade duty. She suffered<br />

a broken leg from the incident,<br />

but returned to the force<br />

after healing from her injuries.<br />

Woodfork worked in the<br />

NOPD’s Sex Crimes and Child<br />

Abuse Unit for a dozen years,<br />

first as a detective and then a<br />

sergeant, before being tapped<br />

in 2012 to head the department’s<br />

alternative police response unit.<br />

District D Council member<br />

Eugene Green told NOLA.com<br />

that he’d heard positive feedback<br />

from other officers about Woodfork,<br />

stating that she had “paid<br />

her dues”: “They can identify<br />

with someone who has served at<br />

different levels. She has served<br />

across districts, so she is familiar<br />

with the city. I look forward<br />

to working with her to address<br />

the concerns that we have and<br />

also the opportunities within the<br />

police department,” Green said.<br />





By Ashley Silver, Police1<br />

ST. PAUL, MN. — The Minnesota<br />

Court of Appeals has ruled on a<br />

lawsuit stemming from the death<br />

of Washington County Sheriff’s<br />

deputy Jerome Lannon in 2018.<br />

The court found that Lannon’s<br />

wife was wrongly denied death<br />

benefits after the he died by suicide<br />

due to a PTSD diagnosis.<br />

KARE News reported the initial<br />

ruling of an administrative<br />

law judge stated Lannon was<br />

not killed in the line of duty, so<br />

his widow, Cynthia, would not<br />

be awarded his death benefits.<br />

The Minnesota Court of Appeals<br />

reversed that ruling this week<br />

after stating, “The phrase ‘killed<br />

in the line of duty,’ as interpreted<br />

by the Supreme Court, is<br />

broad enough to encompass the<br />

death of a public safety officer<br />

who dies by suicide as a result<br />

of PTSD caused by performing<br />

duties peculiar to a public safety<br />

officer.”<br />

The appeals court also noted<br />

that throughout Lannon’s<br />

20+ years in law enforcement,<br />

the deputy “responded to many<br />

disturbing incidents, including a<br />

double murder, multiple suicides,<br />

a child’s sexual assault and fatal<br />

vehicle crashes,” causing him to<br />

seek treatment for anxiety and<br />

depression that previous therapists<br />

tied to PTSD.<br />

The court went on to state:<br />

“We conclude that ‘killed in the<br />

line of duty’ ... includes a death<br />

by suicide resulting from PTSD<br />

caused by performing duties peculiar<br />

to a public safety officer.<br />

Accordingly, survivors of such an<br />

officer may qualify for the death<br />

benefit.”<br />




HOUSTON — Police in Houston<br />

are seeing success from a pilot<br />

program geared toward helping<br />

officers effectively mitigate<br />

stress through mindfulness.<br />

FOX 26 Houston reported that<br />

the Houston Police Department<br />

is considering an expansion of<br />

its ‘PEACE’ (Police Enlightenment<br />

and Collective Education)<br />

program, which focuses on<br />

providing mental health support<br />

to officers using yoga and<br />

mindfulness techniques to put<br />

them in the best frame of mind<br />

when protecting and serving<br />

the community.<br />

Yoga instructor Jazmin Porter<br />

leads groups of officers<br />

who voluntarily take part in the<br />

program. She believes mindfulness<br />

techniques can play an<br />

integral role in how officers<br />

make decisions in the field and<br />

how they react when engaging<br />

with the public.<br />

“Your mind is directly connected<br />

to your emotions, and<br />

the way you feel, creates the<br />

way you act,” she said according<br />

to FOX 26.<br />

Requests to join the program<br />

were sent out as a simple “invitation,”<br />

empowering officers<br />

to take charge of their mental<br />

health.<br />

Many were receptive, with<br />

the ‘PEACE’ program becoming<br />

such a vital tool in the department<br />

that further expansion of<br />

the $50,000 program to additional<br />

cadet classes is now<br />

being discussed.<br />

“It’s amazing, and I think it’s<br />

a great benefit,” Houston Police<br />

Chief Troy Finner said. “A<br />

relaxed officer, and also our<br />

civilian staff, is a better officer<br />

and better civilian staff to<br />

serve our community.”<br />

46 The BLUES The BLUES 47


yrs.<br />


Testing the <strong>2023</strong> Patrol Vehicles<br />

By David Griffith<br />

The Michigan State Police held<br />

its annual Police Vehicle Evaluation<br />

Sept. 17-19. And there was<br />

not a lot of excitement. The <strong>2023</strong><br />

model year is basically more<br />

of the same from the Big Three<br />

American automakers that supply<br />

law enforcement agencies<br />

with pursuit-rated vehicles.<br />

Chevrolet brought one of the<br />

most interesting entries, its new<br />

patrol pickup, the Silverado PPV<br />

in two models.<br />

Dodge brought the last patrol<br />

sedans on the market, the 5.7-liter<br />

V8 Charger with the Hemi<br />

and the 3.6 liter with the Pentastar<br />

V6. Also tested were the<br />

Dodge patrol SUVs, the Durango<br />

5.7-liter V8 and 3.6-liter V6 both<br />

in AWD.<br />

Ford once again submitted the<br />

Mustang Mach-E battery electric<br />

SUV, which is not officially<br />

a patrol vehicle. Other submissions<br />

from Ford’s broad fleet of<br />

patrol vehicles included three<br />

gas-powered versions of the<br />

Ford PoIice Interceptor Utility<br />

SUV: the 3.0-liter V6 EcoBoost,<br />

the Hybrid gas-electric, and the<br />

3.3-liter V6. Ford also brought<br />

its pursuit-rated pickup—the<br />

F-150 Police Responder 3.5-liter<br />

V6 EcoBoost—for its third year of<br />

testing. The latest version of the<br />

pickup launched as a 2021 model;<br />

the first model debuted as a<br />

2018.<br />

At press time, the results from<br />

this year’s testing were preliminary,<br />

but the results are very<br />

similar to the 2021 testing of the<br />

2022 model year vehicles.<br />


Top speed is the most glamorous<br />

performance category of<br />

the MSP vehicle testing but also<br />

the least reflective of real driving<br />

during law enforcement duty.<br />

Acceleration is a much more<br />

applicable performance characteristic<br />

for patrol vehicles.<br />

Ford scored the two top 0 to 60<br />

mph acceleration specs at 3.93<br />

seconds for the Mustang Mach-E<br />

electric SUV and 5.72 seconds for<br />

the F-150 Police Responder. Both<br />

are of course special vehicles.<br />

Top speed for the F-150 Police<br />

Responder was 120 mph. The<br />

Electric Mustang hit 122 mph.<br />

Among more conventional<br />

patrol vehicles, the Ford PI Utility<br />

EcoBoost was both the quickest<br />

and the fastest, with a zero to<br />

sixty of 5.68 seconds and a top<br />

speed of 148 mph. This is not<br />

surprising since the EcoBoost engine<br />

has twin turbos. The PI Utility<br />

Hybrid scored a zero to sixty<br />

of 7.28 seconds and a top speed<br />

of 136 mph. The normally aspirated<br />

PI Utility 3.3-liter scored a<br />

zero to sixty of 7.95 seconds and<br />

a top speed of 136 mph.<br />

Dodge of course had some<br />

of the fastest vehicles with its<br />

Charger muscle sedans. The<br />

5.7-liter V8 Hemi Charger Pursuit<br />

is a beast. Its top speed is<br />

140 mph—which is slower than<br />

the civilian model—and it posted<br />

a zero to sixty of 6.01 second.<br />

Dodge’s other Charger Pursuit<br />

patrol vehicle, the 3.6 liter with<br />

the Pentastar V6, topped out at<br />

the same 140 MPH as the 5.7-liter<br />

Hemi and went zero to sixty in<br />

7.57 seconds.<br />

Dodge’s Durango patrol SUVs<br />

have the same two engines as<br />

the Chargers. The 5.7-liter V8<br />

Hemi Durango had a top speed<br />

of 130 mph and a zero to sixty of<br />

7.27 seconds. The 3.6-liter Pentastar<br />

V6 had a top speed of 128<br />

mph and a zero to sixty of 8.65<br />

seconds.<br />

Chevy’s patrol vehicles were<br />

the slowest in the testing but<br />

not by much. Top speed for the<br />

Tahoe 5.3-liter RWD was 130<br />

mph with a zero to sixty of 7.38.<br />

The 4WD version of the Tahoe<br />

with the same engine had a top<br />

speed of 124 mph and a zero<br />

to sixty of 8.03 seconds. Both<br />

Silverado PPV pickup models,<br />

the ZR7 4WD and Z71 4WD,<br />

reached a top speed of 112 mph.<br />

Acceleration scores for the Chevy<br />

patrol trucks showed the power<br />

of their 5.3-liter V8 engines. The<br />

ZR7 4WD reached its top speed<br />

in 24.38 second and recorded<br />

a zero to sixty of 7.43 seconds.<br />

The Z71 4WD accelerated to 112<br />

mph in 23.80 seconds and hit<br />

sixty from a standing stop in 7.59<br />

seconds.<br />

48 The BLUES The BLUES 49


Acceleration and speed are<br />

some of the most important<br />

specs for patrol vehicles, but<br />

nothing is more important than<br />

braking.<br />

Brakes on duty vehicles get<br />

some serious wear and tear. MSP<br />

evaluators use a specific protocol<br />

of driving and stopping to<br />

warm and cool the brakes before<br />

putting them to the test.<br />

It’s no surprise that the winner<br />

in the brake category was the<br />

electric Mustang. Electric vehicles<br />

use different stopping technology<br />

than conventional automobiles<br />

and trucks. The Mustang<br />

Mach-E’s estimated stopping<br />

distance 60 to 0 mph was 122.80<br />

feet.<br />

It’s also no surprise that the<br />

worst performing vehicle in the<br />

braking evaluation was the other<br />

Ford special vehicle, the F-150<br />

Police Responder. The pursuit<br />

pickup truck was estimated to<br />

stop sixty to zero in 162.2 feet.<br />

Chevy’s new pursuit pickups<br />

displayed excellent braking,<br />

thanks to their Brembo brake<br />

front calipers and 16-inch rotors.<br />

MSP estimates that the Silverado<br />

PPV ZX7 4WD stops from sixty<br />

to zero in 140.2 feet and the<br />

Z71 4WD pulls to a stop from<br />

60 mph in 140.4 feet. The Chevy<br />

Tahoe’s also demonstrated impressive<br />

stopping power, with<br />

the RWD model coming down<br />

from sixty to zero in an estimated<br />

127.7 feet. The 4WD model<br />

had an estimated sixty to zero<br />

stopping distance of 130.1 seconds.<br />

Dodge’s Charger Pursuit models<br />

have an advantage over<br />

heavier SUVs in stopping distance<br />

and it showed in the MSP<br />

testing. The MSP evaluators<br />

estimated the sixty-to-zero of<br />

the 5.7-liter V8 Hemi Charger<br />

at 129.6 feet and the 3.6-liter<br />

V6 Pentastar at 129.7 feet. The<br />

Dodge Durango SUVs had sixty<br />

to zero estimates of 137.7 feet for<br />

the 5.7-liter V8 Hemi and 135.3<br />

for the 3.6-liter V6 Pentastar.<br />

Ford’s patrol SUVs also demonstrated<br />

solid braking capabilities.<br />

The PI Utility with V6 EcoBoost<br />

was estimated to stop sixty to<br />

zero in 131.5 feet, the 3.3 liter<br />

131.7 feet, and the Hybrid 132.5<br />

feet.<br />


Law enforcement vehicles are<br />

clearly in transition, and the <strong>2023</strong><br />

models may be some of the last<br />

of their kind. There will likely be<br />

fewer conventional gas-powered<br />

patrol vehicles on the track<br />

when the 2024 pursuit-rated<br />

models are tested by the MSP<br />

next year.<br />

Chevrolet has announced an<br />

all-electric Blazer PPV police<br />

vehicle for 2024, Dodge is planning<br />

to retire the gas-powered<br />

Charger at the end of <strong>2023</strong> and is<br />

showing an electric concept vehicle<br />

that could be modified for<br />

the next police sedan, and Ford<br />

is expected to develop an electric<br />

PI Utility in the near future.<br />


50 The BLUES The BLUES 51



yrs.<br />

Using Tech to Keep Communities<br />

Safe During New Year’s Eve and<br />

Other Mass Gatherings<br />

By Wayne Parham<br />

Senior Editor, POLICE Magazine<br />

Technology used wisely can<br />

help police better ensure safety<br />

during New Year’s Eve celebrations<br />

and other mass gatherings,<br />

both in large cities and smaller<br />

towns. Kevin Taylor, development<br />

manager for the cities vertical<br />

segment at Axis Communications,<br />

shares how tech can help<br />

manage such large events.<br />

Axis Communications’ portfolio<br />

is heavily video centric, says<br />

Taylor, and the company offers<br />

a lot of different IoT (Internet of<br />

Things) endpoint solutions. He<br />

explains agencies are looking for<br />

ways they can use technology as<br />

a force multiplier to keep communities<br />

safe.<br />

Taylor says in recent years<br />

police have faced the challenge<br />

of losing a lot of officers<br />

through attrition, such as early<br />

retirements, and it has become<br />

increasingly more difficult to<br />

recruit new talent into law enforcement.<br />

“So, they’re looking for ways<br />

they can leverage technology to<br />

make every officer more efficient<br />

and more productive, and keep<br />

communities safer,” says Taylor.<br />

“For us, that is a lot of video in<br />

the public right of way, which is<br />

often used to drive efficiencies in<br />

the emergency response workflow.<br />

You also have some leading<br />

technologies like automatic<br />

license plate recognition (ALPR)<br />

and wearable cameras that<br />

can both help law enforcement<br />

agencies be more proactive and<br />

also drive more transparency<br />

and trust within the community.”<br />


He points out there are about<br />

19,400 or so towns and cities<br />

across the country and the vast<br />

number of those are not large<br />

metro cities. Many are much<br />

smaller communities. Taylor<br />

adds that it is important for<br />

those cities to be offered solutions<br />

that can scale down to a<br />

level, not necessarily from a features<br />

and capability standpoint,<br />

that more modest sized communities<br />

can afford to onboard as<br />

a solution and have a beginning<br />

point.<br />

“I think that scalability term is<br />

really important here, especial-<br />

ly when we look at the smaller<br />

communities. A lot of crime right<br />

now is transient; we’re seeing<br />

criminals that move across jurisdictions,”<br />

Taylor says. “So, things<br />

like ALPR are able to identify<br />

when a vehicle that’s already associated<br />

to another Part I crime<br />

or a vehicle that’s already registered<br />

as a stolen vehicle enters<br />

your community.”<br />

Then police agencies know<br />

that vehicle is there and can<br />

intercept it in a safe way before<br />

the vehicle’s occupants are involved<br />

in another potentially violent<br />

crime or Part I crime. That<br />

use of ALPRs relates to small<br />

communities, large communities,<br />

and any size city in between.<br />


“One thing that is very common<br />

in a lot of communities, whether<br />

you’re talking about small communities<br />

or big communities, is<br />

another department within most<br />

local governments that tends to<br />

consume a lot of video and have<br />

a lot of video resources is the<br />

transportation agency,” explains<br />

Taylor.<br />

He says if you’re looking to<br />

increase your visibility during<br />

large events, partnering with<br />

your transportation agency,<br />

whether that’s a department of<br />

transportation or a department<br />

of public works, or whoever’s<br />

managing your roadways and<br />

your signal-controlled intersections<br />

and the flow of traffic, is a<br />

really important internal collaboration<br />

opportunity for a law<br />

enforcement agency.<br />


Taylor says the ability to move<br />

people quickly, both into and out<br />

of these large gatherings, can<br />

help reduce stress in the environment.<br />

Get them out quickly<br />

and headed home safely and<br />

there is less chance tempers can<br />

flare and confrontations arise.<br />

“And if that’s efficient, and if<br />

it’s logical, then chances are<br />

you’ll have fewer traffic accidents,<br />

and you don’t have to<br />

tie up your responders going<br />

52 The BLUES The BLUES 53

to traffic accidents instead of<br />

dealing with other safety issues<br />

of a potential criminal nature.<br />

So, partnering with your transportation<br />

agency and looking at<br />

the flow of people into and out<br />

of the event is really important,”<br />

he adds.<br />

Also, efficient egress can thin<br />

traffic sooner and clear the way<br />

for an easier and quicker response<br />

for emergency vehicles<br />

when needed.<br />

Taylor points out that this process<br />

is not just reserved for big<br />

cities, nor is it just for New Year’s<br />

Eve celebrations. Every small<br />

town can implement the same<br />

tactics for Fourth of July celebrations,<br />

parades, or any other<br />

event that draws a large gathering<br />

during the year.<br />


Event organizers and police<br />

providing security have always<br />

faced the challenge of anticipating<br />

crowd size. <strong>No</strong>w technology<br />

can help with those estimates<br />

and allow leaders to build data<br />

models to help more accurately<br />

plan resources.<br />

“I think that one of the challenges<br />

with large gatherings<br />

is the estimation of how large<br />

these gatherings are isn’t always<br />

real accurate. So, this is something<br />

that technology can help<br />

with now is that the technologies<br />

out there are a lot better at<br />

doing people counting,” explains<br />

Taylor. “This is not identification<br />

or recognition; it’s just counting<br />

the number of people in an<br />

area.”<br />


When there is a criminal incident<br />

and police have a person<br />

of interest, technology can help<br />

provide relevant information. But<br />

how do you find the most relevant<br />

information? Let’s say you<br />

are a large city that has potentially<br />

thousands of cameras.<br />

“It can become very time<br />

consuming to go through a lot<br />

of camera feeds to look for<br />

new details that are very important<br />

from an investigative<br />

standpoint. There are analytics<br />

that help with that, and more<br />

advanced video technologies<br />

create more metadata within the<br />

video stream,” says Taylor. “So<br />

that structured data about data<br />

that helps you identify different<br />

classifications, from the color of<br />

a shirt to someone’s hair color,<br />

or just classifying objects or<br />

groupings of people, groupings<br />

of pixels as people or vehicles,<br />

you can do these things, and you<br />

can dramatically improve the<br />

efficiency of search within the<br />

data, the data pool.”<br />


“We’ve heard agencies refer to<br />

it as video in the public domain<br />

or in the public right of way. And<br />

really what most of these agencies<br />

are trying to accomplish is<br />

to drive efficiencies in the emergency<br />

response workflow. I think<br />

there’s a misconception that<br />

when there’s a camera, there’s<br />

someone at the other end of a<br />

video feed looking at a monitor<br />

and monitoring things real time.<br />

And most people are not comfortable<br />

with the idea of living in<br />

a surveillance state,” says Taylor.<br />

He says that is a logical and<br />

reasonable skepticism but has<br />

suggestions on how departments<br />

can deal with that perception.<br />

“The best way that I recommend<br />

for any agency to deal<br />

with this is on the front end<br />

through a policy standpoint,<br />

have open communications<br />

within your community with<br />

multiple stakeholders about<br />

what type of technologies are<br />

you considering investing in,<br />

what are the primary uses of<br />

that technology, what are allowable,<br />

secondary, and tertiary<br />

uses of that technology, and<br />

what are non-allowable parallel<br />

uses of that technology.” he<br />

adds.<br />

He says departments should<br />

plan these things out in a policy<br />

format, determine who has access<br />

to the video, how long video<br />

is stored, and how you’re deciding<br />

where devices are placed.<br />

“If you put it in one area of<br />

the community, then you might<br />

hear people say, ‘well, that’s only<br />

going in the fluent area of the<br />

community,’ and therefore it’s<br />

only benefiting the people who<br />

are already the haves of society.<br />

If you put it in another area of<br />

that community, then it can be<br />

accusatory that you’re using it to<br />

over police or to surveil certain<br />

portions of a community,” Taylor<br />

explains.<br />

Having a written policy helps<br />

clarify why and where cameras<br />

are located when any public<br />

concerns arise later.<br />


“I think the biggest takeaways<br />

that I would stress are collaborate<br />

with your other agencies,<br />

namely your transportation<br />

agency, look at efficient event<br />

management to get people in<br />

and out of areas as quickly and<br />

safely as possible so that you<br />

don’t create congestion, and<br />

don’t tie up your resources,” Taylor<br />

says.<br />

He also reminds that departments<br />

can use the technology<br />

in two regards. First is the real<br />

time response and driving efficiency<br />

in the emergency re-<br />

sponse workflow. Second, video<br />

technology can assist in investigations<br />

when police are trying<br />

to locate a suspect or collect<br />

evidence.<br />


Wayne Parham is Senior Editor<br />

at POLICE Magazine and<br />

PoliceMag.com and has more<br />

than three decades of experience<br />

covering public safety and government.<br />

Article reprinted from POLICE<br />

Magazine, policemag.com.<br />

54 The BLUES The BLUES 55

New Year Resolutions for <strong>2023</strong><br />

<strong>No</strong>w that <strong>2023</strong> is here, many<br />

people are unsurprisingly talking<br />

about their New Years’ resolutions.<br />

Some choose to focus on<br />

personal goals, some choose to<br />

focus on professional, and others<br />

choose to focus on a mixture<br />

of both. Having resolutions to<br />

go into the new year with are<br />

always a great idea as they can<br />

have lasting positive effects on<br />

many aspects of your life. If<br />

you’re a police officer, there are<br />

plenty of great resolutions to<br />

make that can do wonders for<br />

your professional development.<br />

Here are a few great New Year’s<br />

resolutions for you to consider.<br />



Few academics or law enforcement<br />

executives agree on<br />

what community policing is or<br />

looks like, or how it should be<br />

managed.<br />

I’ve heard it said (sometimes<br />

out of my own mouth), that before<br />

the 1990s when federal dollars<br />

followed anything labeled<br />

“community-oriented policing<br />

and problem solving,” we just<br />

called it “police work.”<br />

However, it is articulated or put<br />

into practice, it means connecting<br />

with the people you serve<br />

in a way that builds trust and<br />

solves problems. Take a look at<br />

the dozens of articles online that<br />

feature community policing and<br />

social media tips to see if you<br />

find a new way you can connect.<br />

I cannot say enough about<br />

the importance of volunteering<br />

in the community you police.<br />

People who volunteer are active<br />

in their communities and are the<br />

type of people we need spreading<br />

the truth about our profession.<br />

Being a public servant<br />

should not stop when you take<br />

the uniform off – volunteering<br />

keeps you connected to the community<br />

you are policing.<br />


Trade shows are another great<br />

new year resolution police officers<br />

can easily take advantage<br />

of. The law enforcement field<br />

constantly has new tech and<br />

products emerging that can improve<br />

your performance on the<br />

job. Attending the various trade<br />

shows is a great way of getting<br />

to see all of the new developments<br />

and many times, getting<br />

to test them as well.<br />



IACP.<br />

SHOT - The Shooting, Hunting,<br />

and Outdoor Trade show (from<br />

whence the SHOT acronym is<br />

derived) is purely a trade show<br />

and restricted to users and purchasers<br />

for law enforcement,<br />

military and outdoor products.<br />

It is the only show I haven’t been<br />

to, although I’m hoping to rectify<br />

that this coming <strong>January</strong> in Las<br />

Vegas. The dates of this year’s<br />

show are <strong>January</strong> 17-20 in Vegas.<br />

ILEETA (International Law Enforcement<br />

Educators and Trainers<br />

Association) - hosts an annual<br />

training conference for its<br />

members. The <strong>2023</strong> conference<br />

is in St. Louis, March 20-25 and<br />

features a product and equipment<br />

show from major makers<br />

and suppliers of law enforcement<br />

equipment and technology.<br />

If you want to hear the leading<br />

police trainers on relevant topics<br />

and see the latest in cop stuff,<br />

ILEETA should be worked into<br />

your personal or department<br />

budget and calendar. Several<br />

episodes of the Policing Matters<br />

on Police1.com’s podcasts are<br />

featured interviews with ILEETA<br />

instructors.<br />

One of the leading police training<br />

classes at ILEETA teaches the<br />

Importance of being a ‘predator’<br />

in a deadly confrontation. A<br />

lot of different scenarios police<br />

officers learn in response to aggression<br />

used to be and still is,<br />

unfortunately, to step back and<br />

to create distance or reactionary<br />

gaps. Although there may be a<br />

time when this is appropriate,<br />

normally we operate in very<br />

close proximity to the subject.<br />

And oftentimes it’s too late to go<br />

backward. When you start going<br />

backward, you begin to act like<br />

prey. Unfortunately, when you<br />

begin to act like prey, things go<br />

in one direction: from bad to<br />

worse.<br />

IACP - The IACP (International<br />

Association of Chiefs of Police)<br />

<strong>2023</strong> conference is in San Diego,<br />

Ca, October 14-17 and while<br />

the conference is for members<br />

only, the trade show is open<br />

to law enforcement with credentials<br />

after registration for a<br />

pass, regardless of whether you<br />

are an IACP member or attend<br />

the conference sessions. You’ll<br />

see everything from holsters to<br />

helicopters, as well as informational<br />

exhibits on services and<br />

agencies you can network with<br />

for your agency’s success. If you<br />

are a trainer or have purchasing<br />

authority, you don’t want to miss<br />

this expansive trade show if you<br />

have the opportunity.<br />


Check out the website Police1.<br />

They offer hundreds of articles<br />

on leadership and career success<br />

as well as content from writers<br />

who know the keys to getting<br />

hired and promoted. These<br />

seasoned officer’s aka writers,<br />

provide valuable nuggets worth<br />

their weight in gold for getting<br />

you where you want to be. You’ll<br />

find good counsel for solid, ethical<br />

service that will give a boost<br />

to anyone’s career and provide<br />

guidance for your police retirement.<br />

If you’re already in leadership,<br />

you’ll find the voice of experience<br />

of police leaders who have<br />

been at the boss’ desk or in a supervisor’s<br />

patrol car. With every<br />

decision being scrutinized by a<br />

reporter’s explosive headline or<br />

a malcontent’s viral video, you’ll<br />

want to hear from Police1’s writers<br />

on topics in the news.<br />

Top police training tip on” How<br />

to improve your odds for promotion<br />

in <strong>2023</strong>”:<br />

If I were a chief executive today,<br />

I would evaluate promotional<br />

candidates on their knowledge<br />

and understanding of the issues<br />

that create the greatest challenges<br />

within the geopolitical<br />

arena. For example, a clear understanding<br />

of de-escalation and<br />

less-lethal force options would<br />

be critical to a police leadership<br />

role in the year <strong>2023</strong> and beyond.<br />


The BLUES is proud to have<br />

three well known professionals<br />

on its roster of columnists. Dr.<br />

56 The BLUES The BLUES 57

Officer suicide, police fatigue,<br />

stress-related maladies, healthy<br />

relationships and care for injured<br />

officers are all topics we need<br />

to be familiar with. As a police<br />

veteran, I can testify that open<br />

discussions of these issues are<br />

relatively new to the police profession.<br />

Staying current on best<br />

practices to keep yourself and<br />

your brother and sister officers<br />

healthy and serving well is a<br />

survival skill, not just a warm<br />

feeling.<br />

Top police training tip on “How<br />

to enjoy your life while avoiding<br />

death by a thousand cuts”:<br />

Some officers never learn to<br />

accept positive critique. Instead,<br />

they become defensive and internalize<br />

anger toward anyone<br />

who has the nerve to try to make<br />

them better cops. If you can learn<br />

to appreciate constructive criticism<br />

from FTOs, assistant district<br />

attorneys and supervisors<br />

instead of letting it anger you, it<br />

will eliminate a major irritant in<br />

your life. It may also make you a<br />

better cop.<br />


One of my observations over<br />

the years is that no knowledge<br />

is lost in police work. I remember<br />

a former meat cutter turned<br />

deputy sheriff who was able to<br />

solve a poaching case due to his<br />

knowledge of how the game had<br />

been field dressed, a cop who<br />

was a coin collecting hobbyist<br />

whose knowledge was key in<br />

solving a burglary, and a farm<br />

boy who spotted a stolen farm<br />

implement that an urban officer<br />

might never have recognized.<br />

Top police training tip on” Writing<br />

effective case summaries”:<br />

One of the best ways to introduce<br />

an investigation is by writing<br />

an effective case summary,<br />

which lays out your investigation<br />

and findings succinctly and in an<br />

orderly, logical and easy to read<br />

format. This allows the prosecutor<br />

to quickly gain a solid understanding<br />

of the facts of the case,<br />

as well as any potential defenses.<br />


READING IN <strong>2023</strong><br />

There are literally thousands of<br />

online resources available to law<br />

enforcement today. Of course,<br />

we want you to continue reading<br />

The BLUES each month, but online<br />

police sites like Police1.com<br />

and Policemagazine.com keep<br />

you informed on a daily basis of<br />

what’s happening in the world<br />

of law enforcement. Also spend<br />

time reading and studying Police<br />

Survival techniques.<br />

Many of PoliceOne’s digital<br />

pages are devoted to issues<br />

related to tactics, training and<br />

legal updates around the use of<br />

force and officer safety. Their<br />

writers give significant attention<br />

to active shooter, ambush and<br />

major incident response. Because<br />

these events are statistically rare<br />

but could happen to any agency<br />

or even a single officer, a review<br />

of this knowledge base is time<br />

well spent.<br />

Top police training tip for “Preventing<br />

active shooter drills from<br />

going sideways”:<br />

It’s not uncommon for a drill to<br />

be executed then simply ended<br />

without a plan for a thorough,<br />

all-encompassing debrief. Make<br />

sure you have a debriefing plan<br />

in place so you can identify what<br />

went right, spotlight what can be<br />

refined and learn from what may<br />

have gone wrong.<br />



Your number one goal should<br />

always be “do your job to the<br />

best of your ability and always,<br />

always go home safe and sound<br />

at the end of your shift.”<br />

You may work in a safe, quiet<br />

town where not much happens<br />

or just the opposite where<br />

a shooting or SWAT call is an<br />

hourly occurrence. You are not<br />

Superman, and you are not bullet<br />

proof. On average, there are<br />

at least one or two officers shot<br />

in the line of duty every day in<br />

America. One of those will not<br />

make it. As a collective group,<br />

we need to reduce the number<br />

of officers that don’t make it<br />

home to their families. EVERY-<br />

ONE needs to make it home. Be<br />

safe, be consistent, be vigilant,<br />

and use your training. Your family<br />

needs you and we need you.<br />

NUMBER ONE PRIORITY IN <strong>2023</strong><br />


58 The BLUES The BLUES 59

USMS<br />


The U.S. Marshals Service was created by the first Congress in the Judiciary Act of 1789, the<br />

same legislation that established the federal judicial system. When President George Washington<br />

set up his first administration and the first Congress began passing laws, both quickly<br />

discovered an inconvenient gap. <strong>No</strong> agency was established to represent the federal government’s<br />

interests at the local level. Part of the problem was solved by creating specialized<br />

agencies, such as customs and revenue collectors, to levy the tariffs and taxes, but numerous<br />

other jobs needed to be done. Many of these tasks fell to the U.S. Marshals Service. Given<br />

extensive authority to support federal courts, Congress, or the president, these marshals and<br />

their deputies have served subpoenas, warrants, made arrests, and handled prisoners for<br />

more than two centuries. Although these are the most well-known of their tasks, they also<br />

had numerous others, including the disbursement of money. The Marshals paid the fees and<br />

expenses of the court clerks, U.S. Attorneys, jurors, and witnesses. They rented the courtrooms<br />

and jail space and hired the bailiffs, criers, and janitors. They ensured the prisoners<br />

were present, the jurors were available, and the witnesses were on time.<br />

The motto of the USMS is “Justice, Integrity, and Service.” Through the years, their heroics<br />

in the face of lawlessness have often become famous, especially in the days of the Old West,<br />

which has so often been portrayed in popular films and invoking the many images we have of<br />

these courageous men today. In the second half of the 19th century, the U.S. Marshals became<br />

synonymous with the “Wild West” as they made their mark on history in the many lawless<br />

frontier towns. In many of these places, the marshals were the only kind of law available.<br />

By the 1950s marshals found themselves acting as bailiffs for the federal courts and requesting<br />

background checks. In the 1960s, their importance rose as they enforced court-ordered<br />

racial desegregation and the Federal Witness Security Program established in the<br />

1970s. Today, the Marshals Service still has the responsibility to enforce federal laws and<br />

orders issued by the court, as well as prevention of civil disturbances, continued protection<br />

of federal witnesses, terrorist events, hostage situations, and numerous other duties directed<br />

by the Department of Justice. Their work continues to hold the constant threat of violence<br />

involving personal risk to the many men and women who pledge to protect the justice system.<br />

Over the years, some 400 marshals have been killed in the line of duty. Their famous<br />

five-sided star is our country’s oldest emblem of federal law enforcement.<br />

The Nation’s Oldest Law Enforcement Agency<br />

60 The BLUES The BLUES 61<br />

60 The BLUES The BLUES 61

USMS<br />


A Tribute to a Few Who<br />

Served with Distinction<br />

By Dr. Tina Jaeckle<br />

There are countless dedicated men and women who have<br />

served and are continuing to serve with the United States<br />

Marshals Service since its inception. While all deserve our<br />

recognition and gratitude, I had the blessing recently to highlight<br />

the lives and careers of three of the very best. In this<br />

article, retired Deputy U.S. Marshals Lenny DePaul, John<br />

“Buck” Smith, and Paul Duffy, Jr. share insight (in their own<br />

words) into their personal and professional journeys, lessons<br />

learned, and their current goals.<br />

62 The BLUES The BLUES 63<br />

62 The BLUES The BLUES 63

USMS<br />



I grew up in a small town in<br />

upstate New York and I was<br />

living with my grandmother,<br />

and we were rather poor. I had<br />

no direction on where or what<br />

I wanted to do so I decided to<br />

enlist into the U. S. Navy. Sadly,<br />

my Grandmother died in<br />

my arms, so my choices were<br />

limited considering our income<br />

and living arrangements. I<br />

spent the next 5 years of my<br />

life on active duty working in<br />

an amphibious assault group<br />

(Gator Navy). I was honorably<br />

discharged and once again had<br />

no direction on what I wanted<br />

to do. I was working construction<br />

in the State of Maryland<br />

and met an instructor at the<br />

Secret Service Academy (Danny<br />

Cecere) who convinced me to<br />

apply for the Uniform Division<br />

where a 4 year college degree<br />

was not needed. I spent the<br />

next 5 1/2 years in Washington<br />

DC, 3 years at the White House<br />

with President Reagan and then<br />

2 1/2 years at Foreign Mission<br />

protecting foreign diplomats<br />

in the Washington DC area. In<br />

October of 1989 I decided to<br />

switch agencies and was accepted<br />

as a candidate with the<br />

U.S. Marshals Service. I spent<br />

the next three decades tracking<br />

down violent felony fugitives<br />

across the globe. Terrorist,<br />

murderers, rapist, arsonists,<br />

gun runners and drug runners<br />

to name a few. I rose through<br />

the ranks to Chief Inspector/<br />

Commander and was in charge<br />

of the largest fugitive task<br />

force of its kind in the world<br />

post 9/11.<br />

In my professional career I<br />

have been exposed to a variety<br />

of changes not only in the law<br />

enforcement community but<br />

also in the world of technology,<br />

weapons, and the criminal<br />

mindset. Our specific mandate/<br />

language from Congress post<br />

9/11 was to target the most<br />

dangerous violent felony fugitives<br />

across the globe. The<br />

fugitives we were capturing<br />

were all averaging between<br />

5-10 prior arrests making them<br />

a danger to any community. In<br />

my region alone (New York /<br />

New Jersey) we were averaging<br />

between 100-120 arrests a<br />

week of these violent predators.<br />

It has been a very difficult<br />

time and climate for any area of<br />

law enforcement to try and accomplish<br />

why they have taken<br />

their sworn oath to serve and<br />

protect the communities across<br />

this great country. The difficulties<br />

with the lack of hierarchy<br />

support and literally trying to<br />

do God’s work with their hands<br />

tied has become a very difficult<br />

profession and is very discouraging<br />

to our younger inspiring<br />

prospects that want to pursue<br />

this career.<br />

Our “leaders” have sadly put a<br />

bullseye on the backs of these<br />

dedicated men and women<br />

warriors. “Defund the Police” is<br />

the most ludicrous thing I have<br />

ever heard, especially coming<br />

from high ranking congressional<br />

folks as well as community<br />

leaders. It has proven to be<br />

a very sad and in someplace<br />

deadly thing throughout our nation.<br />

One of my former bosses<br />

in Brooklyn, NY used to say “the<br />

Lenny DePaul<br />

Chief Inspector/Commander,<br />

U.S. Marshals Service (Ret.)<br />

64 The BLUES The BLUES 65

USMS<br />


fish stinks from the head” so I<br />

firmly believe that is where we<br />

need to start. Truth, logic, and<br />

common sense does not exist<br />

anymore and the horrendous<br />

agenda that some of the politicians<br />

are conveying to their<br />

constituents is outrageous.<br />

I am a huge proponent of<br />

training. I believe that you<br />

cannot get enough of it, especially<br />

in the world that I lived<br />

in when life-threatening decisions<br />

were made in a New York<br />

second. However, the old adage<br />

“he who hesitates is lost”<br />

certainly comes into play when<br />

these dedicated warriors are<br />

being questioned about every<br />

move they’re making and some<br />

of them are under a microscope<br />

making it very difficult<br />

to do their jobs soundly and<br />

effectively. When you hesitate<br />

and think about whether you’re<br />

going to get in some sort of<br />

trouble for doing what you are<br />

trained to do, that could result<br />

in a very fatal outcome. Community<br />

relations are very important<br />

and the relationships<br />

between law enforcement and<br />

community leaders is needed<br />

so the confidence can come<br />

back so that the men and women<br />

in uniform can continue to<br />

serve.<br />

I would convey to candidates<br />

that want to become law enforcement<br />

officers to have<br />

confidence and to believe in<br />

themselves, to trust their actions,<br />

and to train hard to be<br />

dedicated warriors. It is also<br />

important to know when to<br />

recognize when a colleague is<br />

not doing the right thing and<br />

advise that person that it’s the<br />

wrong approach and to also<br />

know that once you’re labeled<br />

it’s very difficult to get anyone’s<br />

confidence back. Positive press<br />

is extremely important! When<br />

law enforcement is called<br />

to any scene, you don’t get a<br />

second chance at a first impression..<br />

act professional display<br />

your confidence and your<br />

willingness to listen and react<br />

appropriately.<br />

I’ve been involved in highlighted<br />

media cases from the<br />

DC snipers to the Boston bombers.<br />

The US Marshals Service<br />

gets utilized for a variety of<br />

different things. I was deployed<br />

to the Rodney King riots in Los<br />

Angeles for three weeks as<br />

well as Hurricane Katrina on a<br />

search and rescue mission for<br />

three weeks, which was devastating.<br />

I’ve chased terrorists,<br />

murderers, rapists, and arsonists<br />

across the globe resulting<br />

in numerous life-threatening<br />

situations. My approach was always<br />

de-escalation before using<br />

deadly force as a last resort.<br />

I instilled that into my subordinates<br />

even when I became<br />

the Commander of the largest<br />

fugitive task force of its kind in<br />

the world in New York and New<br />

Jersey, post 9/11. George Orwell<br />

once wrote “people sleep<br />

peaceably in their beds at night<br />

because rough men stand ready<br />

to do violence on their behalf”.<br />

I had the honor and privilege<br />

of working with these men and<br />

women for three decades, making<br />

a difference throughout our<br />

country and within the communities<br />

we serve.<br />

My television career started<br />

in 2008 when I was approached<br />

by two television producers in<br />

New York City. My first response<br />

was thank you so much but I do<br />

66 The BLUES The BLUES 67

USMS<br />


not have time to do a TV show<br />

and to run the largest fugitive<br />

task force of its kind in the<br />

world at the same time. After<br />

several attempts to contact me,<br />

I put up in touch with our Public<br />

Affairs folks in Washington<br />

DC. I received a phone call<br />

from the deputy chief of Public<br />

Affairs who said to me “hey<br />

this is not a bad idea, we’re a<br />

congressionally funded fugitive<br />

task force, what a great way to<br />

show the American people on<br />

how some of their tax dollars<br />

are being spent.” My response<br />

was simple, sir I do not have<br />

time and I hung up the phone.<br />

Fast forward, I lost that battle<br />

and 62 episodes later “Manhunter’s<br />

Fugitive Task Force“<br />

was one of A&E’s top show for<br />

three seasons. The US Marshals<br />

Service agency heads were extremely<br />

happy with the success<br />

and the positive press created<br />

a flood of interest in recruiting.<br />

I was a human punching bag<br />

for three years, but at the end<br />

of the day it was worth every<br />

minute as it was a great way<br />

to introduce the US Marshals<br />

Service to the entire world. I<br />

have now done several television<br />

shows and I consistently<br />

get phone calls to consult with<br />

news networks on fugitives on<br />

the run. The best part of all<br />

this is that I can now yell “cut”<br />

in the middle of a shoot out!<br />

The US Marshals Service had<br />

a positive impact on me personally<br />

and professionally,<br />

having dealt with a variety of<br />

different types of people and<br />

the challenges that I was confronted<br />

with on a daily basis.<br />

My daughter was born September<br />

7, 2001, four days later I<br />

kissed her on her forehead and<br />

apologized for bringing her<br />

into this crazy world and I was<br />

gone. I joined a military intelligence<br />

team and was assisting<br />

our men and women in uniform<br />

who were now in the manhunting<br />

business, and this took me<br />

away from my personal life<br />

and family for many months. I<br />

deployed to Afghanistan and<br />

worked at Fort Belvoir Virginia<br />

on numerous occasions. There<br />

is nothing I would do differently,<br />

and I am completely honored and<br />

blessed to have had the career<br />

that I did.<br />

In addition to doing TV shows<br />

etc. my wife Ellie and I have<br />

launched a new tactical clothing<br />

line. My wife has been in<br />

the fashion business for over 30<br />

years and my 30+ year career in<br />

law enforcement/military was a<br />

perfect combination and made<br />

a lot of sense to me. When Ellie<br />

said to me during isolation at<br />

home “hey why don’t we work<br />

on the Tactical clothing line?”,<br />

my response was, “honey I am<br />

retired but thank you anyway”.<br />

I also lost that battle and here<br />

we are two years later. Please<br />

check out our website as we<br />

have a full line of tactical gear<br />

from boots to pants to jackets<br />

shirts hats belts etc. etc. www.<br />

ODark30.com<br />

68 The BLUES The BLUES 69

USMS<br />



I began my U. S. Marshals<br />

Service career in 1983 as a<br />

Deputy U. S. Marshal assigned<br />

to the <strong>No</strong>rthern District of<br />

Georgia (Atlanta). From 1987<br />

to 1994 I was a member of the<br />

USMS Special Operations Group<br />

(SOG). From 1991 until 1993, I<br />

was detailed to the Atlanta<br />

area Metro Fugitive Squad as<br />

a team leader with the drug<br />

fugitive section. In 1993 I was<br />

promoted to Senior Inspector<br />

with the USMS headquarters<br />

enforcement section and assigned<br />

as the USMS coordinator<br />

for the Organized Crime Drug<br />

Enforcement Task Force (OC-<br />

DETF) Southeast Region. I held<br />

that position for a period of ten<br />

years. During my tenure with<br />

the USMS Investigative Operations,<br />

I participated in and<br />

managed many USMS fugitive<br />

programs and initiatives and<br />

coordinated the investigations<br />

and arrests of a number of<br />

USMS Fifteen Most Wanted and<br />

major case fugitives. In 2003, I<br />

was promoted to Chief Inspector/Task<br />

Force Commander of<br />

the newly formed Southeast<br />

Regional Fugitive Task Force<br />

(SERFTF). In 2006, I was again<br />

promoted to Regional Field<br />

Chief overseeing all USMS Investigative<br />

Operations Division<br />

operations within the Southeast<br />

and Florida and later overseeing<br />

all Regional Fugitive Task<br />

Forces. From <strong>January</strong> 2009<br />

through June 2009, I served<br />

as acting Chief Deputy in the<br />

<strong>No</strong>rthern District of Georgia. In<br />

2014 and 2015 I was, for a number<br />

of months, the Acting Deputy<br />

Assistant Director of Investigations,<br />

at USMS Headquarters.<br />

I retired in 2015 after 32 years of<br />

service as Chief of all Regional<br />

Task Forces.<br />

After retirement in 2016, I<br />

became a cast member with<br />

CBS’s “HUNTED” serving on<br />

Team “Alpha” as fugitive hunter,<br />

consultant, and subject<br />

matter expert in the areas of<br />

fugitive investigations, surveillance,<br />

tactics, and equipment.<br />

In 2017, I was a member of the<br />

DOJ’s Law Enforcement Development<br />

Program, International<br />

Criminal Investigations Training<br />

Assistance Program(ICITAP),<br />

Senior Tactical Advisor, completing<br />

an assignment as a law<br />

enforcement instructor in Kiev,<br />

Ukraine. I now currently serve<br />

as Training Coordinator with<br />

the Atlanta-Carolinas High<br />

Intensity Drug Trafficking Area<br />

(HIDTA ) Drug Task Force and<br />

conduct, facilitate, and manage<br />

law enforcement training.<br />

I continue to support law enforcement<br />

in all areas by developing<br />

and maintaining law<br />

enforcement relationships and<br />

providing quality training to<br />

law enforcement, first responders<br />

and military.<br />

The TV show “HUNTED” was a<br />

great opportunity and a lot of<br />

fun. Once I realized (after about<br />

a week) it wasn’t a “real” fugitive<br />

hunt, I was able to roll with<br />

it and accept the unreal aspects<br />

of “reality” TV. My partner<br />

and our team really worked<br />

well together and had a lot of<br />

fun and laughs. I still stay in<br />

touch with my partner Griff as<br />

well as many of the other cast<br />

John “Buck” Smith<br />

Chief Inspector,<br />

U.S. Marshals Service (Ret.)<br />

70 The BLUES The BLUES 71<br />

70 The BLUES The BLUES 71

USMS<br />


members, some who have gone<br />

on to bigger and better things.<br />

I learned that TV is not necessarily<br />

my thing. So many of the<br />

cast thought we were going<br />

to be “stars”, but that dream<br />

ended quickly for a lot of us.<br />

I’m now content with working<br />

in the real world, consulting<br />

behind the scenes and training<br />

law enforcement and first responders.<br />

My greatest personal<br />

achievement is raising two<br />

outstanding sons who are men<br />

of faith and who proudly serve<br />

(law enforcement and military).<br />

My greatest professional<br />

achievement was as a leader<br />

in the U.S. Marshals Service.<br />

When I retired, I was known as<br />

someone who always took care<br />

of his troops.<br />

Much has changed in the field<br />

of policing, and I asked Buck to<br />

offer his thoughts. Technology<br />

improvements have had a huge<br />

impact on law enforcement.<br />

This is a plus. But the negative<br />

are the unwarranted attacks<br />

on police and law enforcement<br />

as well as the negative political<br />

influences. The defund the<br />

police movement, leading to<br />

decreased police moral and departments<br />

retaining quality officers.<br />

There is a need for more<br />

peer support programs and<br />

training for officers. Also, the<br />

increase of deadly drugs such<br />

as fentanyl flowing into and<br />

through the country is an increasing<br />

threat to law enforcement<br />

and public safety. This life<br />

is a calling. It’s not for everyone.<br />

If you can’t give it 110%,<br />

get out. Use every opportunity<br />

to train and learn. Document all<br />

you do and never waste a day.<br />

My biggest challenge, after<br />

being promoted into management,<br />

was leading, and accomplishing<br />

the program goals<br />

while trying to take care of<br />

my men and women. The constant<br />

roadblocks and hurdles<br />

that the agency headquarters<br />

place on the personnel can be<br />

daunting. Also, with administration<br />

changes, there are<br />

always learning curve issues<br />

and agendas with newly political<br />

appointed directors and<br />

marshals. My USMS career was<br />

very rewarding. I was privileged<br />

to work with some true<br />

heroes and outstanding investigators<br />

and leaders. I learned<br />

a lot through trial and error<br />

(mistakes) and grew as a leader<br />

over the years. I was able<br />

to strike that delicate balance<br />

between job and family as best<br />

as I could. There were sacrifices<br />

to both, but overall, it worked.<br />

I’m proud of my agency and the<br />

men and women who served. I<br />

miss being a part of it. I would<br />

not change a thing other than<br />

making more of an effort to<br />

document my journey. There<br />

are so many stories and experiences,<br />

good and bad that I<br />

would like to share one day.<br />

As long as I am blessed with<br />

good health, I would love to<br />

continue my HIDTA Training<br />

Coordinator job. It is very rewarding<br />

bringing much needed<br />

training to officers and departments<br />

who otherwise would<br />

not have to funding or resources<br />

on their own. In 2021 we<br />

trained almost 4,000 officers<br />

72 The BLUES The BLUES 73

USMS<br />


for a total of 66,973 training<br />

hours and for 2022 we are on<br />

track to surpass those numbers.<br />

We provide leadership,<br />

enforcement, and analytical<br />

training. If one life is saved<br />

due to something learned<br />

from our training program, I<br />

would consider the effort a<br />

success. I would also like to<br />

do more consulting. I’ve acquired<br />

a ton of knowledge and<br />

experience over the years I<br />

would like to share. Eventually<br />

I would like to write a book on<br />

my journey. A dear friend, one<br />

of my contract instructors,<br />

once said that while people<br />

who serve in law enforcement<br />

may not ever get rich, the one<br />

thing they do have over other<br />

professionals are stories. I<br />

thought this was a profound<br />

statement.<br />

74 The BLUES The BLUES 75

USMS<br />



I retired as a Senior Inspector<br />

for the United States Marshals<br />

Service (USMS) after 27<br />

years of federal service. My<br />

law enforcement career began<br />

in Uijongbu, Korea as an Army<br />

Military Police Officer and desk<br />

sergeant then transferring to<br />

the Military District of Washington<br />

where I served as a<br />

Military Police Investigator and<br />

member of a full time Special<br />

Reaction Team responsible for<br />

dignitary protection at Arlington<br />

Cemetery and other venues.<br />

While working on his undergraduate<br />

degree I completed an<br />

internship with the Florida Department<br />

of Law Enforcement.<br />

I then continued my federal<br />

career with the United States<br />

Marshals Service (USMS) in the<br />

Middle District of Georgia as<br />

a Deputy US Marshal (DUSM).<br />

As a DUSM, I provided security<br />

to numerous high threat<br />

trials to include US v. Timothy<br />

McVeigh and the World Trade<br />

Center Bombing Trial. I participated<br />

in personal security and<br />

dignitary protection details to<br />

include the Iranian Delegation<br />

to the United Nations and various<br />

federal judges. My investigative<br />

experience with the<br />

USMS included complex fugitive<br />

cases to include a USMS Fifteen<br />

Most Wanted Fugitive and<br />

Major Case. Additionally, I was<br />

assigned to the USMS Office of<br />

Professional Responsibility and<br />

was responsible for complex<br />

administrative and criminal<br />

investigations regarding USMS<br />

personnel, the review of all use<br />

of force reports for the USMS<br />

/ Task Force Officers, and the<br />

investigation of multiple USMS /<br />

Task Force involved shootings.<br />

My investigative experience<br />

also includes an assignment<br />

as a USMS Sex Offender Investigative<br />

Coordinator, and have<br />

successfully prosecuted multiple<br />

offenders for violation of<br />

the Sex Offender Registration<br />

and <strong>No</strong>tification Act.<br />

I also served as an instructor<br />

at the USMS Training Division<br />

located at the Federal Law<br />

Enforcement Training Center<br />

and was an Instructor / Advisor<br />

for 70 USMS Basic Classes.<br />

I was the program lead for the<br />

enforcement section and the<br />

Adjunct Instructor Training Program<br />

(AITP) (train the trainer).<br />

I was selected as the Chief for<br />

the Basic Training Program, the<br />

Chief of the Professional Development<br />

Branch, and the Chief<br />

for the Training Management<br />

Branch. In those capacities, I<br />

was instrumental in multiple<br />

USMS training programs obtaining<br />

accreditation through<br />

Federal Law Enforcement<br />

Training Accreditation (FLETA)<br />

and was trained as a FLETA<br />

Accreditation Evaluator. One<br />

such program was the Court<br />

Security Officer Phase 2 Training<br />

Program (CSO) specifically<br />

designed to train the USMS<br />

contract guards stationed at<br />

all federal courthouses. I also<br />

instructed all CSO classes in<br />

Use of Force and Legal Updates.<br />

While assigned to the USMS<br />

Training Division, I developed<br />

an in-depth knowledge regarding<br />

law enforcement use of<br />

force and traveled the country<br />

Paul Duffy, Jr.<br />

Senior Inspector,<br />

U.S. Marshals Service (Ret.)<br />

76 The BLUES The BLUES 77

USMS<br />


presenting classes regarding<br />

use of force. My proudest moments<br />

were at graduation, seeing<br />

the way the candidates had<br />

grown and applied the training<br />

and tools we, as instructors,<br />

provided.<br />

I have testified as an expert in<br />

USMS involved shootings in Los<br />

Angeles, CA., Medford, OR., Louisville,<br />

KY., Oklahoma City, OK.,<br />

and Salt Lake City, UT. While<br />

with the USMS, I have earned<br />

two post graduate degrees: a<br />

master’s degree in Criminal<br />

Justice and a master’s degree<br />

in public administration. Upon<br />

retirement, I have continued to<br />

provide law enforcement instruction<br />

in use of force to the<br />

Walton County Sheriff’s Office<br />

(Florida), Air Force Office of<br />

Special Investigations, Escambia<br />

County Sheriff’s Office<br />

(Florida), Cherokee Nation<br />

Marshals Office (multiple occasions),<br />

Fulton County Sheriff’s<br />

Office (Georgia), USMS Special<br />

Operations Group, and the<br />

Florida Regional Fugitive Task<br />

Force. I am under contract to<br />

provide an expert opinion and<br />

testimony regarding officer<br />

involved use of force for the US<br />

Attorney’s Office in Oklahoma<br />

City (multiple occasions) and<br />

most recently provided a legal<br />

opinion and consultation for the<br />

successful defense of a law enforcement<br />

officer in Shreveport,<br />

Louisiana. I continue to serve as<br />

a consultant with Group Nine<br />

Security Consultants and am<br />

contracted with the USMS as a<br />

District Security Officer mirroring<br />

the duties and responsibilities<br />

of a DUSM absent the<br />

enforcement functions.<br />

The false narrative regarding<br />

the role and actions of law enforcement,<br />

created and perpetuated<br />

by the media and others,<br />

which has allowed for the vilification<br />

of law enforcement and<br />

lionization of the criminal element.<br />

The increase in ambushes<br />

of law enforcement, injury, and<br />

death which can be attributed<br />

to, in part, with the comment<br />

above. The recent spikes in<br />

crime in various jurisdictions<br />

which, in part, is associated<br />

with this false narrative. Certain<br />

law enforcement managers<br />

willingness to adopt policies<br />

more restrictive than the law,<br />

bowing to pressure from groups<br />

like the PERF. Policies should<br />

be judged not by their intent<br />

but by their results. Holding an<br />

officer to the law, determining<br />

their actions were legally<br />

reasonable, but then holding<br />

them administratively responsible<br />

to a more restrictive policy<br />

creates confusion and leads,<br />

in part, to the mass exodus of<br />

seasoned, knowledgeable, and<br />

experienced officers. It also<br />

created hesitation on the part<br />

of law enforcement as exhibited<br />

in Uvalde, Tx. Prosecutorial<br />

misconduct and judicial activism<br />

are also an issue. Examples<br />

of prosecutorial misconduct are<br />

present in Atlanta, San Francisco,<br />

Philadelphia, and Baltimore.<br />

Education is the key. Efforts<br />

must be made to educate /<br />

inform the media and, when<br />

the media inevitably continues<br />

exacerbating the societal rift<br />

they have helped create, offer<br />

an experienced voice / face<br />

as a counter point. Elect and/<br />

or appoint experienced law<br />

enforcement managers that<br />

can balance the needs of law<br />

enforcement with the expectations<br />

of society and avoid policies<br />

that hinder their officers.<br />

You can love the agency but<br />

78 The BLUES The BLUES 79

USMS<br />


realize it is a bureaucracy,<br />

the nature of a bureaucracy<br />

is to look after itself, so<br />

it is YOUR responsibility to<br />

know policy and the law to<br />

protect yourself. With the<br />

US Marshals in particular,<br />

the agency has expanded<br />

current responsibilities<br />

and adopted new roles<br />

allowing for varying career<br />

paths for Deputies. When<br />

I entered the agency, there<br />

were very limited career<br />

paths (District management<br />

or Headquarters<br />

assignment), now Deputies<br />

can plan a path allowing<br />

for more career development.<br />

Enjoy the chase,<br />

enjoy the hunt, enjoy the<br />

capture…and then quit<br />

caring. Some court and/or<br />

judge is going to release<br />

them into society, and you<br />

will chase them again.<br />

I consider my most<br />

challenging role as the<br />

Sex Offender Investigative<br />

Coordinator in the Southern<br />

District of Georgia, I<br />

conducted an endangered child<br />

recovery in cooperation with<br />

deputies in Florida. Recovering<br />

the child was rewarding, however,<br />

the emotional impact on<br />

the non-custodial parents (they<br />

took the child), the efforts to<br />

coordinate with Georgia Child<br />

Protective Services, the limited<br />

contributions I could make<br />

(laws surrounding parental<br />

rights, etc.) took its toll on me<br />

as did the successful prosecutions<br />

I conducted against child<br />

sexual predators. My career<br />

with the USMS has prepared<br />

me to continually contribute<br />

to the safety of my fellow law<br />

enforcement officers, either<br />

through instruction or testimony.<br />

There is nothing I would<br />

change about this career.<br />

80 80 The The BLUES BLUES The The BLUES BLUES 81 81

yrs.<br />


9-10 Courtroom Security and Threat Assessment *BY PATC West Monroe, LA<br />

9-13 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Hayden, ID<br />

9-13 Field Training Officer Certification *BY PATC Rock Hill , SC<br />

9-13 Internal Affairs Conference and Certification *BY PATC Hoover, AL<br />

10-11 Recruiting, Hiring, Background Investigations *BY PATC Austell, GA<br />

10-12 Fire/Arson Investigation and Arson Case Management By LLRMI Upper Darby, PA<br />

10-12 Responding to Veterans and Police Officers in Crisis *BY PATC Royal Oak, MI<br />

11-12 Managing the Property and Evidence Room *BY PATC Abington, PA<br />

16-20 New Fire and Arson Investigator Academy *BY PATC Wayne, NJ<br />

16-20 Train the Trainer Instructor Academy Scott, LA<br />

23-24 Search Warrant Major Case Investigation *BY PATC Hoover, AL<br />

23-27 Fit-to-Enforce Fitness Instructor Course Huntsville, AL<br />

23-27 Special Operations Supervisors Training Nashville, TN<br />

26-27 Responding to Veterans and Police Officers in Crisis *BY PATC Jonesboro, GA<br />

30-3 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Belfast , ME<br />

31-1 Recruiting, Hiring, Background Investigations *BY PATC Beaumont, TX<br />


1-2 3-Day New Detective and New Criminal Investigator By LLRMI Pearl River, LA<br />

1-2 Officer Involved Shooting By LLRMI Pearl River, LA<br />

6-8 The Essential Field Training Officer By LLRMI Abington, PA<br />

6-10 Advanced Vice and Narcotics Investigations Nashville, TN<br />

6-10 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Pearland, TX<br />

8-9 Investigating Cases of Child Homicide By LLRMI Ft. Worth, TX<br />

9-10 Crisis Communications for Dispatchers *BY PATC Greeley, CO<br />

13-14 Courtroom Security and Threat Assessment *BY PATC Greeley, CO<br />

13-17 5 Day New Detective and New Criminal Investigator By LLRMI Abington, PA<br />

14-15 Recruiting, Hiring, Background Investigations *BY PATC Easley, SC<br />

14-16 Interview & Interrogation for New Detectives BY LLRMI Ft. Worth, TX<br />

15-17 Ambush and Lethal Environment Recognition Training *BY PATC Greeley, CO<br />

16-17 PREA Investigator Training By LLRMI Lexington, KY<br />

21-22 Arrest, Search and Seizure - Best Practices *BY PATC Hoover, AL<br />

21-23 Recruiting, Hiring, Background Investigations *BY PATC Colton, CA<br />

27-28 Managing the Property and Evidence Room *BY PATC Myrtle Beach, SC<br />

27-1 Principles for De-escalation and Understanding People *BY PATC Greeley, CO<br />

27-1 Responding to Veterans and Police Officers in Crisis *BY PATC Scotch Plains, NJ<br />

27-3 5 Day Homicide and Death Investigation By LLRMI Georgetown, TX<br />

27-3 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Myrtle Beach, SC<br />

27-3 Hands-On Hostage Negotiator Certification By LLRMI Urbana, IL<br />

27-3 Internal Affairs Conference and Certification *BY PATC Myrtle Beach, SC<br />

27-3 Smartphone Technology and Forensics Certification LLRMI Shelby Twp., MI<br />

28-2 Interview & Interrogation for New Detectives BY LLRMI Rio Rancho, NM<br />

MARCH<br />

2-3 Stress Management in Law Enforcement *BY PATC Myrtle Beach, SC<br />

6-7 Recruiting, Hiring, Background Investigations *BY PATC Nampa, ID<br />

6-10 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC <strong>No</strong>blesville, IN<br />

7-8 Basic Drug Investigation By LLRMI Stapleton, AL<br />

13-17 Hostage Negotiations Phase 1 By LLRMI Ft. Worth, TX<br />

14-16 3-Day New Detective and New Criminal Investigator By LLRMI Franklin, IN<br />

14-16 Sexual Deviant Offenders *BY PATC League City, TX<br />

20-23 Bravo-3 Law Enforcement Training Conf. Daytona Beach, FL<br />

21-22 Investigating Cases of Child Homicide By LLRMI Stapleton, AL<br />

21-23 Hands-On Vehicle Fire/Arson Investigation By LLRMI Longview, TX<br />

27-31 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Charlotte, NC<br />

APRIL<br />

4-6 3-Day New Detective and New Criminal Investigator By LLRMI Ft. Worth, TX<br />

11-12 Managing the Property and Evidence Room *BY PATC Hoover, AL<br />

17-21 Field Training Officer Certification *BY PATC Texas City, TX<br />

18-19 Managing the Property and Evidence Room *BY PATC Texas City, TX<br />

24-25 Advanced Internal Investigations: Legal & Practical Issues *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV<br />

24-25 Arrest, Search and Seizure - Best Practices *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV<br />

24-28 5 Day Cellular Technology and Forensics (CTF) Certification-LLRMI Urbana, IL<br />

24-28 5 Day Homicide and Death Investigation By LLRMI Franklin, IN<br />

24-28 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Texas City, TX<br />

24-28 Use of Force Conference and Certification By LLRMI Clermont, FL<br />

25-27 Hands-On Vehicle Fire/Arson Investigation By LLRMI Upper Darby, PA<br />

25-27 Violent Crime Symposium <strong>2023</strong> Wilmington, DE<br />

26-28 Human Trafficking *BY PATC Las Vegas, NV<br />

MAY<br />

1-5 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Rio Rancho, NM<br />

2-3 Managing the Property and Evidence Room *BY PATC Salina, KS<br />

2-4 Sexual Deviant Offenders *BY PATC Desloge, MO<br />

9-11 <strong>2023</strong> <strong>No</strong>rth American Use of Force Symposium: Lessons Learned Scottsdale, AZ<br />

10-11 Basic Drug Investigation By LLRMI Geo, TX<br />

16 Advanced Search & Seizure by Blue to Gold (Live Stream Available) Lufkin, TX<br />

17 Duty to Intervene by Blue to Gold (Live Stream Available) Lufkin, TX<br />

17 Real World De-Escalation by Blue to Gold (Live Stream Available) Lufkin, TX<br />

22-24 Cellular Technology, Records, and Analysis Southlake, TX<br />

22-24 Pat McCarthy’s Street Crimes - Real World Training Arlington, TX<br />

JUNE<br />

5-7 Leadership 101 - Professionalism Defined (TX New Supervisor)<br />

McKinney, TX<br />

6-8 Reid Technique of Investigative Interviewing & Advanced Interrogation<br />

Denton, TX<br />

13-16 Reid Technique of Investigative Interviewing & Advanced Interrogation<br />

Austin, TX<br />

19-23 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Denton, TX<br />

Send your calendar listings to:<br />

bluespdmag@gmail.com<br />

82 The BLUES The BLUES 83






AGE: N/A TOUR: 2 YEARS BADGE: 24<br />

Deputy Sheriff José DeLeon was killed in a vehicle crash on U.S. Highway 401, approximately one mile south<br />

of Warrenton, while responding to a domestic violence call involving a firearm at about 6:00 pm. His patrol car<br />

left the roadway, struck a tree, and caught fire. Other deputies responding to the same call came across the<br />

crash and attempted to pull him from the wreckage. He succumbed to his injuries at the scene.<br />

Deputy DeLeon had served with the Warren County Sheriff’s Office for two years. He is survived by his son,<br />

parents, sister, two brothers, niece, grandmother, and girlfriend.<br />



AGE: 38 TOUR: 10 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />

Border Patrol Agent Raul Gonzalez passed away from injuries sustained in an ATV accident while pursuing subjects<br />

illegally crossing the border near Mission at 1:00 am. Agent Gonzalez was traveling at high speed when he<br />

crashed. He was transported to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.<br />

Agent Gonzalez had served with the United States Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection<br />

- United States Border Patrol for over ten years and was assigned to the Rio Grande Valley Sector McAllen<br />

Station. He is survived by his son, daughter, father, brother, grandmother, girlfriend, aunts, and uncles.<br />







AGE: 68 TOUR: 19 YEARS BADGE: 173<br />

Reserve Deputy Brad Miller was killed in a vehicle crash on Highway 43 near Williamsport Pike while working<br />

a traffic detail at a construction zone.<br />

Another vehicle struck Deputy Miller’s patrol car from behind, pushing it from the roadway.<br />

Deputy Miller had served with the Maury County Sheriff’s Office for 19 years. He is survived by his wife, two<br />

children, four grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.<br />



AGE: 59 TOUR: 12 YEARS BADGE: NA<br />

Senior Corrections Officer Scott Riner was shot and killed in the parking lot of the Gwinnett County Correctional<br />

Center as he arrived to work at 6:30 am. He encountered a subject in the facility’s parking lot who attacked him.<br />

During the ensuing struggle, Officer Riner was fatally shot. He was located by other officers at the facility. The subject<br />

fled the scene but was arrested three days later and charged with felony murder and aggravated assault. The<br />

investigation revealed that the subject had been in the area for an extended period of time before attacking Officer<br />

Riner.<br />

Officer Riner had served with the Gwinnett County Department of Corrections for 12 years. He is survived by his<br />

wife, son, daughter, grandchildren, and two siblings.<br />







AGE: 23 TOUR: 2 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />

Police Officer Branden Estorffe and Sergeant Steven Robin were shot and killed at about 4:30 am while conducting<br />

a welfare check on a woman and child sitting in a vehicle parked at the Motel 6 at 1003 U.S. 90.<br />

They had been speaking to the woman for approximately 30 minutes before making a request for child protective<br />

services. Moments later, the woman opened fire, fatally wounding Officer Estorffe and Sergeant Robin.<br />

Despite being wounded, Officer Estorffe was able to return fire and killed the subject.<br />

Officer Estorffe had served with the Bay St. Louis Police Department for two years. He is survived by his mother,<br />

father, four sisters, brother, and grandparents. His father is also a law enforcement officer.<br />



AGE: 34 TOUR: 12 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />

Sergeant Steven Robin and Police Officer Branden Estorffe were shot and killed at about 4:30 am while conducting<br />

a welfare check on a woman and child sitting in a vehicle parked at the Motel 6 at 1003 U.S. 90.They had<br />

been speaking to the woman for approximately 30 minutes before making a request for child protective services.<br />

Moments later, the woman opened fire, fatally wounding Officer Estorffe and Sergeant Robin. Despite being<br />

wounded, Officer Estorffe was able to return fire and killed the subject.<br />

Sergeant Robin had served with the Bay St. Louis Police Department for three years and previously served with<br />

the Hancock County Sheriff’s Department. He is survived by his wife, children, and grandchildren.<br />

88<br />

88 The<br />

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The<br />








AGE: 45 TOUR: 4 YEARS BADGE: 208<br />

Sergeant Donald Scoby was shot and killed while pursuing a subject who fled from a traffic stop. Sergeant<br />

Scoby attempted to stop the subject’s vehicle at about 11:00 pm, but the man fled, and a vehicle pursuit<br />

ensued. The man abandoned his vehicle in the area of Reiger Road and S Yoder Road and fled on foot, with<br />

Sergeant Scoby chasing him. He shot Sergeant Scoby during the foot pursuit.The subject barricaded himself<br />

in a home. He was killed during an exchange of gunfire with responding SWAT officers. Another officer was<br />

wounded during the shootout.<br />

Sergeant Scoby had served with the Stuttgart Police Department for four years.<br />



AGE: 34 TOUR: 4 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />

Deputy Sheriff Daniel Kin was killed in a vehicle crash at the intersection of State Route 56 and State Route 104<br />

in Pickaway County at about 11:00 am. He was transporting a prisoner when a pickup truck struck the transport<br />

van on the driver’s door. Deputy Kin was flown to Grant Medical Center in Columbus, where he succumbed to his<br />

injuries. The prisoner suffered non-life-threatening injuries.<br />

Deputy Kin had served with the Wyandot County Sheriff’s Office for one year and had previously served with the<br />

Seneca County Sheriff’s Office for three years. He is survived by his wife, two young children, his father, and six<br />

sisters.<br />

90<br />

90 The<br />

The BLUES<br />


The MAGAZINE<br />

BLUES 91<br />







AGE: 23 TOUR: 2 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />

Deputy Sheriff Oscar Bolanos-Anavisca was struck and killed by a vehicle while investigating a robbery at<br />

2:45 am at 2990 Gillespie Street in Fayetteville. Deputies had completed a canine track, and Deputy Bolanos-Anavisca<br />

was walking along the roadway when a passing vehicle struck him. The driver fled the scene<br />

and was located a mile and a half from the scene. The subject was found to be intoxicated and taken into<br />

custody. Deputy Bolanos-Anavisca was transported by ambulance to Cape Fear Valley Medical Center, where<br />

he succumbed to his injuries.<br />

Deputy Bolanos-Anavisca had served with the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office for two years. He is survived<br />

by his mother, father, siblings, and fiancé.<br />



AGE: 66 TOUR: 40 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />

Chief of Police Joe Carey was struck and killed by a vehicle in the 200 block of Route 58 in Brodnax. He had<br />

activated his emergency lights and was removing a dead dog from the roadway when he was struck by an oncoming<br />

pickup truck. He was transported to Community Memorial Hospital in South Hill where he succumbed to<br />

his injuries.<br />

Chief Carey had served in law enforcement for over 40 years and had previously retired from the Charlotte County<br />

Sheriff’s Office after serving there for 26 years. He is survived by his wife, four sons, daughter, and grandchildren.<br />

92<br />

92 The<br />

The BLUES<br />


The MAGAZINE<br />

BLUES 93<br />







Detective Paul Newell was killed in a motorcycle crash at 6:30 am at the intersection of Southeast Walton<br />

Boulevard and Southeast Metro Parkway while escorting vehicles delivering wreaths to veteran gravesites as<br />

part of Wreaths Across America. His police motorcycle struck a curb, lost control, and then collided with a<br />

tractor trailer that was being escorted. He succumbed to his injuries at the scene.<br />



AGE: 51 TOUR: 24 YEARS BADGE: BC218 AGE: 31 TOUR: N/A BADGE: 230<br />

Deputy Sheriff Corey McElroy was killed in a vehicle crash at the interchange of I-68 and Route 36 in Frostburg,<br />

Maryland, at about 7:25 pm on December 20th, 2022. His department SUV struck the back of a tractor-trailer<br />

before being struck by another vehicle. He was flown to Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown, West Virginia,<br />

where he succumbed to his injuries early the following morning.<br />

Detective Newell was a United States Army veteran and had served with the Benton County Sheriff’s Office for<br />

24 years. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, mother, father, two brothers, and a sister.<br />

Deputy McElroy was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran. He is survived by two young children.<br />

94<br />

94 The<br />

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The<br />









Corporal Ray Hamilton was shot and killed during a barricade at the 710 block of <strong>No</strong>rth Park Boulevard in<br />

Wright. Deputies had responded to the apartment at about 9:00 am to investigate a domestic assault that had<br />

occurred the previous night. The suspect refused to exit the home and the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office,<br />

Special Response Team, responded to the scene. The man fired out of a window at about 12:40 pm, striking<br />

Corporal Hamilton. Corporal Hamilton was transported to Fort Walton Beach - Destin Hospital where he<br />

succumbed to his wounds several hours later.<br />

Corporal Hamilton had served with the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office for five years.<br />



AGE: 32 TOUR: 8 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />

Deputy Sheriff Isaiah Cordero was shot and killed while making a traffic stop in the <strong>39</strong>00 block of Golden<br />

West Avenue in the Jurupa Valley area. Deputy Cordero was approaching the vehicle he had stopped when<br />

the driver pulled out a gun and opened fire on him, fatally wounding him. A citizen who witnessed the shooting<br />

called 911 and rendered aide until other deputies arrived. The subject fled the scene and then led officers on<br />

a vehicle pursuit that spanned multiple counties. The subject’s vehicle became disabled, and he was then shot<br />

and killed after he opened fire on officers.<br />

Deputy Cordero had served with the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department for 8-1/2 years and was assigned<br />

to the Motor Unit. He is survived by his parents and stepbrother.<br />

96<br />

96 The<br />

The The BLUES<br />


The<br />






1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Go to the CFC website<br />

(scan this QR code for quick access)<br />

Search for the Officer Down<br />

Memorial Page / CFC # 62937<br />

Add us to your pledge basket – make sure to<br />

make your commitment before <strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong>!<br />

The Officer Down Memorial Page is proud to announce our participation<br />

in OPM’s Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) program. If you are an<br />

employee of the Federal Government (including postal, military, and federal/<br />

military retirees), your pledge though the CFC supports our mission to:<br />

• Honor and remember the nearly 26,000 law enforcement officers<br />

who have been killed in the line of duty since our nation’s founding<br />

• Generate over 200,000 letters to parole boards across the country<br />

to help deny parole to hundreds of convicted cop killers<br />

• Provide funding for the creation, restoration, or repair of memorials and<br />

grave markers honoring officers who have died in the line of duty<br />

• Recognize the contributions and sacrifices of our loyal K9 companions<br />

that serve on the front lines of our law enforcement efforts<br />

• And so much more...<br />

Learn more at ODMP.org/cfc<br />

98 The BLUES The BLUES 99

Officers Aren’t Immune to<br />

Domestic Disturbances<br />

If you been in Law Enforcement<br />

for any length of time, you know<br />

cops can be involved in family<br />

disturbances just like anyone<br />

else. But the moral to the story<br />

I’m about tell is get the hell out<br />

before you get hurt, shot or even<br />

killed by the other party. At the<br />

very least you’ll save your job.<br />

My story begins with my partner<br />

and his bat shot crazy finance.<br />

And when I say crazy, she<br />

was certifiably nuts. Beautiful but<br />

still crazy. The minute he started<br />

dating her, we all told him “Dude<br />

you need to find another woman<br />

cause this girl is trouble.”<br />

But you all know, once they<br />

fall, it’s useless trying to talk<br />

some sense into them. So, in<br />

a nutshell this women wasn’t<br />

drinking or drugs, she was just<br />

so insecure and jealous she<br />

thought my partner was hooking<br />

up non-stop on the job.<br />

<strong>No</strong>w if this crazy bitch had<br />

every done a ride-along with us<br />

on just one shift, she would have<br />

seen we are so fricking busy,<br />

who the hell is having sex ON<br />

DUTY? I mean WTF.<br />

But nevertheless, she was<br />

convinced the two of us were<br />

up finding girls left and right, so<br />

what does she do? She goes to<br />

Radio Shack, when there was<br />

such a thing as Radio Shack, and<br />

buys herself a handheld scanner<br />

and shadow’s us for an entire<br />

night shift.<br />

<strong>No</strong>w if you ever worked a busy<br />

night shift in any city, running for<br />

one call to the next, you probably<br />

aren’t going to pay attention<br />

to a vehicle following you. But<br />

this crazy bitch, didn’t follow us<br />

in her car, she actually followed<br />

us INTO a disturbance call at a<br />

bar. <strong>No</strong>w this is how dumb she<br />

was. She had a scanner. She<br />

knew it was a disturbance call.<br />

How in the hell you gonna meet<br />

another woman in the midst of<br />

breaking up a fight.<br />

“Ma’am when you realize this<br />

scumbag is not worth fighting<br />

with, here’s my card, maybe we<br />

can meet for drinks once you<br />

dump him!”<br />

I mean come on. So, in the<br />

middle of the call, in the bar,<br />

we turn around and there she<br />

is sitting at the bar. I look at my<br />

partner and say, “dude is that<br />

your woman at the bar?”<br />

“WTF is that bitch doing here.<br />

Was she there when we walked<br />

in?<br />

Uh NOPE. But I got this, you<br />

just handle these scumbags and<br />

I handle her. So, I walk over and<br />

say “Uh, Sheila, what are you<br />

doing here?”<br />

“Oh, hi Chuck, I’m just getting<br />

a drink, are you guys here on a<br />

call? Where’s Jack?”<br />

Yes, we are…are you following<br />

us…. I said jokingly.<br />

“Why would you ever think<br />

that?<br />

Well for one, this a gay bar and<br />

unless you’re hiding something<br />

from your man, it’s kinda of an<br />

off choice to stop in and have a<br />

DRINK, don’t you think.<br />

She immediately turns red<br />

about the time the bartender<br />

walks up to take her drink order.<br />

“Uhhh, well I…. just wanted…a…”<br />

Have a nice night, Shelia. I<br />

walked back to my partner who<br />

finished advising the two drunks<br />

involved in the disturbance that<br />

if we had to come back, they<br />

were both taking a ride.<br />

“So, what the fuck is Sheila<br />

doing here?”<br />

Well, either she is now BI, or I’d<br />

say she is staking us…. or rather<br />

you. She had no idea this was a<br />

Gay bar. As we made our way to<br />

the door, Sheila was long gone.<br />

When Jack got home and<br />

confronted her, she said she was<br />

there to meet a friend. At 1am at<br />

a gay bar? Uh huh.<br />

As this tumultuous relationship<br />

rent on, she continued to stalk<br />

us to the point I had no choice to<br />

go our sergeant and report the<br />

crazy bitch. Jack wasn’t happy<br />

but he knew it was the right<br />

thing to do. So, the Sgt calls<br />

him in and says you gotta make<br />

a choice…. cut this girl loose<br />

and get her the hell out of your<br />

house and out of your life or<br />

resign.<br />

Jack was pissed at me for<br />

throwing him under the bus, but<br />

in his heart, he knew it was the<br />

right thing to do. So went home<br />

and broke the news to crazy<br />

bitch…and needless to say, it<br />

didn’t go well.<br />

I got a call at 3pm from our<br />

sergeant saying a neighbor of<br />

Jacks called in a family disturbance<br />

with shots fired at Jacks<br />

address. Sarge said units were<br />

enroute and to get my ass there<br />

ASAP. Since I lived less than two<br />

minutes away, I literally arrived<br />

at the same time as two patrol<br />

units. As we all approached the<br />

front door, Jack comes running<br />

out the door, saying Shelia has<br />

his off-duty gun and fired two<br />

shots at him in their living room.<br />

Needless to say, we called a<br />

supervisor, he tried to reason<br />

with crazy bitch on the phone<br />

but got nowhere. <strong>No</strong>w our sergeant<br />

shows up, with our Lieutenant<br />

AND Captain in tow and<br />

they are all talking to her, to<br />

just put the gun down and come<br />

outside with her hands up. NOPE,<br />

she wasn’t havening it. So, who<br />

you gonna call? SWAT.<br />

By this time, I was fricking fed<br />

up with this bitch and despite orders<br />

from all three of my supervisors<br />

to stand down, I walked<br />

straight up to the front door,<br />

kicked the fucker in and walked<br />

right up the bitch and threw her<br />

ass on the couch and handcuffed<br />

her. <strong>No</strong>w was this a smart thing<br />

to do. NO! But I knew she had no<br />

bullets left in the 5-shot Colt<br />

revolver that Jack said she fired<br />

at him. It’s an old backup gun he<br />

kept in their nightstand. And he<br />

said he was pretty sure she fired<br />

three shots into the celling in the<br />

bedroom and then chased him<br />

into the living room and fired<br />

two more. So, if he was right, the<br />

bitch was holding an empty gun.<br />

At least I was hoping Jack could<br />

count.<br />

But as suspected the gun was<br />

empty and bitch was in cuffs<br />

headed to jail. Me? I got three<br />

days off for disobeying a direct<br />

order. Jack also got three days<br />

off for dating said crazy bitch in<br />

the first place.<br />

As for the ending. Jack and I<br />

both made detective a few years<br />

later and assigned to the same<br />

burglary task force. Working<br />

nights of course. One night, Jack<br />

gets a call from a neighboring<br />

small department and asking<br />

us to check by with their SWAT<br />

team outside an apartment<br />

complex. So, we drive over and<br />

the SWAT commander meets<br />

us at the entrance at their command<br />

post and shows Jack a<br />

photo and says, “do you know<br />

this crazy bitch?”<br />

Uh huh. It was Shelia. The<br />

minute ‘crazy bitch’ came out<br />

of his mouth, I knew it was her.<br />

Long story short is, Jack talked<br />

to her and got her to surrender.<br />

Another boyfriend and another<br />

shot fired disturbance. Only<br />

this time, I stayed in the car. <strong>No</strong><br />

more days off for me. Truth is, I<br />

had hoped SWAT would take the<br />

crazy bitch out with a sniper and<br />

rid the world of one less crazy.<br />

But nope. Sheila lived to literally<br />

“fight another day with another<br />

dude.”<br />

The lesson here is this. If you’re<br />

in a violent relationship, get out<br />

before someone gets hurt or<br />

even killed. <strong>No</strong>thing good will<br />

come of it trust me.<br />

Got a Warstory<br />

you’d like to share<br />

with our readers?<br />

Email your story to<br />

bluespdmag@gmail.com<br />

We’ll send you a free<br />

koozie.<br />

100 The BLUES The BLUES 101


You’re gone! <strong>No</strong>w What?<br />

The pain for you is finally over.<br />

<strong>No</strong> more depression. <strong>No</strong> more<br />

night terrors. <strong>No</strong> more roll calls.<br />

<strong>No</strong> more blood on the sidewalks.<br />

<strong>No</strong> more innocent children dying<br />

in your arms. <strong>No</strong> more reports.<br />

<strong>No</strong> more “stupid” supervisors<br />

looking over your shoulder. <strong>No</strong><br />

more fireworks twice a year<br />

taking you back to Iraq. <strong>No</strong> more<br />

family reunions you hate. <strong>No</strong><br />

more family anything. <strong>No</strong> lawns<br />

to cut. <strong>No</strong> more kids’ baseball<br />

games to interrupt your never-ending<br />

naps. <strong>No</strong> more runs to<br />

the grocery store. <strong>No</strong> more shopping<br />

for furniture you say we<br />

don’t need. <strong>No</strong> need to ever cut<br />

the grass again or do any lawn<br />

work. <strong>No</strong> more clothes to wash<br />

or put away. You never have to<br />

wash my car or change the oil or<br />

take it to the shop when it’s broken.<br />

You won’t have to take time<br />

to teach our son how to drive, or<br />

hunt or anything. <strong>No</strong> more daddy-daughter<br />

dances you have to<br />

make excuses not to go to. And<br />

you’ll never have to worry about<br />

walking her down the aisle.<br />

NOPE. You’re all good now.<br />

But what about us. All of those<br />

things are still happening. Just<br />

without you. I know you were<br />

in pain, but did you or the thousands<br />

before you, ever stop and<br />

think about the pain you left<br />

behind. When your partner was<br />

shot and killed, Mary Beth was<br />

surrounded by her blue family.<br />

They never left her side not even<br />

10 years later. They stood by her<br />

from the minute they woke her<br />

up at 2am to say her husband<br />

was a hero and wasn’t coming<br />

home, until this very day when a<br />

dozen officers from your squad<br />

showed up to take her two boys<br />

to school. They do that every<br />

year.<br />

They didn’t have to tell me<br />

you were gone. Because I found<br />

you. Yeah, they came over when<br />

I made the call. To take a report<br />

and search our house. And yes,<br />

there was a military funeral, but<br />

I felt everyone staring at me,<br />

thinking OMG what’s she going<br />

to do now. There is a difference<br />

in dying in the line of duty and<br />

taking your own life. If you’re<br />

LOD you had no choice, you<br />

died a hero. Take your own life<br />

and you bear a stigma no one<br />

wants to share. Of course, they<br />

feel sorry for us and always say<br />

“anything we need.” But it’s not<br />

the same.<br />

Your brothers and sisters in<br />

Blue don’t understand. You never<br />

told them you were hurting. You<br />

refused to share with them your<br />

pain and suffering. You thought<br />

they wouldn’t understand. You<br />

didn’t trust them. But that’s what<br />

police work is all about. TRUST.<br />

You have to know your partner<br />

and your team has your back<br />

and you have theirs. But you hid<br />

it all from everyone. Everyone<br />

outside of our home anyway.<br />

One day you’re having a backyard<br />

cookout, being all buddy<br />

buddy and talking shop and the<br />

next day, they are gathered in<br />

our front yard waiting for the ME<br />

to come take your lifeless body<br />

away. <strong>No</strong>w what?<br />

What are they supposed to do<br />

with that? How are they supposed<br />

to process that? Live with<br />

that? The brother they trusted<br />

was suddenly gone and they had<br />

no idea why. But I guess that’s<br />

not your problem anymore.<br />

But I suppose it’s as much my<br />

fault as it is yours. I could have<br />

gotten you help. I could have<br />

gone to your supervisors and<br />

told them how bad it was. I<br />

could have forced you to get<br />

help. It would have destroyed<br />

your career, but maybe, just<br />

maybe you’d still be here for<br />

me and the kids. Who cares if<br />

you’re still a cop.? You’d still be<br />

an incredible dad and a wonderful<br />

husband.<br />

But I didn’t do that because<br />

you begged me not to. Said you<br />

would get help and get better.<br />

That it would be OK. Well,<br />

you lied. It didn’t get better for<br />

anyone but you. All of us are in<br />

more pain that you ever were.<br />

You can’t imagine what’s it<br />

been like for me and the kids.<br />

Your family. Your mom and<br />

dad. Your brothers and sisters.<br />

Your brothers and sisters in<br />

Blue. The whole damn city is<br />

suffering. You have NO idea<br />

how fucked up this is.<br />

But I know life must go on.<br />

My life must go on. Our kid’s<br />

life must go on. Your partner<br />

has to keep on saving lives and<br />

sometimes people will die in his<br />

arms and sometimes they are<br />

just kids. But GOD put us here<br />

to do our jobs and live our lives.<br />

You have to believe in his plan.<br />

You can’t change it. The minute<br />

you think you can, you start<br />

down a path that ends with you<br />

taking your own life and leaving<br />

the rest of us here to pick up the<br />

pieces.<br />

To everyone reading this, I<br />

want to speak to you now. <strong>No</strong><br />

matter how bad things may<br />

seem, there is a better life for<br />

you and your family. You just<br />

have to ask for help. You have<br />

to believe in GOD and his plan<br />

for you and your life. Don’t for a<br />

minute think you can deal with<br />

this on your own. You can’t! If<br />

you’re the spouse, get your wife<br />

or husband help. Screw the job.<br />

This is your life. His life. His kid’s<br />

life that is hanging in the balance.<br />

There are people out there<br />

that truly care about you and<br />

your situation. You just have to<br />

ask for help. Confide in them.<br />

Trust them. Go to them. Do it<br />

NOW.<br />

It’s too late for me and my<br />

family, but it’s never too late<br />

for yours. Please call one of the<br />

numbers below and let me help<br />

you save your family.<br />

May God Bless You and Your<br />

Family.<br />

102 The BLUES The BLUES 103


healing our heroes<br />


<strong>No</strong>t every police officer who<br />

considers or completes suicide has<br />

post-traumatic stress.<br />

Adverse Childhood events, addictions,<br />

and compromised coping<br />

mechanisms can set a tidal wave in<br />

motion that some consider unrecoverable.<br />

Their solution, suicide.<br />

The officer who becomes addicted<br />

to pain pills or alcohol or<br />

gambling is not new in police work.<br />

<strong>No</strong>r is the decision to or contemplation<br />

of suicide because of these<br />

addictions novel. Take John Salerno’s<br />

partner. Deep in debt from a<br />

gambling addiction, and seeing no<br />

way out, addicted to the thrill of the<br />

win, guilt and shame over the loss<br />

and inability to stop, he completed<br />

suicide.<br />

There are consequences to actions.<br />

Police officers know this best.<br />

Police officers are also human. They<br />

are held to a higher standard however<br />

because of the oath they take.<br />

The humanness take some down a<br />

dark path. Some fall into drug use<br />

and other illicit behavior. But that<br />

does not mean they are beyond<br />

help.<br />

With addiction one must examine<br />

dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical<br />

released in the brain that makes<br />

you feel good. How do we feel<br />

good? There are many ways. Having<br />

a great workout. A hug from your<br />

kids. A kiss from your significant<br />

other. Petting your dog. Winning at<br />

the slot machines, snorting cocaine,<br />

having an extra-marital affair. Getting<br />

that dopamine hit is what we<br />

are after and for some, even though<br />

they know the way they are getting<br />

their “hit” is wrong, they cannot<br />

stop. Enter addiction and depression.<br />

The cycle of addiction can be<br />

deadly. Getting our dopamine “hit”<br />

and then suffering the letdown and<br />

the feeling off loss, despair, guilt,<br />

and shame can lead to suicide.<br />

Breaking the cycle requires medical<br />

intervention. For an officer, he<br />

or she must be willing to ask for<br />

that help and then obtain a leave<br />

of absence to get well. The treatment<br />

program must work with law<br />

enforcement and first responders.<br />

Those that do, can help the officer<br />

navigate the “ask” to their chief<br />

most commonly through their human<br />

resources departments. We<br />

have heard of 30 – 90 day leave<br />

periods where the first responder<br />

returns to their jobs successfully.<br />

According to John Edmonson,<br />

who is part of the team at A Badge<br />

of Honor, Director of Wellness at<br />

Healing Springs Ranch, CEO of Life<br />

Works Foundation, and an expert in<br />

treating addiction, “When working<br />

with clients in residential treatment<br />

they will report that they “had a<br />

normal childhood.” Or that they<br />

were not affected by the traumatic<br />

events in their life. But we are always<br />

cautious to rule that out until<br />

the client has had time to regain<br />

their senses and take a deeper look<br />

at their life.”<br />

The reason is that with time, once<br />

we detox from alcohol, drugs, or<br />

process addictions, we begin to see<br />

our life experiences more clearly.<br />

Client’s report beginning to see the<br />

trauma, stress, and anxiety, that<br />

they have been avoiding.<br />

This is why Melissa Caldwell Engle<br />

MS, LPC, ATR and Co-founder, of<br />

Springs Ranch, refers to addiction<br />

as a “pervasive pattern of avoiding<br />

emotions.”<br />

yrs.<br />



Factors that Go Unnoticed<br />

It is tempting to say, “the past is<br />

the past,” or “I let all that go.” And<br />

that can all be true. Many people<br />

have. But at the same time the actual<br />

effects from those experiences<br />

on our brain and nervous system,<br />

can create tendencies towards addiction.<br />

ACEs or Adverse Childhood Experiences<br />

was a study done that<br />

demonstrated that even though it<br />

has been decades since an early<br />

childhood trauma happened, it may<br />

still be affecting us today.<br />

Or it could be that we have fallen<br />

into addiction which has changed<br />

the structure of our brain. We start<br />

to think and act differently. “I don’t<br />

know you anymore.” or “I don’t<br />

know myself anymore.” has been<br />

said many times by people or their<br />

friends and family who suffer from<br />

addiction. Most do not realize that<br />

one day at a time they were becoming<br />

someone they did not recognize<br />

or know.<br />

You can feel so miserable that<br />

even opening your eyes in the<br />

morning creates a feeling of defeat,<br />

panic, and anxiety, because their<br />

experience is telling them that this<br />

is just going to be another day of<br />

pain.<br />

But what most of us do not know<br />

is that the brain can literally restructure<br />

itself back to a normal<br />

and healthy state of mind. The<br />

nervous system can rebalance itself,<br />

and even through therapy, medication,<br />

and/or healthy lifestyle can<br />

improve our neurochemistry.<br />

I’ve tried everything!<br />

I’ve tried “everything.” But have<br />

you?<br />

What I mean is that, just because<br />

you have tried everything you know,<br />

does not necessarily mean that<br />

you’ve tried everything that’s out<br />

there.<br />

For example, many have said<br />

they tried support groups, but<br />

only attended a few meetings. We<br />

recommend reading the literature,<br />

attending several meetings before<br />

making a true decision whether a<br />

support group or any other option is<br />

helpful. The reason is that many of<br />

us have the tendency to show up to<br />

a meeting or two and if we do not<br />

like the speaker or how the meeting<br />

was run, we leave and never come<br />

back.<br />

The same is true for therapy. Unfortunately,<br />

there are therapists in<br />

the field -who only do “talk therapy,”<br />

or don’t know how to relate or<br />

connect to first responders.<br />

But there are those that do. And<br />

there are many forms of therapy<br />

such as EMDR Eye Movement Desensitization<br />

Reprocessing, or EFT<br />

(Emotional Freedom Technique)<br />

that have proven to be effective<br />

in reducing stress, increasing the<br />

sense of hope and well-being, and<br />

working through addiction.<br />

So, there is hope. The process and<br />

journey will be difficult. An officer<br />

must first decide to ask for help and<br />

be prepared to accept the consequences<br />

of his or her actions which<br />

may mean losing their job or possibly<br />

facing jail time. But you will<br />

have your life! There is help.<br />

Samantha Horwitz & John Salerno are<br />

regular contributors to The <strong>Blues</strong> Police<br />

Magazine. They are the founders of A<br />

Badge of Honor, a 501(c)(3) post-traumatic<br />

stress awareness and suicide<br />

prevention program for first responders.<br />

John and Sam host A Badge of<br />

Honor Podcast Mondays 5pm CST. You<br />

can also listen anytime on your favorite<br />

podcast app. John Edmonson, MS, LPC-S,<br />

Healing Spring Ranch, Entrepreneur<br />

in Tactical Wellness, CEO, Life Works<br />

Foundation.<br />

104 The BLUES The BLUES 105


daryl’s deliberations<br />

yrs.<br />

Reports..Who Reads ‘em?<br />

There’s been a lot of talk lately<br />

about the Constitution. That’s a<br />

good thing. It is the document that<br />

governs us for good or for ill. Some<br />

say it’s a living document. I suppose<br />

that’s true seeing that there is<br />

a process we can follow to change<br />

it in some way, but it’s not a living<br />

document as it sits. It says what it<br />

says. If you don’t like what it says -<br />

change it.<br />

Sometimes when I research<br />

things, I run across sentences<br />

in reports written years or even<br />

centuries ago. Such sentences give<br />

me pause as I consider them. All<br />

reports have biases in them, so I try<br />

to account for that (knowing I have<br />

my own biases and filters). Since<br />

governments came on the scene<br />

in world history, leaders have sent<br />

agents to places with instructions<br />

to report back on their findings.<br />

An early example in world history<br />

might be when the Israelites sent<br />

people to the Promised Land with<br />

orders to report back what they<br />

saw. One such mission in American<br />

history occurred when President<br />

Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark out<br />

to report back on a real estate deal<br />

Jefferson completed with Napoleon.<br />

Pretty standard stuff.<br />

In Texas history there was a<br />

report that actually revealed a lot<br />

about the reportee and the subjects<br />

of the report. In 1827, the Mexican<br />

government sent one of its generals<br />

to Tejas to observe Texians and<br />

make a report of his observations.<br />

The government was concerned<br />

that the new immigrants weren’t<br />

assimilating. General Manuel Meir<br />

y Teran dutifully complied with his<br />

orders. He confirmed that the newcomers<br />

were not fitting in as they<br />

should. The newcomers expected<br />

too much service from the government<br />

in the way of courts and justice.<br />

The newcomers thought it was<br />

beneath them to pay a little extra<br />

for the alcaldes to hear a case. A little<br />

bribe here and there was a good<br />

thing. All of that was spot on in the<br />

description of the Mexican administration<br />

and the Texians who Teran<br />

thought were entitled. The Tejanos<br />

complained to Teran because of the<br />

Texians’ “superior education.” Illiterate<br />

people could be left behind. The<br />

implied answer, of course, would<br />

be only to allow illiterate people to<br />

immigrate.<br />

General Meir y Teran said that the<br />

Texians “travel with their political<br />

constitution in their pockets demanding<br />

the privileges, authority<br />

and officers which such a constitution<br />

guarantees.” Let that sink in<br />

for a moment. The Mexican Constitution<br />

(doesn’t matter which one<br />

they were using at the time) did not<br />

recognize individual rights. <strong>No</strong> free<br />

speech, no freedom of worship,<br />

no freedom of assembly, etc. The<br />


Mexican people as a whole were illiterate<br />

at that time and by definition<br />

not capable of self government.<br />

The Texians knew the U.S. Constitution<br />

of 1787 did not apply to them,<br />

but they also knew what freedom<br />

looked like when they read it and<br />

this wasn’t it! The general hit the<br />

nail on the head. The Texians could<br />

read and write. Literacy is freedom<br />

in its purest form.<br />

Are you one of those pesky Americans<br />

that carry your constitution in<br />

your pocket? A written law code is<br />

something we take for granted now,<br />

but it has not always been so. The<br />

law was formerly what some capricious<br />

king said it was. To have the<br />

Law written down was a huge step<br />

for civilization. When I looked at the<br />

United States Constitution (1787) in<br />

the National Archives in Washington<br />

DC, my eyes welled up. As I read<br />

“We the People…” self governance<br />

of a literate people hit me full on in<br />

the face. Yes, General Meir y Teran,<br />

I carry the Constitution in my pocket,<br />

but that is not the only place the<br />

living document resides - it is in my<br />

heart!<br />

106 The BLUES The BLUES 107


lig ht bul b award<br />


Judge Cara D. Hutson, Deputy Cordero’s blood is on your hands!<br />

A 32-year-old California<br />

Sheriff’s Deputy would be alive<br />

today and celebrating the New<br />

Year with his family had it not<br />

been for the actions of a low-life<br />

judge in California.<br />

This month’s LB Award Winner<br />

is Judge Cara D. Hutson a<br />

California Superior Court Judge<br />

who worked out of the Rancho<br />

Cucamonga branch and was<br />

re-elected to the bench in June<br />

and has been a judicial officer<br />

since 2007.<br />

Riverside Deputy Isaiah Cordero,<br />

32, had pulled over a pickup<br />

truck just before 2pm on Thursday<br />

December 29 in Jurupa Valley<br />

in Riverside County when the<br />

driver of the vehicle, later identified<br />

as William Shae McKay, 44,<br />

pulled out a gun and shot him.<br />

Cordero’s department has<br />

blamed the judge who released<br />

McKay after his third strike for<br />

the tragedy, saying she<br />

had ‘not done her job’<br />

to keep him behind<br />

bars.<br />

Riverside County<br />

Sheriff Chad Bianco<br />

said that the ‘terrible<br />

tragedy’ could<br />

have been avoided<br />

had McKay been kept<br />

behind bars and not<br />

released on bail.<br />

“This terrible tragedy<br />

should have been<br />

prevented by the legal<br />

system, McKay has an<br />

extensive and violent<br />

past, and was convicted<br />

of his third strike in<br />

<strong>No</strong>v 2021,” said Bianco.<br />

“That case involved<br />

kidnapping and assault with a<br />

deadly weapon. Instead of sentencing<br />

him to 25 years to life<br />

which should have happened,<br />

they left him out.”<br />

Bianco explained that the judge<br />

had lowered McKay’s bail allowing<br />

him to be released.<br />

“He was again arrested for failing<br />

to appear at his sentencing<br />

and additional criminal charges.<br />

That same judge released him<br />

again. We would not be here<br />

today if the judge had done her<br />

job.”<br />

People shocked by the death<br />

of Deputy Cordero’s, have lashed<br />

out at the Judge saying that the<br />

yrs.<br />

A HERO<br />

region ‘needs better representation.’<br />

One Facebook user wrote:<br />

“Dishonorable they must have<br />

meant because there is nothing<br />

honorable about an overpaid,<br />

useless judge. Drag her off the<br />

bench and let her clean the court<br />

toilets.”<br />

Another, posting a picture of<br />

Hutson, wrote: “This evil Judge,<br />

Cara Hutson let the killer of<br />

Deputy Cordero bail out on a 3<br />

strikes case, not once, but twice!<br />

His death lies solely on this<br />

bitches’ hands!”<br />

Many mourning the 32-yearold<br />

officer, posted their condolences<br />

on the police Facebook<br />

post saying that he ‘didn’t deserve<br />

to die’ calling for the Huston’s<br />

resignation.<br />

One user wrote: ‘The judge<br />

should be put behind bars. There<br />

is blood on her hands! My condolences<br />

to deputy’s family and<br />

may he rest in peace!’<br />

Another wrote: ‘Absolutely<br />

heartbreaking. Shame on the<br />

judge. If she’s elected, get her<br />

out. If she’s appointed, fire her!’<br />

William Shae McKay of San<br />

Bernardino County, had a long<br />

and violent criminal history<br />

stretching back to before 2000<br />

that included kidnapping, robbery,<br />

and multiple arrests for<br />

assault with a deadly weapon,<br />

including a 2021 police chase in<br />

which a California Highway Patrol<br />

dog was stabbed, allegedly<br />

by an accomplice of McKay, the<br />

sheriff said.<br />

According to Bianco, McKay had<br />

been convicted of a ‘third strike’<br />

offense last year that should<br />

have put him in state prison for<br />

25 years to life, but a San Bernardino<br />

County judge lowered<br />

his bail.<br />

Cordero was a motorcycle<br />

officer assigned to Jurupa Valley,<br />

a city that contracts with the<br />

Riverside County Sheriff’s Department<br />

for policing services.<br />

The 32-year-old officer joined<br />

the 4,000-member strong department<br />

as a corrections deputy,<br />

worked in local jails, became<br />

a sworn deputy in 2018 and completed<br />

motor school to become a<br />

motorcycle deputy in September,<br />

Bianco said.<br />

Cordero ‘learned from his<br />

mother the value of serving and<br />

helping others’ and his goal at<br />

the department was always to<br />

become a motor deputy, Bianco<br />

said.<br />

“He was naturally drawn to<br />

law enforcement and certainly<br />

embodied our motto of service<br />

above self,” Bianco said.<br />

“He was a jokester around the<br />

station and all of our deputies<br />

considered him their little brother.”<br />

Several hours after the shooting,<br />

dozens of motorcycle officers<br />

and patrol cars escorted a<br />

hearse transporting the deputy’s<br />

flag-draped casket from the<br />

hospital to the county coroner’s<br />

office.<br />

The BLUES offers its sincerest<br />

condolences to the family of<br />

Deputy Cordero and the entire<br />

Riverside County Sheriff’s Department.<br />

We’re so sorry for the<br />

loss of your brother in Blue and<br />

we will never forget his dedication<br />

to a job he loved so much.<br />

As for the POS Judge Cara D.<br />

Hutson, the public will never forget<br />

or forgive you for the actions<br />

that led up to the loss of our<br />

brother in Blue. Please resign and<br />

do the world a favor and never,<br />

ever stand before a courtroom<br />

again and pretend you represent<br />

honor and justice.<br />

YOU DO NOT!<br />

The Leader In Law Enforcement Recruitment<br />

Delivering ZERO COST solutions to<br />

Texas Public Safety Agencies.<br />

108 The BLUES The BLUES 109


yrs.<br />

“Honoring our fallen heroes<br />

through running while providing<br />

financial support to the families<br />

of our fallen Heroes,<br />

First Responders injured in the<br />

Line of Duty and Safety<br />

Equipment to K9s in need.”<br />

AS OF 12/31/22<br />

Total Grants Awarded to Injured First Responders: 41<br />

Total Amount Awarded: $367,500<br />

Total Funds Awarded to Families of Fallen Heroes: 34<br />

Total Amount Awarded: $272,301<br />

Funds/Equipment Awarded to K9 Officers: $26,686.21<br />

Total Amount of Grants Given: $666,487.32<br />

- - - -<br />

2022 Run Tracker:<br />

Total Miles Run in 2022: (as of 12/29/22): 322<br />

- Zechariah - 274<br />

- Jayden - 10<br />

- Andrew - 8<br />

- Giuliana - 9<br />

- Anthony - 8<br />

- Morgan - 12<br />

- Theresa - 1 (59 for K9s)<br />

Total Miles Run in 2021: 325<br />

Total Miles Run in 2020: 401<br />

Total Miles Run in 2019: 376<br />

Overall Miles Run: 1,424<br />

Over Miles Run (K9’s): 59<br />

- - - - - - - - - -<br />

2022 Run Stats:<br />

Total Miles Run for 2022 Fallen LEO’s (<strong>No</strong>n COVID-19): 135<br />

Total Miles Run for 2022 Fallen Firefighters (<strong>No</strong>n COVID-19): 80<br />

Total Miles Run for <strong>No</strong>n-LODD/Suicide: 13<br />

Total Miles Run for 2022 Fallen Canada LEO’s: 3<br />

Total Miles Run in 2022 for Fallen COVID-19 Heroes: 18<br />

Total Miles Run for 2021 Fallen LEO’s: 21<br />

Total Miles Run for 2021 Fallen Firefighters: 2<br />

Total Tribute Runs by State/Country: 17<br />

Zechariah<br />

Cartledge:<br />

a True American Hero<br />

States/Cities Zechariah has run in:<br />

Florida - Winter Springs, Lake Mary, Clearwater, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, Orlando, Temple Terrace, Blountstown,<br />

Cocoa, Lakeland, Daytona Beach, West Palm Beach, Starke, Melbourne<br />

New York - New York City, Weedsport • Georgia - Cumming, Augusta, Savannah<br />

South Carolina - <strong>No</strong>rth Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Sumter • Pennsylvania - Monaca<br />

Illinois - Springfield, Naperville, Glen Ellyn • Texas - Houston (2), Fort Worth, Midland, New Braunfels, Freeport, Madisonville,<br />

Irving, Sadler, San Antonio • Kentucky - Nicholasville • Arkansas - Bryant, Hot Springs, Springdale, Prairie Grove<br />

Nevada - Henderson • Kansas - Overland Park • California - Mt. Vernon, La Jolla • Arizona - Mesa<br />

<strong>No</strong>rth Carolina - Concord, Raleigh • Virginia - <strong>No</strong>rton, Richmond • Tennessee - Bristol, Bartlett<br />

Oklahoma - Stilwell (2) • Delaware - Milford • Maryland - Towson • Minnesota - Arden Hills • Indiana - Sullivan, Spencer<br />

Mississippi - Grenada, Olive Branch • Missouri - Springfield, Rolla, Joplin • Iowa - Independence, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids<br />

District/Countries/Territories:<br />

Washington D.C. • Puerto Rico - San Juan<br />


The BLUES 111


blue mental health<br />

POLICE SUICIDE: Tips & Resources<br />

The editor and publisher of the<br />

BLUES, Michael Barron, addressed<br />

the tragedy of law enforcement suicide<br />

in this month’s editorial. Much<br />

has been written on the topic and<br />

how to assist but it is imperative<br />

that we keep the discussion in the<br />

forefront as the numbers continue<br />

to tragically rise. This has been<br />

particularly punctuated by the three<br />

recent suicides within the Chicago<br />

Police Department. This month’s<br />

article will provide several tips and<br />

resources to help officers in times<br />

of darkness and struggle. According<br />

to renowned police psychologist, Dr.<br />

Ellen Kirschman, in an article published<br />

Psychology Today on September<br />

9 2022, here are seventeen<br />

tips on how to effectively approach<br />

an officer who may be suicidal.<br />

17 Tips to Help Prevent Police Suicide<br />

(Kirschman, 2022):<br />

Know a cop who may be suicidal?<br />

Here’s what you should know to<br />

help them.<br />

• Police officers are twice as likely<br />

to kill themselves as to be killed in<br />

the line of duty.<br />

• To prevent someone from killing<br />

themselves, don’t mince words.<br />

• Two crucial ways to intervene<br />

with a suicidal officer are to separate<br />

them from their weapons and<br />

to buy time.<br />

• If you are dealing with a suicidal<br />

officer, take steps to protect yourself<br />

physically and emotionally.<br />

Do you know someone you believe<br />

is suicidal? I offer the following tips<br />

in the hopes of preventing one more<br />

tragic police suicide:<br />

1. Speak up. Don’t hesitate to talk<br />

openly about suicide. You can’t put<br />

the idea in anyone’s head if it isn’t<br />

already there. It can clear the air to<br />

raise the issue and call it for what<br />

it is without using euphemisms. Ask<br />

directly, “Are you thinking of killing<br />

yourself?”<br />

2. Be assertive about your concerns.<br />

Find out what is causing so<br />

much pain that the suicidal person<br />

wants to stop living. Communicate<br />

your understanding that they are in<br />

great emotional pain, but clearly<br />

say that pain can be managed and<br />

that there are other ways to solve<br />

these problems besides suicide. Let<br />

your law enforcement officer (LEO)<br />

know that getting help is a sign of<br />

strength, not weakness, and that it<br />

takes guts to face your problems<br />

and yourself.<br />

3. If you’ve struggled with depression<br />

or hopelessness or had suicidal<br />

thoughts, be honest in describing<br />

your own experience. Talk about<br />

what specifically helped you get<br />

through troubled times.<br />

4. Assess the level of danger—the<br />

more specific the plan, the more<br />

imminent and potentially fatal. For<br />

example, John (not his real name)<br />

told his partner he had picked out a<br />

motel, written a note warning the<br />

motel staff to call the police before<br />

entering his room, written to his<br />

family, bought a tarp to keep his<br />

brains from splattering and bought<br />

a rifle because he didn’t want to use<br />

his duty gun. This was a dire emergency,<br />

requiring immediate intervention<br />

and hospitalization.<br />

Sandy (not her real name) who<br />

was on disability leave, confessed<br />

to her wife that she was thinking<br />

about suicide but didn’t want to kill<br />

herself impulsively. She had locked<br />

her weapons in a friend’s gun locker<br />

and put the key in a safe deposit<br />

box at a bank. Her wife was able to<br />

yrs.<br />


verify this. She alerted Sandy’s therapist<br />

immediately, and the therapist<br />

arranged to see Sandy the next<br />

day, increased their sessions, and<br />

arranged for a medication appointment.<br />

5. Separate the officer from his<br />

or her weapons. Remember, many<br />

officers have several weapons in<br />

addition to their duty gun.<br />

6. Do what you can to delay. Many<br />

suicidal individuals who recover<br />

from a suicide attempt or were<br />

stopped before completing it do not<br />

make another attempt. Rather, they<br />

are grateful for a second chance at<br />

life.<br />

7. Be prepared. If you are going<br />

to confront a troubled cop, plan<br />

in advance—have phone numbers<br />

available, take another friend along,<br />

or have someone standing by a<br />

telephone. Pick an appropriate time<br />

and place to raise your concerns—<br />

one that is private, comfortable,<br />

and unhurried. Unless the situation<br />

is urgent, it’s better not to talk to<br />

someone who has been drinking.<br />

Don’t leave them alone. Wait until<br />

they sober up.<br />

8. Prepare yourself for angry denial.<br />

In their muddled thinking, your<br />

LEO may believe it’s better to be<br />

dead than to have people think they<br />

were weak.<br />

9. Be direct, yet tactful. Avoid<br />

backing people into a corner by<br />

threatening them or delivering<br />

ultimatums. Suicidal people already<br />

feel as if their lives are out of<br />

control, and are not thinking clearly.<br />

In their despair, they may mistakenly<br />

believe suicide is the only way to<br />

get back into control.<br />

10. Give hope. Find out if this person<br />

has survived some past crisis.<br />

Sometimes, remembering they have<br />

been through tough times before<br />

helps people regain confidence<br />

and hope for the future. People are<br />

generally suicidal only for a limited<br />

time. If they can avoid self-destruction,<br />

they can go on to lead productive<br />

lives. Hope is the awareness<br />

that one has options.<br />

11. Create ambivalence. Bust<br />

the bubble that killing yourself is<br />

an okay thing to do. Make it hard<br />

to see suicide as a “victimless<br />

crime.” Name the people who will<br />

be affected by this person’s suicide.<br />

Children especially may be deeply<br />

damaged by losing a parent to suicide.<br />

12. Don’t try to cheer them up.<br />

Have you ever seen the bumper<br />

sticker that says, “Cheer up, things<br />

could be worse. So I cheered up,<br />

and sure enough things got worse?”<br />

Cheering up is different from giving<br />

hope. Attempting to cheer someone<br />

up may be well-intentioned, but it<br />

is almost guaranteed to backfire.<br />

The listener may feel that you simply<br />

don’t understand the depth of<br />

his or her despair.<br />

13. Intervention is the key to preventing<br />

suicide. The consequences<br />

of getting help to someone are<br />

never as permanent as the consequences<br />

of suicide. Having meaningful,<br />

supportive relationships and<br />

a therapeutic alliance with a mental<br />

health professional greatly reduces<br />

a person’s risk for suicide.<br />

14. Don’t argue, sermonize, or<br />

lecture a suicidal person. Try to see,<br />

in concrete terms, how and why<br />

this person has come to see things<br />

as they do—remember, rarely has<br />

a suicidal individual arrived at this<br />

point overnight.<br />

15. Respect your limitations.<br />

Sometimes there is no way to stop<br />

people from killing themselves. You<br />

cannot read another person’s mind.<br />

Cops are especially good at masking<br />

their feelings and intentions. It’s<br />

a professional tool.<br />

16. Do not make offers of help you<br />

cannot reasonably support. If you<br />

are troubled, overburdened with<br />

your own problems, or simply don’t<br />

care enough about this person,<br />

find someone who does. Refer this<br />

person to a police chaplain, a peer<br />

supporter, and/or a culturally competent<br />

mental health professional.<br />

17. People who kill themselves are<br />

responsible for their choices. One<br />

person cannot drive another to suicide<br />

except under the most extreme<br />

circumstances.<br />




Call 9-8-8<br />


Safe Call <strong>No</strong>w is a 24-hour crisis<br />

referral service for those in public<br />

safety and their family members.<br />

CONTACT: https://www.safecallnow.org/<br />

or call 206-459-3020<br />


Helping First Responders build<br />

their wellness & resiliency toolbox,<br />

learning tactical strategies to combat<br />

stress.<br />

www,ABadgeofHonor.com<br />


Serve & Protect helps connect<br />

public safety professionals with<br />

trauma services.<br />

CONTACT: https://serveprotect.<br />

org/ or call 615-373-8000 for the<br />

crisis line.<br />


Cops Alive provides resources and<br />

strategies to help cops live happy<br />

and successful lives.<br />

CONTACT: http://www.copsalive.<br />

com/<br />


CopLine is a 24/7 service that<br />

will connect you to a peer support<br />

counselor. CONTACT: http://www.<br />

copline.org/ or call 800-267-5463<br />


Kirschman, E. (2018) I Love a Cop:<br />

What Police Families Need to Know.<br />

New York. Guilford Press.<br />

Kirschman, E. (2022, August 23)<br />

Is New Federal Legislation Encouraging<br />

Cops to Commit Suicide?<br />

https://www.psychologytoday.com/<br />

us/node/1179167/preview.<br />

112 The BLUES The BLUES 113


off duty & outdoors<br />

yrs.<br />

Winter Trolling for Tuna<br />

In Florida we still get many<br />

nice boating days in December.<br />

May and October are the<br />

best fishing months, but that<br />

was not going to stop me from<br />

trying to find fish any day that I<br />

can get out on the water. It was<br />

mid-December and my wife, and<br />

I were out with her friend taking<br />

a leisurely cruise in the Gulf out<br />

of Destin inlet and heading down<br />

the beachfront. The water was<br />

fairly calm, clear, and I had heard<br />

it was getting close to when the<br />

Blackfin Tuna would be cruising<br />

the beachfront. Since we were<br />

just cruising anyway, I threw out<br />

a couple of lines and starting<br />

trolling. However, I could tell the<br />

girls were not excited about my<br />

impromptu decision to turn their<br />

boating day into a slow troll<br />

fishing day. So, after 20 minutes,<br />

I pulled in the lines, moved my<br />

fishing to plan B, and we continued<br />

our cruising day on the<br />

water.<br />

Plan B went into high gear at<br />

5:00 a.m. the next morning. With<br />

only a few months with my new<br />

boat, I have already learned that<br />

I will always have my rods on<br />

the boat ready with lures because<br />

you never can know when<br />

you will run upon birds diving<br />

or fish fishing exploding bait on<br />

the water. I have also learned<br />

that it is best to plan out a day<br />

dedicated to fishing rather than<br />

turn a family boating day into a<br />

fishing day. Thus, the next morning<br />

before dawn, I grabbed a<br />

coffee and headed to the marina<br />

to try to find some Blackfin tuna<br />

running along the beachfront.<br />

Leaving the dock before sunrise<br />

was very satisfying even though<br />

on this particular day, I was<br />

solo because my fishing buddies<br />

were all busy getting ready for<br />

family Christmas events. Since I<br />

am relatively new to fishing out<br />

of Destin, I was quite excited to<br />

have a day to try some things<br />

without any expectations except<br />

to have fun on the water.<br />

First efforts to catch some<br />

live bait at the usual places with<br />

Sabiki rigs failed to produce<br />

so I was committed to trolling<br />

lures, which quite honestly, I was<br />

fine with. I knew that my best<br />

chances for tuna were going to<br />

be in the early morning hours<br />

since they like to feed during<br />

low light conditions. So, with a<br />

slightly foggy morning ahead of<br />

me, I decided to head out to a<br />

shallow wreck just offshore and<br />

start trolling. At first, I thought it<br />

was better to have as many lines<br />

in the water as possible that I<br />

could handle so I started with<br />

3 baits out. One <strong>No</strong>mad design<br />

sinking high speed lure to mimic<br />

mackerel and two lines with jet<br />

lures to mimic squid. With lines<br />

out, I started thinking through<br />

<strong>No</strong>t the Blackfin Tuna I was looking for, but Bonito are great fighting fish<br />

114 The BLUES The BLUES 115

Squid from the first Bonito<br />

caught told me what bait I<br />

should mimic with lures.<br />

what my plan would be once I<br />

have a fish on…. Slow the boat,<br />

engage auto pilot, go to neutral,<br />

Ok ready. My mind also quickly<br />

went to safety and while it<br />

wasn’t exceptionally rough that<br />

morning, I decided since I was on<br />

the boat by myself, I would throw<br />

on my lightweight inflatable<br />

PFD. Well, it only took about<br />

20 minutes, and I heard one of<br />

the reels start to scream. With<br />

the boat slowed down, I thought,<br />

I should reel in the other two<br />

lines first so not to get tangled<br />

while fighting the fish. Mistake.<br />

The time it took for me to get the<br />

other two lines in, gave the fish<br />

enough time to find its way out<br />

of the hook. OK, learn, adapt,<br />

retry. This time I decided to only<br />

have two lines out. Another 10<br />

minutes and now I hear one reel<br />

giving line to another hooked<br />

fish. This time, I reeled it in with<br />

the other line out. Success but<br />

not a Blackfin Tuna, just a Bonito.<br />

Bonito are tuna like schooling<br />

fish of the tuna and mackerel<br />

family. Personally, I don’t find<br />

them table worthy as they have<br />

dark, oily meat that is more fishy<br />

tasting than other species, but<br />

they are great fighters and fun<br />

to catch. They also make great<br />

cut bait for reef fishing, so this<br />

one makes the ice box. I also<br />

noticed that when this Bonito<br />

came on board, he throws up<br />

a stomach full of squid onto<br />

the deck, which confirmed why<br />

they love these trolling jet lures.<br />

Lines back out and set a course<br />

to troll across some structure<br />

in about 50-60 feet of water.<br />

Boom, this time both lines are<br />

running. I watch the rods bending<br />

and reels stripping out line<br />

and pick the rod with what I<br />

think is the better fish. Again,<br />

great fighter, but another Bonito.<br />

The other line, same. Lines back<br />

out and repeat another double<br />

hook up, but Bonito again. This<br />

continues until I boated about a<br />

dozen fish, releasing all but two<br />

I kept for a future reef fishing<br />

trip. While I didn’t catch the<br />

Blackfin Tuna I was after, a day<br />

on the water catching fish and<br />

getting a little more experience<br />

and knowledge about trolling,<br />

made for a perfect day!<br />

116 The BLUES The BLUES 117


118 The BLUES The BLUES 119<br />

118 The BLUES The BLUES 119


120 The BLUES The BLUES 121


parting shots...<br />

yrs.<br />

... pardon our humor<br />

122 The BLUES The BLUES 123

yrs.<br />

Your Source for<br />

Law Enforcement<br />

Products &<br />

Services<br />

124 The BLUES The BLUES 125

yrs.<br />

Air Bear announces the arrival of<br />

the DA62-MPP in <strong>No</strong>rth America<br />

airbear<br />

Air Bear Tactical Aircraft proudly<br />

announces that the Diamond<br />

DA62-MPP is now delivering to<br />

Airborne Law Enforcement customers<br />

in <strong>No</strong>rth America. The<br />

shape of things to come, the<br />

DA62-MPP (Multi-Purpose Platform)<br />

is represented by Air Bear<br />

Tactical Aircraft in the USA and<br />

provides best in class capabilities,<br />

performance, and economical<br />

operation.<br />

Recently concluding its first<br />

ever <strong>No</strong>rth American visit with a<br />

nationwide demo tour, the DA62-<br />

MPP has received rave reviews<br />

wherever it has visited. The “MPP”<br />

provides a robust, multi-mission<br />

surveillance platform which is<br />

readily adaptable to many missions,<br />

including patrol support, counter<br />

narcotics, border patrol, littoral<br />

maritime patrol, fire mapping and<br />

control, aerial survey as well as<br />

many other missions.<br />

It’s low cost of acquisition, utility,<br />

and incredibly low operating costs<br />

(using only 7.6 gallons per hour of<br />

Jet-A, total!) provides an unbeatable<br />

method to stretch your ever<br />

tightening aviation budgets. Twin<br />

engine reliability and a complete tip<br />

to tail maintenance program rounds<br />

out this game changing platform.<br />

Learn more about the DA62-MPP<br />

at www.airbear.aero, call us at<br />

855-699-5489 or email us at bearsintheair@airbear.aero.<br />

Air Bear Tactical Aircraft provides<br />

complete, mission-ready surveillance<br />

& survey aircraft to Federal,<br />

State, Local and Commercial operators.<br />

Learn more on our website<br />

about our other products, including<br />

our custom gimbal retraction system<br />

for the DA62-MPP, C206H and<br />

Turbine Commander 690A/B (more<br />

to come!), and learn more about<br />

our other product offerings as well.<br />

The Shape of Things to Come has<br />

arrived in <strong>No</strong>rth America!<br />

The Shape of Things To Come Is Here!<br />

The next generation airborne law enforcement surveillance<br />

platform is now shipping to <strong>No</strong>rth American customers.<br />

The highly capable, multi-role aircraft provides exceptionally low<br />

DOC’s (about $260.00/hour with Piston Power’s complete aircraft<br />

tip to tail maintenance program) while providing best in class<br />

surveillance capabilities.<br />

Air Bear is the exclusive DA62-MPP distributor for the USA.<br />

Contact the Air Bear to learn how the MPP can increase your<br />

efficiency while dramatically lowering your acquisition and<br />

operating costs.<br />

Learn more at: www.airbear.aero<br />

Diamond DA62-MPP <strong>No</strong>w Delivering<br />

to <strong>No</strong>rth America!<br />





The MPP uses just 7.6 g/hr (total) of<br />

Jet-A at loiter speed, capable of<br />

sprinting at up to 192 kts.<br />

Multi-role, multi-mission capable<br />

Capable, Efficient & Cost Effective<br />

Air Bear Tactical Aircraft | 19711 Campus Drive #150 Santa Ana, CA 92707 | 855-699-5489<br />

www.airbear.aero | bearsintheair@airbear.aero<br />

126 The BLUES The BLUES 127<br />


yrs.<br />

CAP Fleet is an emergency<br />

vehicle upfitter and<br />

authorized Chevrolet SVM<br />

Bailment Pool provider<br />

for Law Enforcement<br />

Vehicles. We have a pool<br />

of vehicles available to be<br />

upfitted by CAP Fleet and<br />

sold through any GM dealer<br />

in the United States.<br />

We also offer law enforcement<br />

vehicles from<br />

Chevrolet, Dodge, and<br />

Ford through our dealership<br />

network.<br />

Since 2011, we have<br />

combined the highest<br />

quality products in the<br />

industry with superior<br />

craftsmanship, providing<br />

customer service and installations<br />

at a reasonable<br />

price.<br />

Our sales staff brings<br />

over 100+ years of law enforcement<br />

experience and<br />

our installation team has<br />

an equal number of years<br />

in the emergency vehicle<br />

upfitting industry. We<br />

understand your needs<br />

and strive to make your<br />

experience at CAP Fleet<br />

simple. All installations<br />

are completed by our inhouse<br />

technicians. Every<br />

vehicle goes through an<br />

extensive quality control<br />

program supervised by<br />

our shop managers. Our<br />

technicians are constantly<br />

focused on quality and<br />

efficiency.<br />

With locations in<br />

Belton, Tx and Houston,<br />

Tx, and a new state<br />

of the art facility under<br />

construction in Caldwell,<br />

Tx, as well as mobile<br />

technicians serving the<br />

Dallas/Fort Worth and<br />

Rio Grande Valley metro<br />

areas, we have you<br />

covered!<br />

Whatever your needs<br />

are, from turn-key police<br />

vehicle builds, product<br />

replacement and/or upgrades<br />

to existing vehicles,<br />

or building a complete<br />

new fleet, CAP Fleet will<br />

have your vehicles 10-8.<br />

<strong>2023</strong> CHEVROLET TAHOE PPVs<br />






<strong>2023</strong> TAHOE PPV THROUGH<br />

CAP FLEET.<br />

www.capfleet.com | sales@capfleet.com | 254-773-1959<br />

128 The BLUES The BLUES 129<br />

128 The BLUES The BLUES 129

yrs.<br />

Starting in 2003, Cop Stop Inc. Opened with a vision and goal to service first responders; “Our everyday<br />

heroes.” Catering mainly to Police, Fire, Military and EMS, but also open to the public, Cop Stop<br />

offers a variety of products, gear and apparel. Open and operated by Rick Fernandez, a former officer<br />

of 10 years, he prides himself on maintaining the highest standards of customer service. Cop Stop understands<br />

its our customers who drive our success, and we strive to offer the best service to everyone<br />

who walks through our doors. At Cop Stop we offer quality products at great low prices. With access to<br />

over hundreds of brands and products, and constantly adding more, we are confident we can fulfill your<br />

needs.<br />

“If you provide good service and a fair price, customers will talk about you and come back.<br />

It’s that simple!” Rick Fernandez<br />

130 The BLUES The BLUES 131<br />


yrs.<br />


Dana Safety Supply (DSS) is a major warehousing distributor,<br />

seller, service provider, and installer of law enforcement<br />

and public safety fleet vehicle equipment including emergency<br />

lighting, and related law enforcement products that are typically<br />

employed by public safety entities. In addition, DSS is a<br />

major distributor of law enforcement, tactical supplies, duty<br />

gear, firearms, ammunition, uniforms, and other public safety<br />

products. DSS operates 30 locations located in Greensboro, NC<br />

(2), Clinton, NC, Columbia, SC (2), Atlanta, GA, Marietta, GA,<br />

Preston, GA, DeLand, FL, Jacksonville, FL, Orlando, FL, Tampa, FL,<br />

Ft. Myers, FL, Ft. Walton Beach, FL, Miami, FL, Pompano Beach,<br />

FL, Tallahassee, FL, Livingston, MT, Memphis, TN, Nashville, TN,<br />

Little Rock, AR, Baton Rouge, LA, Alabaster, AL, Lorton, VA (also<br />

covering the Metro Washington D.C. area), Los Angeles, CA,<br />

Oklahoma City, OK, Houston, TX, La Feria, TX, Ft. Worth, TX and<br />

Austin, TX.<br />

DSS was founded in 2005 by a group of law enforcement and<br />

fleet professionals and has grown to become one of the largest<br />

companies of its type in the United States. DSS is a subsidiary<br />

of Duval Motor Company and the Scott McRae Group, (SMAG), a<br />

106 year old family company that has been in continuous operation,<br />

and under the same ownership since 1916. SMAG employs<br />

more than 700 people across multiple companies in the automotive,<br />

finance, and service industries. Each company operates<br />

independently, is its own legal entity, and is headed by its own<br />

President and management team, but has the financial resources<br />

and backing of SMAG at its disposal. DSS acquired Fleet<br />

Safety Equipment in 2018. Fleet Safety Equipment was founded<br />

in Memphis, TN in 1980 and is a wholly owned division of Dana<br />

Safety Supply.<br />

DSS regularly provides emergency vehicle equipment, installation<br />

services, and public safety products to numerous state,<br />

federal, and local public safety agencies, as well as to automotive<br />

dealers who utilize our up-fitting services and products.<br />

DSS holds and has successfully completed hundreds of large<br />

volume contracts with major public safety agencies throughout<br />

its territory to include Federal & State Agencies in CA, NC, SC,<br />

GA, FL, AL, TN, AR, OK, MS, LA, AR, TX, VA, and MT. DSS is also<br />

an approved contractor for the GSA and has a GSA contract for<br />

numerous public safety products and also for installation and<br />

upfitting services.<br />

Let us help your department with all your<br />

vehicle equipment and upfitting needs.<br />

Vehicle Equipment<br />

Vehicle Armoring<br />

National Reach.<br />

Local Support.<br />

America's largest source for upfitting,<br />

installation, tactical gear and apparel.<br />

Accessories & More!<br />

31<br />



Keep your Officers safe!<br />

Armored glass options available!<br />


yrs.<br />

People are Your<br />

Purpose, and Ours<br />

In 2008, the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office<br />

was informed by the federal government that it<br />

was violating inmates’ civil rights because of its<br />

indirect supervision policy. Part of the requirement<br />

to remedy the violation was to hire 200 detention<br />

officers in addition to the 450 they already<br />

had.<br />

Instead, Captain David Baisden turned to Digi<br />

Security Systems for a technological solution. Together,<br />

we designed a system that would provide<br />

100 percent visibility in each of the 30 pods in the<br />

jail. Digi installed the system, and the impact was<br />

definitive.<br />

“All of a sudden, we noticed an immediate drop<br />

in altercations from 300 to 30,” said Captain Baisden.<br />

“Ninety percent of the violence was gone.”<br />

We have a saying around here that People Are<br />

Our Purpose. As a security systems integrator,<br />

the work we do is important: we design, install,<br />

and service commercial security systems for all<br />

kinds of organizations. Those very security systems<br />

are the technology that keeps our children<br />

safe in their classrooms, our police officers protected<br />

from wrongdoers, our business’ assets<br />

secure, and our communities free from the worry<br />

of violent threats. We design systems that maximize<br />

safety and limit the number of personnel<br />

and hours spent trying to identify and respond to<br />

incidents.<br />

It’s important work. It’s work that makes a real<br />

difference. And that work is just part of the Digi<br />

Difference that defines us. When an organization<br />

decides to partner with us, we become an<br />

extension of their team. Because we care deeply<br />

about the safety and security of the very people<br />

you care deeply about, we do whatever it takes to<br />

help you meet your goals while providing you the<br />

most exceptional experience possible.<br />

We serve and support law enforcement agencies<br />

across the region, including jails and city and<br />

county governments. We understand the unique<br />

needs you have in protecting your staff and the<br />

public. Learn more at digiss.com/government.<br />

Customized Security Solutions<br />

Government<br />

& Law Enforcement<br />

Keeping the peace and serving the public is a vital job for the health of a community.<br />

As your partner, we make technology your ally by providing you security solutions<br />

that are completely customized for your unique needs and budget.<br />

All-in-one solutions<br />














AND MORE<br />


Call today! 1-888-970-3830<br />

email contact@digiss.com<br />

We offer TIPS State Contract and HGAC!<br />

Digi knows law<br />

enforcement<br />

Reduce city crime & enhance public safety<br />

Search hours of footage in seconds<br />

Resolve incidents more quickly<br />

Monitor large crowds with analytics<br />

Gather real data for informed decisions<br />

Integrate systems to better communicate<br />

Limit the number of hostile environments<br />

digiss.com<br />

“Digi knows what<br />

they are doing.<br />

... All of a sudden<br />

we noticed an<br />

immediate drop in<br />

altercations from<br />

300 to 30.<br />

90%<br />

of the violence<br />

was gone.”<br />

Captain David Baisden<br />

Oklahoma County Sheriffs Office<br />

Experience the Digi Difference2<br />

Schedule your<br />

FREE Assessment,<br />

Demo & Quote<br />

digiss.com<br />

134 The BLUES The BLUES 135

yrs.<br />

Key Management &<br />

Key Control Products<br />

All of our KeyWarden Security<br />

products are reliable, easy to use<br />

and expandable to meet your<br />

growing needs.<br />

Through seamless design,<br />

manufacturing and support, we<br />

have earned the reputation as<br />

the world leaders in security<br />

management products. We also<br />

write our own software to ensure<br />

system compatibility and performance.<br />

Every Morse Watchman’s<br />

product and system is meticulously<br />

designed and inspected to<br />

offer the latest in security technology<br />

and reliability.<br />


KeyWatcher Touch brings one touch key<br />

control to the KeyWatcher, one of our industry-leading<br />

electronic key cabinets. Our<br />

new big, bright 7″ touch screen key register<br />

systems give you an easier-to-use interface.<br />


The industry’s only key control system for<br />

fleet management applications, KeyWatcher<br />

Fleet puts you in command of vehicle<br />

distribution, comprehensive utilization,<br />

right-sizing of your fleet and much more.<br />


The KeyBank® key control system eliminates<br />

outdated key boxes and the paper<br />

chase created by outdated manual logs and<br />

provides extensive protection from liability<br />

issues.<br />

KeyWatcher Illuminated<br />

KeyWatcher Illuminated is a modular, scalable<br />

integrated key control and management<br />

solution that’s designed for interoperability<br />

with access control and other<br />

systems.<br />


<strong>No</strong>w get touchscreen convenience with<br />

KeyBank key access control system, the<br />

safer, more secure way to manage keys. The<br />

bright 7 touchscreen key organizer system<br />

gives you an easier-to-use interface.<br />

KeyWarden is the Texas distributor of Morse Watchmans industry-leading key and asset management systems. We are actively involved<br />

in the Texas Law Enforcement community as a founding member of the East Texas 100 club, and corporate members of the <strong>No</strong>rth Texas<br />

Police Chiefs Association, the East Texas Police Chiefs Association, the High Plains Police Chiefs Association, and the Central Texas Police<br />

Chiefs Association. We are proud to participate in the TEXAS SCHOOL DISTRICT POLICE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE.<br />

THE KEYWATCHER TOUCH SYSTEM is deployed in the law enforcement environment to:<br />

• Securely dispense track and audit the use of keys to: vehicles, facilities, lockers and<br />

other high-value assets.<br />

• Prevent unauthorized staff from driving specialist vehicles, or racking up miles on the<br />

newer fleet while older units sit idle.<br />

• Allow management to compel the use of vehicle pools rather than staff controlling the<br />

keys to particular units.<br />

• Quicker and more efficient shift changes.<br />

• Control the keys to facilities and mandate accountability.<br />

• Managing and controlling access to assets stored in lockers.<br />

As a Texas-based company, we provide on site evaluation, implementation, training and support of the<br />

KeyWatcher System. We are also a member of BuyBoard and offer discounted pricing and ease of purchase.<br />

19015 Gentle Knoll<br />

San Antonio, Texas 78258<br />

Office: 830-214-0867 Fax: 775-898-1807<br />

www.keywarden.com - click here to email us<br />

136 The BLUES The BLUES 137

yrs.<br />



Planet Ford on I-45 in Spring, Texas has been<br />

the <strong>No</strong>. 1 Ford Dealer in the greater-Houston area<br />

for over 20 years.* Our Ford dealership earns<br />

this distinction year after year because our team<br />

makes our clients and their vehicle needs our top<br />

priority. Planet Ford is part of the award-winning<br />

World Class Automotive Group. The dealership<br />

has earned many top honors, including multiple<br />

Triple Crowns, which is bestowed upon only<br />

the best. In order to be recognized, a dealership<br />

must receive all of Ford’s top awards, including<br />

The President’s Award for customer service. Planet<br />

Ford has been redesigned from the ground up<br />

to provide a superior customer experience. Planet<br />

offers over 30 acres of new Ford inventory, Certified<br />

Pre-Owned Fords, pre-owned vehicles of all<br />

makes and models, as well as aftermarket and<br />

performance parts, service, commercial truck<br />

services, and collision repair. Beyond automotive<br />

services, the Randall Reed family and Planet team<br />

support and gives back to the community, from<br />

local charity events to sponsoring schools and<br />

veteran programs. Learn more at PlanetFord.com.<br />

138 The BLUES The BLUES 1<strong>39</strong><br />

138 The BLUES The BLUES 1<strong>39</strong>

yrs.<br />

Supporting Law<br />

Enforcement in<br />

TEXAS<br />

Inset: Dan Rooney ProForce President<br />

Firearms and Tactical Equipment for Law Enforcement Professionals<br />

800-367-5855<br />

Supplying Law Enforcement<br />

Equipment for the State of TEXAS!<br />


ProForce’s commitment to providing excellent customer<br />

service is a key element in the company’s success<br />

throughout the western United States. As a relative newcomer<br />

in the state of TEXAS ProForce has been welcomed with open<br />

arms by the law enforcement community.<br />

ProForce’s relationships with top industry manufacturers<br />

and vendors, as well as their sales volume, allows them<br />

to negotiate better pricing to meet the budgetary needs<br />

of law enforcement agencies. While some vendors may<br />

not always have product availability in a timely manner.<br />

ProForce’s industry relationships and direct contact through<br />

vendor representatives, the sales team is able to suggest<br />

and provide alternatives to meet specific requirements of<br />

agencies, ensuring that the agency’s needs are always met.<br />

“<br />

Working with PROFORCE through the<br />

bidding and purchasing of the M&P 2.0’s was<br />

very easy and simple. We added the ACRO red<br />

dot along with the holster and the light. This<br />

purchase was simple and easy.<br />

The troops love the improvement to the 2.0<br />

and the red dot.<br />

Lt. Socha. Austin PD.<br />

“<br />

#X300U-A #13353 #200691<br />

The company features an excellent selection of high demand<br />

law enforcement firearms, equipment and accessories from<br />

great manufacturers such as:<br />

Axon/Taser, Aimpoint, Beretta, Colt, H&K, Bola Wrap,<br />

Bianchi, Smith & Wesson, Eotech, Daniel Defense,<br />

NightStick, Sig Sauer, Kimber, Otis, Defense Technology,<br />

Shadow Systems, Magpul, L3 Harris, Burris, Mossberg,<br />

Ruger, Streamlight, Safariland, Springfield, Blackhawk,<br />

Holosun, Trijicon, Vortex, Surefire, Us Peacekeeper ,OSS,<br />

Nightstick, FNH USA and UTM.<br />

Proforce takes great pride in distributing high quality public<br />

safety products from top tier manufacturers and this<br />

transaction has set a trend for many other law enforcement<br />

agencies in the State of Texas.<br />

Agency demonstrations, test and evaluation<br />

of products is available upon request. Ask us<br />

about trade-ins! We will buy your agency duty or<br />

confiscated firearms, any model and condition!<br />

First class customer support and quality service<br />

makes PROFORCE the number one choice for first<br />

responder equipment and accessories!<br />

Call (800) 367-5855<br />

Email: sales@proforceonline.com or<br />

visit our website<br />

www.proforceonline.com<br />



The BolaWrap ® 150 remote restraint<br />

device is a patented, hand-held tool that<br />

deploys an eight-foot Kevlar ® tether<br />

to temporarily restrain subjects from a<br />

distance of 10-25 feet.<br />

Because the BolaWrap isn’t designed<br />

to cause pain, it may be used during<br />

the first stages of an encounter before<br />

escalation takes place.<br />


800-367-5855<br />


yrs.<br />

12722 HWY. 3 • WEBSTER, TEXAS • 281-488-5934<br />

AUTO FACELIFTS is located on the South Side of<br />

Houston across from Ellington Airport. Auto Facelifts<br />

is an industry leader in auto upholstery in the Houston,<br />

TX area. We work on cars, trucks, and even boats,<br />

so no matter what you’re riding in, we can give it a<br />

facelift! Whether you’re looking for a new leather interior,<br />

carpet replacement, or auto detailing, we’ve got<br />

a package that will fit your needs. But we don’t stop<br />

there! We’ve also got an incredible selection of car and<br />

truck accessories to really take your vehicle to the next<br />

level. And, if that’s not enough, we can also provide<br />

you with premium car audio and car stereo equipment<br />

that will make your vehicle the talk of the town. Stop<br />

into Auto Facelifts and upgrade your ride today!<br />

4807 KIRBY DRIVE • HOUSTON, TEXAS • 713-524-3801<br />


Alan & Blake Helfman are the named and primary<br />

sponsor of The BLUES. For over 65 years the<br />

Helfman’s have supported local area law enforcement<br />

and supported The BLUES since our first issue.<br />

There is simply no better dealership in Houston<br />

to purchase your Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep,<br />

Ram or Ford product. The sales team provide<br />

honest, no BS pricing and their service department<br />

ranks among the top in the nation.<br />

Call Alan or Blake Helfman at 713-524-3801 when<br />

you are ready to purchase your next vehicle. It will<br />

be the best car buying experience you’ve ever had.<br />

IMOD2<br />

Carson's versatile MLH6 dual color led light has arrived!<br />

It features 12 high intensity LEDs packed into a super thin<br />

housing. With 12 different flash patterns, steady burn, and cruise<br />

mode (programmable for each color), this light is up for<br />

anything!<br />

CENTRAL POLICE SUPPLY is your source<br />

for the best in police equipment. Based<br />

in Houston, we supply law enforcement<br />

with the equipment they need.”<br />


serving Houston law enforcement for<br />

nearly 50 years with the absolute best<br />

customer service and quality products.<br />


located at 1410 Washington Ave, near<br />

downtown Houston, but you can<br />

purchase everything you need online<br />

at:https://www.centralpolice.com/<br />

Contact us today at: sales@carson-mfg.com | 317-257-3191 | www.carsonsirens.com<br />

Scan for website:<br />

The MLH6 is designed to surface mount with the BM6<br />

bezel, or can snap in to the IMOD2 housing for an outstanding<br />

dual head option. Stay tuned for more modular mounting options<br />

coming soon from Carson!<br />

Check out our website for more information on our MLH6 as well<br />

as to check all of our other products.<br />

Contact us today at: sales@carson-mfg.com | 317-257-3191 | www.carsonsirens.com<br />

142 The BLUES The BLUES 143


LE job positions<br />

Oak Ridge <strong>No</strong>rth Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Officers 01/19/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Granite Shoals Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 01/30/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Sachse Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer (certified) 01/08/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Sachse Police Dept. Get Info Police Recruit 01/08/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Palo Pinto Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Transport Deputy 01/08/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Palo Pinto Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Field/ Patrol Deputy 01/08/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Richardson Police Dept.<br />

Get Info Police Officer (Recruit & Lateral) 01/08/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Blanco County Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy 01/13/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

<strong>No</strong>rmangee Police Department Get Info Police Officer 02/01/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Natalia Police Department<br />

Get Info Reserve School Resource Officer 01/14/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Corpus Christi ISD Police Department Get Info Police Officer 01/14/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Leon Valley Police Department Get Info Patrol Officer 01/13/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Bandera County Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy 01/12/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Brady Police Dept. Get Info School Resource Officer 01/14/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Tarrant Co. College District Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Officer 03/31/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Lakeway Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 01/21/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Floyd Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy Sheriff (2) 01/16/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Uvalde CISD Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 01/17/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Wilmer Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 01/20/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Hood Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Peace Officer 01/22/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Copperas Cove Police Dept. Get Info Peace Officer 01/20/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Hays Co. Const. Pct. 5 Get Info Deputy Constable 02/01/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

El Paso Comm. College Police Dept. Get Info Peace Officer 01/28/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Stanton Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Division 01/27/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Haskell Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy 01/28/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Leonard Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 01/28/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Kleburg Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy Sheriff 01/29/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

<strong>No</strong>lan Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Criminal Investigator 01/20/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

<strong>No</strong>lan Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy 01/20/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Southwestern Baptist Police Dept. Get Info P/T Police Officer 01/31/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Rollingwood Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Officer 02/10/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Irving Fire Dept. Get Info Fire Prevention Specialist 01/31/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Carrollton Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer Recruit 02/05/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Van Zandt Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy 02/05/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Mesquite Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 01/18/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Texas A&M Univ. Police Dept. Get Info Police Cadet 01/04/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Duncanville Police Dept. Get Info Police Recruit 01/21/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Hurst Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer Entrance Exam 01/12/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Bruceville-Eddy Police Dept. Get Info F/T Patrol Officer 02/05/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Colleyville Police Department Get Info Police Officer 02/04/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Harris Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy 02/06/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Seguin Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Officer 01/07/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Garland Police Dept. Get Info Peace Officer Recruit 01/20/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Sinton Police Dept. Get Info Peace Officer 02/07/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Lubbock Co. W.C.I.D. #1 Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer (F/T) 01/12/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

New Braunfels Police Dept. Get Info Certified Officers & Cadets 01/06/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

yrs.<br />

Manvel Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Officer 02/12/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Gillespie Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy Sheriff 02/10/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Grand Prairie Police Dept. Get Info Police Civil Service Test 01/21/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Lago Vista Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 01/16/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Alamo Colleges Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 01/16/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Abilene Christian Univ. Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 02/13/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Tarrant Co. College District Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Officer 03/31/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Kaufman Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy 02/15/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Weimar Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Officer 02/21/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

League City Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 02/04/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

TWU Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 01/21/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Harrison County Get Info Court Bailiff 01/21/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Lavaca Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy 02/21/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Bailey Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info F/T Patrol Deputy 01/21/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Hughes Springs Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 02/24/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Brady Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Officer 03/31/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Crockett Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 02/27/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Levelland Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 02/28/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Castle Hills Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 03/01/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Pflugerville Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 02/28/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Katy Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 03/02/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Van Zandt Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Transport Deputy 03/02/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Fate Dept. of Public Safety Get Info Public Safety Officer 02/03/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Schleicher Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy Sheriff 02/02/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

The Leader In Law Enforcement Recruitment<br />

Delivering ZERO COST solutions to<br />

Texas Public Safety Agencies.<br />

144 The BLUES The BLUES 145


Jones Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Jailer 02/01/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Richardson Police Dept. Get Info Detention Officer 01/08/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Ellis County Sheriff’s Office Get Info Detention Officer 01/08/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Bexar County Sheriff’s Office Get Info Deputy Sheriff Detention Cadet 01/13/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

<strong>No</strong>lan Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Jailer (3 openings) 01/20/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Van Zandt Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Detention Officer 02/05/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Gonzales Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Corrections Officer 01/25/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Gillespie Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Detention Officer 02/10/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Rockwall Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Detention Officers 01/21/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Kaufman Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Detention Officer 02/15/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />


Collin Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Dispatcher 04/11/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Richardson Police Dept. Get Info 911 Dispatcher 01/08/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Tarrant County Sheriff's Office Get Info Dispatcher 01/13/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Upton Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Dispatcher/ Telecommunicator 01/07/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Erath Co. Sheriff's Office<br />

Get Info Public Safety Telecommunicator 01/15/2022 - 5pm<br />

<strong>No</strong>rth Texas Emergency Communications Center Get Info Director of Communications 02/05/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Austin Community College Police Dept. Get Info Dispatcher 01/30/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Lago Vista Police Dept. Get Info Telecommunicator 01/16/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

TWU Police Dept. Get Info Dispatchers 01/21/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Belton Police Dept. Get Info Dispatcher 01/21/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />

Katy Police Dept. Get Info Dispatcher 03/02/<strong>2023</strong> - 5pm<br />


WE’RE<br />

HIRING<br />



55 officer department<br />

44 square mile district<br />

47 schools<br />

35,000 population<br />

24/7 Patrol<br />

We want you to preserve, protect, and defend our future.<br />

Starting Pay $63,000 (TCOLE Basic Peace Officer certification with no experience)<br />

The Leader In Law Enforcement Recruitment<br />

Delivering ZERO COST solutions to<br />

Texas Public Safety Agencies.<br />

Patrol & Onsite Officers (HS/MS)<br />

Gang Officer<br />

Mental Health Officers<br />

Community Relations Officer<br />

Emergency Management<br />

Criminal Investigations<br />

K-9 programs<br />

Language pay<br />

Shift differential pay<br />

Intermediate, Advanced and<br />

Master Peace Officer<br />

certificate pay<br />

Paid time off<br />

Ample overtime opportunities<br />

*All equipment provided including duty weapon<br />

**Training opportunities available<br />

Apply online today. springbranchisd.com/join-our-team<br />

146 The BLUES The BLUES 147

148 The BLUES The BLUES 149

150 The BLUES The BLUES 151

austin officers<br />

austin dispatch<br />

152 The BLUES The BLUES 153


• Paid Vacation<br />

• Sick Leave<br />

• Paid Holidays<br />

• Personal Days<br />

• Compensatory Days<br />

• Certification Pay<br />


now accepting applications for:<br />

Dispatcher<br />

Salary starting at $40,000,<br />

no experience required.<br />



OR<br />

Contact the Personnel<br />

Department at<br />

281-985-7571<br />

OR<br />

Contact Sergeant R. Hall at<br />

281-442-4923<br />


• Oral Board Panel Interview<br />

• Complete Personal History Statement<br />

• Psychological Evaluation<br />

• Medical Examination<br />

• Interview with the Chief of Police<br />

154 The BLUES The BLUES 155




$67,320/YEAR<br />

$1,500 SIGNING<br />


SALARY<br />

(YEARLY)<br />



Probationary Patrol Officer $67,320<br />

5 Year Patrol Officer $81,073<br />

9 Year Patrol Officer $93,694<br />

Annual salary increases up to a max of<br />

$93,694 with longevity pay<br />

Modified Lateral Pay Scale for Peace<br />

Officers from time at immediately<br />

preceding Law Enforcement Agency<br />


Intermediate PO Certification $92.08<br />

Advanced PO Certification $157.08<br />

Master's PO Certification $212.33<br />


(MONTHLY)<br />

Health Insurance<br />

Dental Insurance<br />

Vision Insurance<br />

Life Insurance<br />

Employee Wellness Center<br />

Training and Fitness Facility<br />

Retirement Plan (7% Mandatory with a<br />

2:1 match; 20 year retirement)<br />

457 Deferred Compensation Plan<br />

Tuition Assistance and Academy Tuition<br />

Reimbursement<br />

City Vehicle Program<br />

Uniforms/Equipment Provided with<br />

Annual Allowances<br />

15 Vacation days accrued per year<br />

(civil Service Status)<br />

10 City Holidays per year<br />

1 Personal day per year<br />

15 Sick days accrued per year<br />

15 days of Military Leave per year<br />


Associates $50<br />

Bachelors $100<br />

Master $125<br />


(MONTHLY)<br />

(MONTHLY)<br />

Relocation Expenses Reimbursed<br />

Bilingual in Spanish $50<br />

WWW.BPDCAREERS.ORG 281-420-5354 281-420-6660<br />

156 The BLUES The BLUES 157<br />

For additional information please scan the QR code to go to our recruiting website!

October 15<br />

October 15<br />

158 The BLUES The BLUES 159

Cuero Police Department<br />

<strong>No</strong>w Hiring for Patrol Officer Position<br />

Department Benefits<br />

13 Paid Holidays<br />

2 Weeks Paid Vacation<br />

Certification Pay<br />

100% Insurance Paid for Employees<br />

Retirement 2 to 1 match (20yr Retirement)<br />

FSA for Employees<br />

Longevity Pay<br />

Equipment & Uniforms Provided Including Duty Weapon w/ Red Dot Sight<br />

Take Home Vehicle Within City Limits<br />

10 Hour Work Shifts<br />

Membership Paid to Local Gym<br />

Department Provided Training<br />

Off-duty Security Opportunities<br />

Cell Phone Stipend<br />

Starting Pay Depends on Qualifications<br />

Requirements: Must be TCOLE Certified or currently enrolled in an accredited Police<br />

Academy and pass a background investigation.<br />

160 The BLUES The BLUES 161<br />

Email TCOLE Personal History Statement to sellis@cityofcuero.com



Deer Park, Texas<br />


www.deerparktx.gov<br />

Police Officer<br />

Dispatcher<br />

Public Safety Attendant - Jailer<br />

Animal Control Officer<br />

Part time Crossing Guard<br />

Officer Sam Jammas 281-930-2121 or sjammas@deerparktx.org<br />

162 The BLUES The BLUES 163

Forney ISD<br />

Police Department<br />

NOW<br />

HIRING<br />

Police Officers<br />

Description<br />

School-based police officers work<br />

with school administrators, security<br />

staff, and faculty to ensure the safety<br />

and well-being of students at various<br />

campuses. This officer works as the<br />

main security arm of a school.<br />

Experience<br />

SBLE Experience preferred<br />

Demonstrate the ability to<br />

teach & engage with youth<br />

Requirements<br />

U.S. Citizen<br />

Accredited High School Diploma<br />

or equivalent<br />

Valid Texas Peace Officer License<br />

Valid Texas Driver's License<br />

Two or more years of college or<br />

advanced training preferred<br />

Positions starting<br />

at $29.89/hr<br />

Retention Stipends<br />

Clothing Allowance<br />

Health/Childcare Incentive<br />

Paid Training<br />

Lateral Entry<br />


www.forneyisd.net<br />

164 The BLUES The BLUES 165


COUNTY<br />


Seeking Individuals Who Are Interested in a Rewarding Career in Corrections<br />

Begin Your Career Today!<br />



Position: Corrections Deputy I<br />

Bureau/Division: Corrections/Jail<br />

Title/Rank: Corrections Deputy/Deputy I<br />

Reports to: Sergeant - Corrections<br />

Starting Salary: $51,250.00<br />


Maintains the security of the facility by conducting security checks, settling disputes, and performing cell searches and<br />

inspections; conducts outside perimeter checks.<br />

Preparation and proper completion in the documentation of inmate records.<br />

Issues inmate meals, clothing, linens, and personal items.<br />

Supervise inmate programs (recreational, legal, health care, visitation and religious services)<br />

Prepares reports on jail and inmate activities, enforce inmate handbook rules.<br />

Supervises inmates performing such assignments as cleaning and maintaining the jail facility and continuously observe<br />

locations and activities of inmates.<br />


• High School / GED Certificate and must be at least 18 years of age.<br />

• Must be a U.S. Citizen and resident of the contiguous United States for a period of time sufficient to conduct a<br />

background investigation.<br />

• Must be able to work days, nights, weekends, holidays and mandatory shifts when needed.<br />

• Must be able to work during natural disasters and or under declarations.<br />

• Must possess a valid Texas driver's license and an acceptable driving record as determined by the Galveston County<br />

Sheriff's Office in effect at the time of application.<br />

• Must have favorable employment history. All information given regarding past employment will be thoroughly checked.<br />

• Must have a stable credit history.<br />

• Must possess good computer skills and demonstrate comprehensive reading and comprehension skills.<br />

• <strong>No</strong> conviction above a Class B Misdemeanor or a Class B misdemeanor within the last 10 years nor have been on or<br />

currently on court-ordered community supervision or probation for any criminal offense and no Family Violence<br />

convictions of any level.<br />

• Applicant must pass all phases of the required testing.<br />

• Must be eligible for licensing by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) for the position applied for, if not<br />

presently licensed.<br />

TO APPLY<br />

An applicant interested in any of GCSO position shall first download, complete and return<br />

the Application Packet, per the instructions on the downloadable form.<br />

The Application Packet can be found at SHERIFF.GALVESTONCOUNTYTX.GOV<br />

166 The BLUES The BLUES 167<br />

JOIN US<br />


The Galveston County Sheriff’s Office is an Equal Opportunity Employer<br />



168 The BLUES The BLUES 169

170 The BLUES The BLUES 171


172 The BLUES The BLUES 173

WE ARE<br />

HIRING!<br />


•Free basic Medical, Dental, and Vision insurance for<br />

employee<br />

•Free basic Life insurance<br />

•Long Term Disability (LTD)<br />

•Affordable Medical, Dental and Vision benefits for<br />

eligible family members<br />

•Flexible Spending Accounts<br />

•10 paid holidays per year<br />

•Generous Paid Time Off (PTO) including 10 vacation<br />

days and 13 sick days per year accrued biweekly<br />

•Paid Parental Leave<br />


•Harris County matches your investment at 225%<br />

•7% of your salary is invested pre-tax in your<br />

retirement account<br />

•Retirement Vesting after 8 years<br />

•Eligible upon earning 75 points (age+years of service)<br />




DEPUTY I 0-47 $26.23 $54,558<br />

DEPUTY II 48-83 $28.07 $58,386<br />

DEPUTY III 84-119 $29.73 $61,838<br />

DEPUTY IV 120-155 $31.23 $64,958<br />

DEPUTY V 156+ $32.78 $68,182<br />


ANNUAL<br />

Intermediate $1,560<br />

Advanced $3,420<br />

Master $6,000<br />


ANNUAL<br />

Associate Degree $1,320<br />

Bachelor Degree $3,180<br />

Master/Doctorate $4,500<br />



•Must be a licensed Peace Officer by the Texas Commission on Law<br />

Enforcement (TCOLE) in good standing<br />

•Must be currently employed as a Peace Officer (any break in service<br />

will be considered on a case-by-case basis)<br />

•Must have a minimum of 12 consecutive months experience as a<br />

Peace Office at any one agency<br />

•Must successfully pass the HCSO Physical Abilities Test (PAT)<br />

•Meet HCSO firearms qualification standard<br />

•Must pass a thorough background investigation (criminal<br />

background check, fingerprinting, personal interview, etc.) as<br />

required by TCOLE<br />

•Must pass a physical and psychological evaluation as required by<br />

TCOLE<br />

•Valid driver’s license and liability insurance (Texas by start date)<br />

•Eyesight must be correctable to 20/20, normal color, and peripheral<br />

vision<br />

•Correctable normal audible range in both ears<br />

•A two (2) year minimum commitment to Patrol before being eligible<br />

to transfer to other Bureaus<br />

TO APPLY<br />

<strong>No</strong>w Hiring<br />


TCOLE Certified Peace Officers<br />

Hutto ranked one of the<br />

safest cities in Texas.<br />

Our fast-growing City shows a trending decrease in crimes based<br />

on four offenses from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting.<br />

Additional Pay<br />

+ Education Pay up to $175/month<br />

+ Specialty/Certication up to $260/month<br />

Highlights<br />

Top-of-the-line Equipment<br />

and Technology<br />

Beards and Tattoos Allowed<br />

<strong>No</strong> Written Test for Most Lateral Officers<br />

To learn more or apply, visit or scan<br />

https: //linktr. ee/huttopd<br />

Benets<br />

Retirement<br />

2-to-1 City match with TMRS<br />

Take-home Patrol Car<br />

For officers living within 25 miles<br />

Starting Salary<br />

$62K to $81K<br />

Annual Leave Accruals<br />

12 paid holidays, 80 hrs vacation, 96 hrs sick leave<br />

Multiple Positions Available<br />

A wide variety of units and assignments available<br />

Sign On Bonus!<br />

$5,000*<br />

Harris County<br />

Questions? Email: PDrecruiting@huttotx.gov<br />

174 The BLUES @HCSOTexas<br />

HCSOTexas HCSOTexas @HCSOTexas<br />


Sheriff’s Office<br />

The BLUES 175<br />

Tenure agreement required.<br />

Bilingual Pay $1,800<br />

Receive up to fourteen (14) years of credit for time served! (Restrictions apply)<br />


FEBRUARY <strong>2023</strong><br />

For additional information contact<br />

Harris County Sheriff’s Office Recruitment Unit<br />

(713) 877-5250

L A P O R T E<br />

P O L I C E D E P A R T M E N T<br />

Lateral Police Officer<br />

Starting Pay $ 62,416. to $73,775.<br />

Effective October 1, 2022<br />

<strong>No</strong> prior experience required. High School diploma or GED required.<br />

Possession of Class C Texas Driver License.<br />

Must possess a TCOLE License or be enrolled in accredited Basic Peace Officer Academy.<br />

Certification Pay (bi-weekly):<br />

$46.15 - Intermediate Peace Officer<br />

$69.23 - Advanced Peace Officer<br />

$92.31 - Master Peace Officer<br />

Education Pay (bi-weekly):<br />

$46.15 - Associates Degree<br />

$69.23 - Bachelors Degree<br />

$92.31 - Masters Degree<br />

Employee Benefits:<br />

Medical / Dental / Vision Insurance<br />

Longevity Pay<br />

Tuition Reimbursement<br />

TMRS Retirement (2 to 1 match)<br />

ICMA Deferred Compensation/Roth IRA<br />

$1,000 Physical Fitness Program<br />

Weapon Purchase Program<br />

Take-home Vehicles<br />

Specialized Divisions:<br />

SWAT / Bomb Squad<br />

Bike Patrol<br />

Criminal Investigative Division<br />

Crime Scene Unit<br />

Drone Pilots<br />

School Resource Officers<br />

Traffic/DOT Officers<br />

Police Area Representatives<br />

Apply online at<br />

www.laportetx.gov/jobs<br />

Paid Leave Benefits<br />

15 days vacation (Civil Service)<br />

15 days sick leave<br />

Military Leave<br />

9 observed holidays per year<br />

2 employee holidays per year<br />

Bereavement Leave<br />

Comp Time<br />

176 The BLUES The BLUES 177

178 The BLUES The BLUES 179

Memorial Villages Police Department<br />

Bunker Hill • Piney Point• Hunters Creek<br />

Police Officer<br />

EOE/M/F/D<br />

5+ Years Patrol Experience Required<br />

The Memorial Villages Police Department (Located on the West Side of Houston) currently<br />

looking for experienced officers who are self- motivated, innovative, and enthusiastic about<br />

community policing.<br />

Starting Salary Range<br />

Effective Jan <strong>2023</strong><br />

Hiring Bonus $1500<br />

Night Shift Differential $3600<br />

ECA $1300<br />

Basic Peace Officer<br />

Starting $83,459<br />

Hiring Bonus $1500<br />

Night Shift Differential $3600<br />

Master Peace Officer<br />

ECA $1300<br />

Bi-Lingual 2.5% of base pay<br />

College up to $3000 (Masters)<br />

Up to $94,164<br />

Healthcare Insurance, DHMO Dental, Vision – 100% paid for employee, 75% Paid for<br />

spouse/dependents.<br />

Paid long-term disability and life insurance for employee, with additional life insurance<br />

available for spouse/dependents.<br />

Health Savings Account with departmental contributions up to $4200 annually<br />

TMRS Retirement 2 to 1 match, 7% Employee ,14% Employer Contribution, 20 Year Retirement<br />

457 Plan with employer contribution of 2.5% of annual salary<br />

Tuition reimbursement<br />

Longevity Pay up to a max of $2400 annually at 10 years of service.<br />

ECA (Emergency Care Assistant) $1300 Annually, training provided to each employee.<br />

12 hour shifts with every other Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off.<br />

To learn more or apply, visit our website at www.mvpdtx.org<br />

Or contact Sgt. Owens 713-365-3711 or lowens@mvpdtx.org<br />

Or Commander E. Jones 713-365-3706 ejones@mvpdtx.org<br />

11981 Memorial Dr. Houston, Texas 77024<br />

180 The BLUES The BLUES 181

182 The BLUES The BLUES 183

MAKE A<br />


IN YOUR<br />


We are looking for outstanding individuals to<br />

join our team! As a Pearland Police Officer your<br />

mission will be to prevent crime and disorder, build<br />

partnerships within the community, and positively<br />

impact the quality of life for all our residents.<br />


• Competitive Salary • Outstanding Training<br />

• Career Advancement • Exceptional Benefits<br />

The City of Pearland is one of the fastest growing<br />

communities within the region. Pearland is located<br />

approximately 20 minutes south of Downtown Houston<br />

and the current population is approximately 130,000<br />

residents.<br />



$5,000 Hiring Incentive for T.C.O.L.E Certified Police<br />

Officers who qualify with at least 2 years of experience.<br />

TEST DATE:<br />

SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 8:30 A.M.<br />

Register by: April 12.<br />


Pearland Recreation Center & Natatorium<br />

4141 Bailey TEST Road, DATES Pearland, TX IN 77584. 2022<br />

Doors Open: 7:15 a.m. <strong>No</strong> admittance after 7:45 a.m.<br />

Candidates must park in the north parking lot.<br />


• Attendance limited to first 150 arrivals<br />

• Mandatory temperature checks<br />

• Masks required, hand sanitizer available<br />

• Candidates seated 6 feet apart<br />

184 The BLUES For additional information and to register for an upcoming Civil Service Exam, The BLUES visit 185<br />


186 The BLUES The BLUES 187



WE ARE<br />

HIRING<br />

SIGN UP TODAY! www.porthouston.com/careers-2<br />


• Medical, Dental, and Vision Insurance<br />

eligible first day of employment<br />

• Wellness Program<br />

(can earn up to $600 credit per year if requirements met)<br />

• Enrollment with Calm App for Wellbeing<br />

• Defined contribution plan (401a)<br />

– Employer Sponsored<br />

• Deferred Compensation Plan (457 Plan)<br />

– Employee Contributions<br />

• Vacation<br />

• Sick Leave<br />

• Paid Holiday 12 days/year<br />

• Life and Accidental Death and<br />

Dismemberment Insurance<br />

• Short Term and Long-Term Disability Benefits<br />

• Flexible spending account (FSA)<br />

• Employee Assistance Program (EAP)<br />

• Pet Insurance<br />

• Legal and Identity Theft Protection<br />

• Tuition Reimbursement<br />

Up to the IRS annual limit and a maximum lifetime<br />

reimbursement of $25,000<br />

• Onsite Credit Union – Port of Houston Credit Union<br />

Are you looking for a career with meaning?<br />

Do you want to make a difference in a highly<br />

supportive community?<br />

Join our team at Port Houston!<br />


$60,000 up to $71,000<br />


• Must be 21 years old<br />

• Must have 2+ years of police officer<br />

experience<br />

• Must have valid Texas Driver’s License<br />

• Must be a U.S. Citizen<br />

• Must have an honorable discharge<br />

from the military (if applicable)<br />

• Must never have been convicted of a<br />

Class A Misdemeanor or above<br />



Employment is contingent on passing<br />

any post-offer pre-employment<br />

screening as listed below:<br />

• Criminal background check<br />

• Motor Vehicle Record check<br />

• Drug screening<br />

• Physical exam<br />

• Psychological exam<br />

SCAN<br />

QR CODE<br />

TO APPLY<br />

• <strong>No</strong>t been convicted of a Class B<br />

• Additional as required<br />

* Salary depends on experience<br />

misdemeanor within the last 10 years<br />

• Must have a GED or high school diploma<br />

188 The BLUES The BLUES 189

190 The BLUES The BLUES 191


$56,160 $57,824 $60,008 $62,400 $64,792 $67,184 $69,680 $72,384 $74,880 $77,480 $80,080<br />

High School Diploma<br />

or G.E.D.<br />

Minimum age of 21<br />

Must hold a valid<br />

Texas Driver’s License<br />

Current valid TCOLE<br />

certification<br />

At Hire<br />

At<br />

6 mos.<br />

end<br />

year 1<br />

end<br />

year 2<br />

end<br />

year 3<br />

end<br />

year 4<br />

end<br />

year 5<br />

end<br />

year 6<br />

end<br />

year 7<br />

end<br />

year 8<br />

end<br />

year 9<br />




$3,000<br />

192 The BLUES The BLUES 193

What do you think is the REAL<br />

Monday Night Horror?<br />

A critically injured football<br />

player, or a Dead Police Chief?<br />

194 The BLUES

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