The New Life

Words of God for young disciples of Christ by Andrew Murray 1891 Vintage book from internet archives

Words of God for young disciples of Christ
by Andrew Murray
1891 Vintage book from internet archives


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—<br />

XXXVII.<br />


"And Ittai answered, As the Lord liveth, surely in wha<br />

place my lord the king shall be, whether for death or for life,<br />

even there also will thy servant be."—2 Sam. xv. 21.<br />

" Whosoever he be of you that renounceth not all that he<br />

hath, he cannot be My disciple." I,uke xiv. 33.<br />

" Come ye out from among them, and be ye separate, saith<br />

the Lord, and touch no unclean thing ;<br />

and I will receive you,<br />

and will be to you a Father."—2 Cor. vi. 17, 18.<br />

"Yea verily, and I count all things to be loss for Christ Jesus<br />

my lyord."—Phil. iii. 8.<br />

WB<br />

have already said that surrender to the Lord<br />

is something that for the Christian always<br />

obtains newer and deeper significance. When this<br />

takes place, he comes to understand how this surrender<br />

involves nothing less than a complete and<br />

undivided consecration to live only, always, wholly<br />

for Jesus. As entirely as the temple was dedicated to<br />

the service of God alone, so that every one knew that<br />

it existed only for that purpose; as entirely as the<br />

offering on the altar could be used only according to<br />

the command of God, and no one had a right to dispose<br />

of one portion of it otherwise than God had<br />

said : so entirely do you belong to your Lord, and so<br />

undivided must your consecration to Him be, God<br />

continually reminded Israel that He had redeemed<br />


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