The New Life

Words of God for young disciples of Christ by Andrew Murray 1891 Vintage book from internet archives

Words of God for young disciples of Christ
by Andrew Murray
1891 Vintage book from internet archives


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Life</strong>.<br />

Spirit is given to appropriate witliin us all the love<br />

of the Father and all the grace of the Son. <strong>The</strong> believing<br />

candidate for baptism is baptized into the<br />

death of Christ, has put on Christ: the Holy Spirit<br />

is in him to give him all this as his daily experience.*<br />

Lord God, make Thy holy baptism always operative<br />

in my soul as the experience that I am baptized<br />

into the death of Christ. And let Thy people everywhere<br />

understand by Thy Spirit what rich<br />

blessing<br />

lies thrown open in the baptism of their children.<br />

Amen.<br />

And what are we now to think of Infant Baptism ? With the<br />

assurance that those who cleave only to God's word, namely,<br />

the Baptists, will say to us : You cannot adduce a single passage<br />

in Scripture where the baptism of little children is spoken of.<br />

Our answer is that this is thoroughly taught us in Scripture,<br />

not indeed by separate texts, but by its whole tenor. <strong>The</strong> reason<br />

why the Lord Jesus did not name children specially, was that<br />

this was altogether unnecessary. From the time of Abraham<br />

onwards God had engrained it in His people, that in His covenant<br />

He always reckoned parents and children together. He<br />

deals, not with separate individuals alone, but with households :<br />

the faith of a father held good for the child, so long as the child<br />

did not violate the covenant.<br />

a. In Abraham, Isaac obtained part ; in every father amongst<br />

the people of Israel his child obtained part in the covenant<br />

blessing, and therefore in the covenant token. " I will establish<br />

My covenant between Me and thee, and thy seed after thee,<br />

to be a God unto thee, and thy seed after thee." (Gen. xvii. 7.)<br />

b. Even so in connection with the Passover, it was ordained<br />

that, when a stranger would join the people, all his males should<br />

be circumcised. (Kx. xii. 48.) Up to the time of Christ it was<br />

> Eph. iv. 14, 15 ; Col. ii. 6.<br />


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