NC - 2022 - Winter


THE HOLY<br />



// VOL 16 //<br />

// NO 3 //<br />

WINTER <strong>2022</strong><br />

Nazareth<br />



Knitting Her<br />

Way Through<br />

Nazareth<br />



PROVI<strong>NC</strong>IAL SUPERIOR<br />

My dear friends of Nazareth,<br />

It’s hard to believe another year<br />

has come to an end. With the<br />

days becoming shorter and the<br />

Advent season deeply drawing<br />

us into preparation, I find myself<br />

seeking moments of quiet solitude.<br />

I treasure these moments as my<br />

heart, mind, body, and soul are<br />

given an intentional time to rest,<br />

reflect, pray, and hope.<br />

The rich heritage of our Faith,<br />

supported by scripture, tradition,<br />

and the lives of the Saints, shows us<br />

time and again it is indeed in those<br />

quiet moments that we truly can<br />

hear the tender voice of God.<br />

In a quiet moment of everyday life,<br />

we see the Angel Gabriel appearing<br />

to Mary, announcing she is to bear<br />

the Son of God to the world. We<br />

again see in the quiet rest of St.<br />

Joseph a message was given to take<br />

Mary as his wife and, at another<br />

time, to flee from Bethlehem to<br />

avoid Herod’s rage. Countless<br />

times throughout the Old and<br />

New Testaments, in the lives of<br />

the Saints and even our own lives,<br />

we find it is indeed in the quiet<br />

solitude that we can better hear<br />

God’s voice.<br />

Our current world surrounds us<br />

with much noise. Yet daily, God<br />

invites us to seek moments of<br />

quiet solitude, to converse with<br />

Him, to ask Him to help us, to<br />

offer us consolation. But are we<br />

listening enough to stop and take<br />

the time to truly hear what He has<br />

to say?<br />

As I reflect on the articles in this<br />

issue of Nazareth Connections,<br />

I am reminded of the rich fruits<br />

born from seeking prayerful<br />

solitude to dialogue with God. For<br />

in those moments, we not only<br />

hear His voice but also realize the<br />

desire of our hearts, the needs<br />

of others, and the beauty of the<br />

world around us.<br />

We remain grateful for you, our<br />

Nazareth family, who through<br />

this past year have continued to<br />

support us and be beacons of hope<br />

not only for our Sisters here in<br />

the United States, but throughout<br />

the world.<br />

May you and your families find the<br />

incredible peace and solitude of<br />

this Advent season.<br />

In the Holy Family,<br />

Sister Kathleen Maciej, CSFN<br />


We invite you to pray with us, to listen to God’s call with us, and to love with<br />

us as we find God in ordinary experiences. Learn more about our community<br />

life, our ministries, and our mission at Contact<br />

Sr. Emmanuela Le, CSFN, National Vocation Director, at 682-203-967 or<br /><br />


VOLUME 16 //<br />

NUMBER 3 //<br />

WINTER <strong>2022</strong><br />

Nazareth Connections is published<br />

three times a year by the Sisters of<br />

the Holy Family of Nazareth<br />

in the USA.<br />

Editor:<br />

Rachel Neubauer<br />

Proofreaders:<br />

Sr. Angela Szczawinska<br />

Sr. Mary Ellen Gemmell<br />

Katherine Barth<br />

Sr. Lucille Madura<br />

Amanda Giarratano<br />

Contents<br />



4 An Invitation to Nazareth<br />

12 Knitting Her Way Through Nazareth<br />

Province Communications Committee:<br />

Sr. Mary Ellen Gemmell<br />

Sr. Angela Szczawinska<br />

Amanda Giarratano<br />

Katherine Barth<br />

Heidi Scheuer<br />

Sr. Emmanuela Le<br />

Sr. Marcella Louise Wallowicz<br />

Sr. Michele Fisher<br />

Sr. Rebecca Sullivan<br />

Sr. Danielle Jacob<br />


6 Welcome Our New Novices<br />


8 Associates of the Holy Family:<br />

Spreading the Love of Nazareth<br />


Sr. Anthony Gracyalny knitting one<br />

of her many creations.<br />

PRAYER<br />

14 Holy Family Chaplet<br />


16 Sr. M. Teresita Morales<br />

Sr. Carol Ann Szott<br />


18 Updates from the<br />

Development Office<br />

Design/Print:<br />

McDaniels Marketing<br />

Questions, comments, suggestions?<br />

Please contact:<br />

Communications Department<br />

Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth<br />

310 N. River Road<br />

Des Plaines, IL 60016<br />

847-298-6760, x144<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS //WINTER <strong>2022</strong><br />



4<br />

An Invitation to<br />

Nazareth<br />



In a society where it may seem<br />

religious vocations are a thing of<br />

the past, Sr. Emmanuela Le, CSFN,<br />

will tell you unequivocally that the<br />

witness and mission of the Sisters<br />

of the Holy Family of Nazareth is<br />

still moving full steam ahead.<br />

Serving as the current National<br />

Director of Vocations for the<br />

CSFNs, Sr. Emmanuela is blessed<br />

with a full calendar each day.<br />

Presently residing in Texas, it is<br />

her current responsibility to reach<br />

out to young women all around<br />

the country who are discerning a<br />

desire to further explore the pull<br />

they feel toward a vocation to the<br />

religious life. She, along with the<br />

vocation team, travels to retreats<br />

and conferences nationwide<br />

serving the young women they<br />

encounter. This ministry is a<br />

perfect fit for Sr. Emmanuela, who<br />

felt drawn to be a witness to the<br />

role with her “one conviction and<br />

desire: to make God known and<br />

loved by everyone.”<br />

“Being a Vocation Director allows<br />

me to offer these young women<br />

a listening heart and a guiding<br />

hand, leading them to Christ,”<br />

Sr. Emmanuela explained.

“It is in their<br />

‘relationship with<br />

Christ — a one-toone<br />

conversation<br />

with Christ,’”<br />

terminology coined by Bishop<br />

Fulton Sheen in his book, Treasure<br />

in Clay, “that they will be able to<br />

determine which thoughts, feelings,<br />

and desires in their hearts are<br />

of God and which are not, and<br />

eventually they are able to make<br />

that generous response. A vocation<br />

is all about love, and love is all about<br />

making a gift of oneself.”<br />

This is something keenly felt by Sr.<br />

Emmanuela, who can see echoes<br />

of her own vocation story in each<br />

young woman who approaches<br />

to gain a better understanding of<br />

Nazareth. With nearly 25 years<br />

of service as a Sister of the Holy<br />

Family of Nazareth, Sr. Emmanuela’s<br />

warmth and welcoming attitude,<br />

coupled with fond remembrance<br />

of her first days learning about<br />

Nazareth, keep her accessible to<br />

each young woman who begins to<br />

discern. Her own early encounters<br />

with Catholic Sisters were with<br />

the Franciscans, who were her<br />

teachers and catechists and saw<br />

in her the subtle beginnings of her<br />

own vocation.<br />

When Sr. Emmanuela began to<br />

look deeper into herself — into<br />

her relationship with Christ —<br />

she found herself speaking with a<br />

CSFN Sister. From there, the rest<br />

is history. “This is where God has<br />

always wanted me to take root and<br />

blossom,” Sr. Emmanuela shared<br />

with a smile. In Nazareth, she had<br />

found her home and she holds the<br />

door open for any others who<br />

might choose to follow.<br />

“It seems to me there are a lot<br />

of young people today who want<br />

to make a difference in the world,<br />

but they may not realize religious<br />

life is also a way to do that,”<br />

she explained. “To all the young<br />

people, you might be confused,<br />

uncertain, afraid, not sure what<br />

to do with the yearning in your<br />

heart. Know that somewhere out<br />

there, a person wants to hear<br />

your story and sift through it<br />

with you. Together, we can listen<br />

for the voice of the Lord. You are<br />

not alone and you don’t have to<br />

discern alone. Take courage!”<br />

To learn more about the<br />

Sisters of the Holy Family of<br />

Nazareth, email Sr. Emmanuela at<br /> or<br />

call 682-203-9675.<br />

Sr. Emmanuela Le stops during a<br />

recent discernment retreat to take<br />

a photo with Sr. Pia Marie and Sr.<br />

Angela Szczawinska.<br />

Sr. Emmanuela Le and Sr. Magdalena<br />

Rybak pose for a photo during a<br />

discernment retreat.<br />

Archbishop Christophe Pierre,<br />

Apostolic Nuncio, stopped by<br />

the CSFN booth and gave sisters<br />

his blessing at the SEEK 2020<br />

Conference.<br />

Sr. Emmanuela Le thinks of creative<br />

ways to engage with young adults<br />

during a recent conference.<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS //WINTER <strong>2022</strong><br />



Welcome Our<br />

New Novices<br />


SR. MARY I<strong>NC</strong>ARNA<br />

“Reflecting on the holy House of Nazareth,<br />

where Jesus, Mary, and Joseph served the<br />

Eternal Father, and united in thoughts,<br />

sentiments, aspirations, and in fulfilling<br />

God’s divine will, I ask the Lord that you<br />

may lead courageous lives of holy unity,<br />

love, and mutual service so that among you,<br />

like in the Holy Family of Nazareth, love<br />

flourishes and God’s Kingdom grows. I beg<br />

our Divine Lord, that you remain faithful to<br />

Him, cultivate peace, harmony, and love.”<br />

–Blessed Mary of Jesus the Good<br />

Shepherd from Counsels of the Heart.<br />


“The soul which aspires to the life<br />

of union with Jesus and accepts its<br />

requirement, will not be harmed by<br />

her weakness, interior opposition,<br />

or sinful tendencies, as long as she<br />

does not yield to them, but focuses<br />

her attention upon Jesus, heeds Him,<br />

and remains devoted to Him.”<br />

— Blessed Mary of Jesus the Good<br />

Shepherd (Frances Siedliska), Rome,<br />

June 16, 1886<br />

On August 7 at our Provincialate<br />

in Des Plaines, IL, our postulants<br />

Rebecca Garcia and Kaitlyn Shelton<br />

became novices during the Rite<br />

of Initiation into the Novitiate.<br />

As novices, these young women<br />

also received their religious names.<br />

Rebecca is now Sr. Mary Incarna<br />

and Kaitlyn is Sr. Pia Marie.<br />

During this novitate period of<br />

their structured discernment, the<br />

novices will work with the novice<br />

director, Sr. Joanna Filip, to deepen<br />

their knowledge about the CSFN<br />

charism, spirituality, and history.<br />

This two-year period includes<br />

additional time for contemplation,<br />

reflection, and structured retreats.<br />

Please pray with us for Sr. Pia Marie<br />

and Sr. Mary Incarna as well as<br />

our second-year novices as they<br />

continue to share in our life of<br />

prayer and community and get to<br />

know our Congregation better.<br />

For more information on<br />

discerning a call to religious life,<br />

please contact our vocation<br />

director, Sr. Emmanuela Le, at<br /><br />

Sr. Mary Incarna and Sr. Pia<br />

Marie with their former Postulant<br />

Director, their new Novice Director,<br />

and members of the Provincial<br />

Council.<br />

Sr. Mary Incarna and Sr. Pia Marie<br />

stop for a photo with the statue<br />

of Blessed Mary of Jesus the Good<br />

Shepherd outside the Provincialate<br />

Chapel.<br />

Sr. Michele Collins, Assistant<br />

Provincial, leads the Rite of<br />

Investure.<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS //WINTER <strong>2022</strong><br />


8<br />


Associates of<br />

the Holy Family:<br />

Spreading the<br />

Love of Nazareth<br />

Indeed, the depths of the roots<br />

under the Association of the Holy<br />

Family have allowed it to exist in a<br />

state of continual renewal of both<br />

organizational and spiritual aspects.<br />

As affirmed by Sr. Angela Mazzeo’s<br />

words, though the look of the<br />

Association has evolved over time,<br />

the goal remains the same: sharing<br />

the Sisters’ mission of spreading<br />

the Kingdom of God’s Love, which<br />

was born in the Holy Family with<br />

all who might bear witness and<br />

accept it.<br />

There is a place in Nazareth for<br />

everyone, even those whose path<br />

in life does not lead to a vocation<br />

as a religious sister. Both laymen<br />

and women may feel a call to<br />

Nazareth. For those who do not<br />

see consecrated life in their future,<br />

there is the Association of the<br />

Holy Family (AHF).<br />

Sr. Magdalena Rybak, CSFN, has<br />

served as the National Director<br />

of the Association of the Holy<br />

Family since 2019. When someone<br />

is interested in becoming an<br />

Associate, they will formally<br />

undergo a time of discernment<br />

similar to those who seek to enter<br />

the Novitiate. The Association of<br />

the Holy Family may not carry<br />

the responsibilities of a vowed<br />

religious, but it is a sincere<br />

commitment of faith nonetheless.<br />

Earlier this summer, Superior<br />

General Sr. Angela Marie Mazzeo,<br />

CSFN, addressed Associates and<br />

Directors from around the world<br />

during the <strong>2022</strong> World Meeting of<br />

Families in Rome. “The Association<br />

has gone through different stages<br />

and has developed according to<br />

different timelines in the various<br />

parts of the congregation,” she<br />

said. “The idea of a group of laity<br />

collaborating with the Sisters is<br />

a concept that dates back to the<br />

time of Mother Foundress.”<br />

“Thanks to our<br />

Association, our<br />

Congregation has<br />

more opportunities<br />

to be fully present<br />

in today’s world,<br />

particularly among<br />

the families.”<br />

One of the main expectations<br />

of an Associate begins at home.<br />

Looking to the model of the<br />

Holy Family, members seek to<br />

imitate their example and values<br />

in their own family life, their social<br />

dealings, and their professional<br />

lives. Associates seek to extend<br />

the virtues taught to us by the love<br />

inherent in Nazareth and share<br />

them through all facets of life. They<br />

also take on a mission of prayer,<br />

joining the Sisters of the Holy<br />

Family of Nazareth in their daily<br />

prayers for blessings upon all of<br />

the families of the world.<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS //WINTER <strong>2022</strong><br />


10<br />

Sr. Magdalena Rybak explained,<br />

adding the members of the<br />

Association help spread the love<br />

and joy of Nazareth even beyond<br />

the Sisters’ reach, among their<br />

friends, neighbors, family members,<br />

and of course, in their own homes.<br />

Though the events of recent years<br />

— namely a global pandemic —<br />

unfortunately interrupted much of<br />

the momentum and activity of the<br />

Association of the Holy Family, Sr.<br />

Magdalena sees a bright future for<br />

the Association of the Holy Family<br />

(AHF) in the United States as they<br />

begin again to meet in person.<br />

“There is a genuine gratitude and<br />

pride among our Associates to<br />

welcome our new members and to<br />

get to know them,” Sr. Magdalena<br />

explained.<br />

“It’s all about community and<br />

trying to carry on the charism,”<br />

said Michael D’Onofrio, an<br />

Associate in Long Island, NY,<br />

for more than 15 years. Michael<br />

recently attended the World<br />

Meeting of Families in Rome<br />

as a U.S. Delegate for the AHF<br />

and credited the Sisters and his<br />

involvement in the Association<br />

with helping him explore his<br />

faith. “They helped me to grow<br />

spiritually… [and] I just want to<br />

carry on their mission.”<br />

Today, there are more than 700<br />

Associates of the Holy Family<br />

worldwide with many more in the<br />

discernment process. The talents<br />

and gifts they bring with their love<br />

of Nazareth are immeasurable.<br />

NOTE: If you are interested in<br />

becoming an Associate of the Holy<br />

Family or learning more, please<br />

contact Sr. Magdalena Rybak at<br />

Pure joy palpalable as Sr. Eunice<br />

Leszczynska and Wanda Weslowska<br />

meet personally after COVID<br />

restrictions in Philadelphia<br />

lessened.<br />

Sr. RoseMarie Machalski with<br />

Chicagoland area AHF members<br />

Mary Bolda and Alice Ryan.<br />

Sr. Magdalena Rybak (center) with<br />

some of our New England area<br />

Sisters and associates.<br />

Sisters and members of the<br />

Philadelphia area AHF stop for a<br />

photo during a recent meeting.<br />

Sr. Magdalena Rybak and Michael<br />

D’Onofrio during the <strong>2022</strong> World<br />

Meeting of Families in Rome, Italy.<br />

Texas Associates Mary Jean<br />

Moloney, Rose Ann Riggall, and<br />

Sue Baars.<br />

Sr. Virginia Rozich and Philadelphia<br />

AHF member Lisa Schofield.<br />

Sr. Maria Therese Nguyen and<br />

Associate Theresa Nguyen.<br />

Texas Associates Ileana and<br />

Carlos Espinosa.<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS //WINTER <strong>2022</strong><br />



We learned handiwork to keep<br />

us out of trouble! And so, I began<br />

learning how to read patterns for<br />

mittens, hats, socks, and baby and<br />

adult blankets.<br />

“[From that point] I made mittens<br />

for myself, my sisters, family, and<br />

friends. … During the war, when<br />

I was in high school, I made socks<br />

for the servicemen and women. ...<br />

The school collected and gave (the<br />

socks) to the proper places.”<br />

Recognizing a call to religious life<br />

at an early age, Sr. Anthony recalls<br />

it was the example of her aunt,<br />

a Nazareth Sister, who made a<br />

deep impression on her. Living and<br />

working in Philadelphia, “She came<br />

to visit us every five years and was<br />

always so happy and cheerful. … [I<br />

knew] I wanted to be a sister since<br />

I was in the fourth grade. Finally,<br />

when I graduated from high school,<br />

I entered the year my aunt was in<br />

the community [celebrating]<br />

25 years.”<br />

Knitting Her<br />

Way Through<br />

Nazareth<br />

For nearly 70 years, the hands and<br />

hearts of the students from Peru<br />

to New York have been warmed by<br />

the love, generosity, and incredible<br />

talents of Sr. Anthony Gracyalny.<br />

Born on a farm near Garrattsville,<br />

NY, Sr. Anthony is the second<br />

eldest of eight. “God bless them;<br />

my parents were very smart<br />

people,” she reflected. “My dad<br />

taught me how to milk a cow<br />

when I was in the first grade and<br />

I continued milking cows until I<br />

entered the convent at 18. But it<br />

was my mom who taught me how<br />

to knit when I was about 6 or 7<br />

years old.<br />

In 1954, Sr. Anthony began her<br />

ministry of warming not only the<br />

hearts and minds of her students,<br />

but also their hands. “When I<br />

started teaching, I made mittens<br />

for my students each year,” said<br />

Sr. Anthony. “Over the years, I<br />

made mittens and would give<br />

them away as a gift to each class<br />

or when I saw someone in need.<br />

Additionally, when one of my<br />

students was expecting a baby<br />

brother or sister, I gave them a<br />

blanket [for their new sibling],<br />

and for Mother’s Day, I made<br />

towels for the student to give to<br />

their mothers.”<br />

Since entering Nazareth in 1951, Sr.<br />

Anthony has shared her incredible<br />

needlework gift with many. With an<br />

estimated total of more than 5,000<br />

mittens created, Sr. Anthony smiles<br />

when she says,<br />


“I have students<br />

wearing the mittens<br />

from kindergarten<br />

through eighth<br />

grade. Some come<br />

back and ask for<br />

another pair. I have<br />

others who have<br />

grown out of them<br />

and are saving them<br />

for their children.<br />

It really makes me<br />

proud to know that<br />

people appreciate<br />

my work and gift.”<br />

Still an avid knitter and<br />

crocheter, Sr. Anthony continues<br />

blessing others with her<br />

incredible gift wherever she<br />

is. “[All my life] I have been<br />

happy doing whatever they<br />

[the Sisters] have asked me to<br />

do. I took care of postulants<br />

and novices in Monroe, CT. In<br />

addition to teaching all grades,<br />

I lived and served in Peru for<br />

11 years and was a principal in<br />

Utica, NY. I have had a great,<br />

interesting, and wonderful life.<br />

God is so great.”<br />

Sr. Anthony Gracyalny<br />

demonstrating to students from<br />

St. Adalbert’s the skill of knitting.<br />

Sr. Anthony with some of her<br />

former students from Peru.<br />

Creativity, color, and charity at a<br />

glance through the knitting of<br />

Sr. Anthony.<br />

Sr. Anthony celebrating her 30th<br />

anniversary of Religious Life.<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS //WINTER <strong>2022</strong><br />


PRAYER<br />

Artwork created by Sr. Antonina Gadacz, CSFN<br />


Holy Family Chaplet<br />

The Holy Family Chaplet is a prayer designed to help you pray for your family and families you care about and<br />

to look to the Holy Family of Nazareth as a model for family life. The chaplet is prayed using a beaded chaplet<br />

chain or a rosary in the following manner:<br />

1. Start by seeking the presence of the Holy Spirit; “Come, Holy Spirit, renew my family in your love.”<br />

2. Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory Be.<br />

3. On each of the 10 beads, say the following prayer after recalling the particular intention you are praying for:<br />

Mary, mother of faithful love; Joseph, gentle and humble man of God;<br />

Jesus, Son of Mary, bless guide, and protect the families you created.<br />

4. Close with the following prayer for families:<br />

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, model for all Christian families, I entrust my family to your<br />

care and protection. Bless each member of my family. Help me and the members<br />

of my family to love, listen to, support, and accept one another. Encourage us to<br />

challenge one another to be compassionate, merciful, and forgiving as we struggle<br />

with the difficulties of our lives.<br />

Guide us to seek goodness and holiness in our everyday choices, actions, and<br />

attitudes. Encourage us when our faith is weak and when we fail to lead one<br />

another to Christ. Make our home a real dwelling place of peace, joy, and love,<br />

where you are ever present among us. May we work to uphold each one’s dignity,<br />

integrity, and unique contributions to the well-being and growth of our family. And<br />

when our time on earth is complete, bring us all safely home to you in the company<br />

of heaven. Amen.<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS //WINTER <strong>2022</strong><br />



In Memoriam<br />


Sr. M. Teresita<br />

Morales, CSFN<br />

(1934 – <strong>2022</strong>)<br />

Juanita Morales<br />

was born March<br />

12, 1934, in<br />

Río Grande, Puerto Rico, to Eloy<br />

and Dolores Morales, the youngest<br />

daughter among three brothers<br />

and four sisters. In addition to her<br />

immediate family, from the time<br />

she was 11 years old, she lived in<br />

Hato Rey, Puerto Rico, with her first<br />

cousins, Juan and Juana Blaimayar, who<br />

she also considered as a brother and<br />

a sister.<br />

Her move to Hato Rey opened the<br />

door for her to meet the Sisters<br />

of the Holy Family of Nazareth<br />

at Colegio Espíritu Santo. Upon<br />

completing her senior year as<br />

a member of the Colegio’s first<br />

graduating class, she entered the<br />

Congregation in 1953. In 1954,<br />

Juanita received the name Teresita,<br />

and upon making her final vows in<br />

1962, became Sr. Teresita of Jesus.<br />

Sr. Teresita attended Holy Family<br />

College (Holy Family University)<br />

in Philadelphia, PA, majoring in<br />

Spanish, and St. Charles Seminary in<br />

Philadelphia, receiving a Master’s in<br />

Religious Studies. Sr. Teresita spent<br />

one year in New York at St. Cyril and<br />

Methodius, after which she returned<br />

to Colegio Espíritu Santo from 1956-<br />

1984. She taught various classes over<br />

the years, becoming principal of pre-K<br />

through eighth grade for nine years.<br />

In 1988, Sr. Tersita completed the<br />

school year as principal at Academia<br />

del Carmen in Carolina, Puerto<br />

Rico, then taught there until 1999.<br />

In 2012, Sr. Teresita was transferred<br />

to Mount Nazareth in Philadelphia,<br />

and continued preparing children for<br />

the sacrament of the Eucharist at<br />

Nazareth Academy Grade School in<br />

Philadelphia.<br />

In 2015, Sr. Teresita transitioned into<br />

a special mission that emanated from<br />

her kind heart as she sought to serve<br />

Sisters’ needs at Mount Nazareth<br />

in Philadelphia. With simplicity and<br />

love, Sr. Teresita cared for the physical<br />

needs of ailing Sisters and handled<br />

daily tasks in the dining room, even<br />

making Puerto Rican meals and treats<br />

for the Sisters.<br />

In short, Sr. Teresita, simple and<br />

sincere in her actions, lived in union<br />

with Christ, totally dedicated to<br />

serving her Sisters and co-workers<br />

kindly and joyfully while showing<br />

interest in families, former students,<br />

her flowers, and current events. She<br />

indeed had a green thumb. Flowers,<br />

especially orchids, just bloomed at<br />

her fingertips!<br />

Early in the morning on September<br />

14, <strong>2022</strong>, the Feast of the Exaltation<br />

of His Holy Cross, Sr. Teresita went<br />

home to God. May she rest in peace.<br />

Sr. Carol<br />

Ann Szott<br />

(1943 – <strong>2022</strong>)<br />

Carol Ann Szott<br />

was born March<br />

22, 1943, to<br />

Joseph and Frances Szott in Detroit,<br />

MI. She attended Saint Christopher<br />

School in Detroit, but in deciding<br />

she wanted to be a Sister, traveled<br />

to meet the CSFN Sisters at Mount<br />

Nazareth Academy in Pittsburgh, PA.<br />

Carol graduated from the Academy in<br />

1959 and entered the Congregation<br />

of the Sisters of the Holy Family of<br />

Nazareth. She professed her perpetual<br />

vows in August 1967 as Sr. Mark, later<br />

reverting to her baptismal name of<br />

Sr. Carol.<br />

Sr. Carol was always profoundly<br />

grateful for the education she<br />

received throughout the years,<br />

earning both a Bachelor of Science<br />

in Education and an Associate<br />

Degree in Mental Health Technology<br />

and Human Service Advocacy. Her<br />

years of ministry saw her serving in<br />

many different capacities, including<br />

tenures as a teacher, principal, dean of<br />

students, vocations minister, manager<br />

of Holy Family Manor, and most<br />

recently, facilities manager for the<br />

Great Lakes area.<br />

In reflecting throughout her life, Sr.<br />

Carol often said, “I don’t know how<br />

I deserve all these blessings.” Among<br />

the many blessings she cherished were<br />

her love of family and appreciation<br />

for community, nature, and animals. Sr.<br />

Carol was especially fond of her dog,<br />

Lacy, who she trained as a therapy dog.<br />

An enduring blessing to Sr. Carol was<br />

the opening of “The Cottage,” a home<br />

on the grounds of the former Saint<br />

Joseph Provincialate in Pittsburgh for<br />

Sisters to relax, pray, and take time<br />

for silence.<br />

Sr. Carol enjoyed cooking, discovering<br />

different recipes, spending time<br />

outdoors for prayer, taking meditation<br />

walks, hiking, golfing, following<br />

sports, and listening to music. It was<br />

important to Sister to keep in touch<br />

with family, which she did over the<br />

phone, social media, and occasional<br />

visits to family events. Most important<br />

to her was a weekly call to her<br />

mother, whose love and wisdom she<br />

cherished deeply.<br />

Carol spent her last days keeping her<br />

heart and mind on the love of her<br />

God. Sr. Carol was called home to the<br />

Lord on June 18, <strong>2022</strong>. May she rest<br />

in peace.<br />

Donations in memory of a<br />

deceased Sister may be mailed<br />

to Development Office, Sisters<br />

of the Holy Family of Nazareth,<br />

310 N. River Road, Des Plaines, IL<br />

60016. Please include a note with<br />

the name of the Sister in whose<br />

memory you are giving. Donations<br />

may also be made online at<br /><br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS //WINTER <strong>2022</strong><br />



Stay-at-Home Social:<br />

Sweet Memories<br />

Though we had planned to return to an in-person<br />

format for our annual social this year, growing concerns<br />

over a resurgence of COVID-19 led us to make the<br />

decision to continue on in a virtual format. On Friday,<br />

October 21, we were able to join together with our<br />

dear Nazareth family via a 55-minute video program<br />

presented via Facebook. Our Provincial Superior, Sr.<br />

Kathleen Maciej, CSFN, greeted our viewers, followed<br />

by a lovely prayer adapted especially for this event by<br />

our Provincial Secretary, Sr. Mary Ellen Gemmell, CSFN.<br />

Our National Development Director, Kathi Barth, shared some remarks following a photo slideshow of sweet moments<br />

from our Sisters past and present. The program then continued with a look at our Sisters serving in Ukraine and Poland<br />

with special thanks to our many faithful friends who have supported our Ukrainian Relief Fund. As a special treat for this<br />

year’s social, we were pleased to include a presentation from Vicki Quade of Nuns 4 Fun Entertainment, playing the role<br />

of “Sister” as she spoke on happy memories from the past that so many of us share. Several of our Sisters were kind<br />

enough to share video messages with their own special memories from over the years, and Sr. Mary Paul Haase, CSFN,<br />

wrote a beautiful poem highlighting some of her happiest moments. The presentation concluded with kind notes from<br />

our friends, and recognition of our generous social sponsors.<br />

Thank you again to all of our generous donors, sponsors, volunteers, and Sisters! We are looking forward to seeing all of<br />

you at our next opportunity for an in-person event. If you missed the live stream video presentation or want to share it<br />

with your friends and family, visit the Videos section on our Facebook page or our YouTube channel. If you would like to<br />

donate, please go to our website and click “Donate” (in the comment section, note your donation is for the Social), send<br />

a gift in the mail, or call our National Development Office at 847-298-6760.<br />



INTECH Construction, LLC<br />

United Color Manufacturing, Inc./Tom<br />

and Carmella Nowakowski<br />

Holy Family University<br />

Nuns 4 Fun Entertainment<br />

WSFS Community Foundation<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Delaney<br />

Brad and Katherine Barth<br />


Giving Gifts of Stocks Makes<br />

“Cents”...for You and CSFN<br />

Looking to give toward a cause you believe in and make your<br />

charitable dollars do the most good? Consider making a gift of<br />

publicly held stock or mutual fund shares (that you have had for at<br />

least one year) to the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. These<br />

gifts not only help you claim the full market value of the shares you<br />

choose to donate, but also allow you to avoid taxes on capital gains,<br />

which we see as a double benefit for you, the donor.<br />

Consider the following example: John and Sue Smith own 100 shares<br />

of XYZ Corporation stock they purchased three years ago for $1,000.<br />

The fair market value of those 100 shares is now $2,000. If the Smiths<br />

donate the 100 shares of XYZ Corp. stock to the Sisters of the Holy<br />

Family of Nazareth, they can claim the entire $2,000 as a charitable<br />

deduction on their <strong>2022</strong> taxes, and they do not have to pay capital<br />

gains taxes on the $1,000 profit.<br />

To take advantage of this double benefit, it is necessary to donate the<br />

shares of stock. If you sell the shares yourself and then donate the<br />

cash proceeds, you will be liable for capital gains taxes. Please note, if<br />

you are unable to take the full deduction in one year, you can carry it<br />

forward for up to five years.<br />

While gifts of cash are always greatly appreciated, a gift of stocks or mutual fund shares can benefit you and the Sisters.<br />

We ask you to keep this in mind if you are considering a gift to the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth.<br />

As always, we are deeply grateful for your support of our sisters and their ministries.<br />



Mail: Send donations to the Development Office,<br />

310 N. River Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016.<br />

Website: — click the “Donate”<br />

to use a credit card or checking account.<br />

Facebook: — click “Donate”<br />

Call: 847-298-6760, ext. 237, our Development Office<br />

Text-2-Give: Text the word REGISTER to (847) 994-4483.<br />

You will then be asked to provide contact and credit card information.<br />

NAZARETH CONNECTIONS //WINTER <strong>2022</strong><br />


310 N River Rd<br />

Des Plaines, IL 60016<br /><br />

Non-profit<br />

Organization<br />

U.S. Postage<br />

Paid<br />

Des Plaines, IL<br />

Permit No. 340<br />

SPRING FEST 2023<br />

We invite you to renew friendships and acquaintances and make<br />

new ones at our 2023 “Spring Fest” sponsored by the Spring Fest<br />

(formerly Oktoberfest) Committee and the Sisters of the Holy Family<br />

of Nazareth, to be held on Sunday, March 26, 2023, at the Meridian<br />

Banquet and Conference Center in Rolling Meadows, IL.<br />

Enjoy a unique and exciting afternoon with an opportunity to try your<br />

luck at our Choose Your Prize Raffle, Silent Auction, and Split the Pot<br />

Raffle. CSFN Creations will provide lovely, handcrafted items for sale.<br />

A delicious luncheon will be served with a cash bar available.<br />

All proceeds from this event assist the Sisters of the Holy Family of<br />

Nazareth in their Family Outreach and will enable them to continue<br />

their mission through their daily ministries of service to, with, and<br />

for families.<br />

We look forward to seeing you soon!<br />

We, the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, are called to extend the Kingdom of God’s love among ourselves and<br />

others by living the spirit of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph whose lives were centered in the love of God and one another.<br />

We witness to this love through dedicated service to the Church, especially in ministry to the family.

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