The Spy Who Loved Us_ The Vietnam War and Pham Xuan An's Dangerous Game ( PDFDrive )

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The Spy Who Loved Us 23

rules regarding single-sex education. After high school, Vien

went north to Hanoi for his training as an agent technique, a civil

engineer. The engineers divided their tasks into different specialties:

mapping, surveying, dredging canals, building roads.

An’s father excelled in mapping. He spent most of his working

life in the jungles and wild areas of Cochin China scouting out

the plan of attack for his colleagues, who arrived later to build

South Vietnam’s public works. An himself mastered these skills

when he started mapping battlefields during the Vietnam war.

One of his most important jobs at Time was to submit weekly

coordinates for all the troop emplacements and battles in the

ongoing war.

In spite of their privileged position as civil servants, An’s

family members were not oblivious to the suffering around

them. Forced labor and an immiserated peasantry formed the

base of the colony’s economy. Ngo Vinh Long, in his book Before

the Revolution: The Vietnamese Peasants Under the French,

describes how Vietnam’s rubber plantations functioned as slave

labor camps, with annual death rates higher than twenty percent.

Stiff taxes on the peasantry, corvée labor, an elaborate

system of police controls and prisons, periodic famine in the

countryside followed by peasant revolts and swift reprisals—this

was the political economy that ground the vast majority of Vietnamese

into poverty. At the same time, the French built roads

and schools throughout the countryside, and the mail was delivered

with remarkable celerity. This economic system operated

like a great machine for converting jungle into rubber and rice

plantations, and it also provided the leisure for French colons

to spend their afternoons sipping Pernod on the terrace of the

Continental Palace hotel.

Vietnamese opposition to French colonial rule took a variety

of forms. Some Vietnamese wanted to ameliorate the brutality

of the French system while maintaining a Franco-Vietnamese

alliance to keep the Chinese at bay. Others called for throwing

off the French colonial yoke. An’s immediate family wanted to

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