The Spy Who Loved Us_ The Vietnam War and Pham Xuan An's Dangerous Game ( PDFDrive )

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bourgeois has a tail. That tail is a bourgeois lifestyle, an arrogant

and condescending speech and behavior toward the people, especially

poor people whom they call the lower class. Even if you

are clever enough to hide it, sooner or later the tail will protrude;

it’s very disgusting. You must find a way to cut it off.”

After this lecture, An reported to the docks every day to eat

lunch with the stevedores. This effort at worker solidarity was

guided by the motto of the “three togethers”: eat together,

work together, rest together. An thought he was making good

progress, until one day he revealed the second tail to be

chopped off.

An punched a Frenchman in the nose. The lout was abusing

some workers when An grabbed him by the neck and flung

him to the ground. Instead of being praised for revealing “the

tail of a patriot,” he was chastised by the Communists. “An intelligence

agent cannot be impatient and egoistic. It’s not permissible

to act like the boss defending his workers. Having

been charged with secret work in the bowels of the enemy, if

you show an unwillingness to associate with colleagues, turn

down bribes, refuse to go for drinks or flirt with girls, how can

you get anything done? Only a Communist guy would be so serious

and determined. How can you fight if you show your tail

like that?”

In spite of his freelance work at the post office for the Deuxième

Bureau, An was drafted in 1954 into the Armée Nationale

Vietnamienne. To avoid getting shot during the waning

days of the French colonial war in Indochina, he played on

the family connections by which business gets done in Vietnam.

He asked his cousin, Captain Pham Xuan Giai, for help. “He

was the head of the family,” An says of Giai, the eldest son of his

father’s elder brother. Eight years older than An, Giai was born

in Hué. Trained as a military officer by the French, he fought

alongside Ho Chi Minh in 1945 and then switched sides the following

year, going back to work for the French. Captain Giai

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