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THERE ARE TWO kinds of games we play in life: finite games

and infinite games.

A finite game is played for the purpose of winning and

therefore ending the game, like football, bingo or poker.

These games are played within short time frames and they

have winners and losers. An infinite game is the opposite. It

is designed for the purpose of continuing the play and with

the purpose of bringing more players into the game. There

are no winners or losers – just an ongoing experience. There

is only one infinite game: our lives.

And here is the problem. I spent the first 25 years of my

existence believing life was, and playing life like, a finite


I saw happiness as something I could ‘win’ by adding

more and more points to some imaginary scoreboard of

success, wealth, fame and accomplishment. But how can

you ‘win’ a game when the only end to the game is when

the player (you) dies?

Happiness – fulfilment – is an infinite game. You cannot

‘win’ at being happy. You can only ‘be’ it, and be it until the

player is no longer in the game. In this infinite game, you’re

not playing within a time frame; the confetti never rains

down on you no matter how rich you get and the podium

never appears regardless of how successful you become.

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