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SO, HOW DO you beat that lazy CEO in your head?

The truth is that you can’t.

You won’t stop comparing yourself to others regardless of

what I say because you won’t stop being human. As

tempting as it is for me to come up with some nonsense

formula to end all negative comparisons, I can’t bring

myself to lie to you.

However – and this is a huge however – there are

significant practical and scientifically proven actions you can

choose to circumnavigate and take advantage of the way

your mind works …

You will have heard of Kylie Jenner. She was reportedly a

billionaire by the age of 21. She has flawless looks and a

beautiful wealthy family, and she broadcasts her seemingly

perfect, selectively filtered life several times a day to more

than 300 million predominantly young girls who have made

the conscious decision to follow her every move. One of her

recent posts showed her ‘perfect’ toned, brown body

leaning off a yacht floating through what I can only describe

as paradise, wearing a designer bikini while sipping

expensive champagne.

For a second, imagine a different young woman called

‘Jenner Kylie’. Her name is the opposite way round and so is

her life. She’s 21 years old and she lives hand to mouth in

government housing, working two minimum-wage jobs to

make ends meet. She has a natural curvaceous body shape,

acne, cellulite and frizzy hair. Like most people her age, she

spends between four and 10 hours a day on her phone.

Can you even imagine what she feels about herself

subconsciously when her lazy CEO brain inevitably contrasts

her life to that of Kylie Jenner? In that context, how could

she ever feel that she’s enough? The sad truth is that

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